
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This release improves shrinking quality in some special cases.


Not secure

This release fixes :issue:`2507`, where lazy evaluation meant that the
values drawn from a :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sampled_from` strategy
could depend on mutations of the sampled sequence that happened after
the strategy was constructed.


Not secure

This patch fixes :issue:`2462`, a bug in our handling of :meth:`unittest.TestCase.subTest`.
Thanks to Israel Fruchter for fixing this at the EuroPython sprints!


Not secure

This release improves the behaviour of the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.characters` strategy
when shrinking, by changing which characters are considered smallest to prefer more "normal" ascii characters
where available.


Not secure

The default ``print_blob`` setting is now smarter. It defaults to ``True`` in CI and
``False`` for local development.

Thanks to Hugo van Kemenade for implementing this feature at the EuroPython sprints!


Not secure

The :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.slices` strategy can now generate slices for empty sequences,
slices with negative start and stop indices (from the end of the sequence),
and ``step=None`` in place of ``step=1``.

Thanks to Sangarshanan for implementing this feature at the EuroPython sprints!

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