
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This patch fixes compatibility with Python 3.5.2 (:issue:`2334`).
Note that :doc:`we only test the latest patch of each minor version <supported>`,
though as in this case we usually accept pull requests for older patch versions.


Not secure

This patch improves the repr of :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type`,
so that in most cases it will display the strategy it resolves to rather
than ``from_type(...)``. The latter form will continue to be used where
resolution is not immediately successful, e.g. invalid arguments or
recursive type definitions involving forward references.


Not secure

This release removes support for Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1, where the
:mod:`python:typing` module was quite immature (e.g. missing
:func:`~python:typing.overload` and :obj:`~python:typing.Type`).

Note that Python 3.5 will reach its end-of-life in September 2020,
and new releases of Hypothesis may drop support somewhat earlier.

.. note::
``pip install hypothesis`` should continue to give you the latest compatible version.
If you have somehow ended up with an incompatible version, you need to update your
packaging stack to ``pip >= 9.0`` and ``setuptools >= 24.2`` - see `here for details
Then ``pip uninstall hypothesis && pip install hypothesis`` will get you back to
a compatible version.


Not secure

This patch does some minor internal cleanup; there is no user-visible change.


Not secure

The standard library :mod:`ipaddress` module is new in Python 3, and this release
adds the new :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.ip_addresses` strategy to generate
:class:`~python:ipaddress.IPv4Address`\ es and/or
:class:`~python:ipaddress.IPv6Address`\ es (depending on the ``v`` and ``network``

If you use them in type annotations, :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_type` now
has strategies registered for :mod:`ipaddress` address, network, and interface types.

The provisional strategies for IP address strings are therefore deprecated.


Not secure

This patch reverts :ref:`version 5.2 <v5.2.0>`, due to a
`strange issue <https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/15363>`__
where indexing an array of strings can raise an error instead of
returning an item which contains certain surrogate characters.

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