
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This release makes some minor internal changes in support of improving the
Hypothesis test suite. It should not have any user visible impact.


Not secure

This release changes how Hypothesis checks if a parameter to a test function is a mock object.
It is unlikely to have any noticeable effect, but may result in a small performance improvement,
especially for test functions where a mock object is being passed as the first argument.


Not secure

This release fixes a bug where our example database logic did not distinguish
between failing examples based on arguments from a ``pytest.mark.parametrize(...)``.
This could in theory cause data loss if a common failure overwrote a rare one, and
in practice caused occasional file-access collisions in highly concurrent workloads
(e.g. during a 300-way parametrize on 16 cores).

For internal reasons this also involves bumping the minimum supported version of


Not secure

This patch improves our type hints on the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.emails`,
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.functions`, :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.integers`,
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.iterables`, and :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.slices`
strategies, as well as the ``.filter()`` method.

There is no runtime change, but if you use :pypi:`mypy` or a similar
type-checker on your tests the results will be a bit more precise.


Not secure

This patch improves the performance of unique collections such as
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sets` of :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.just`
or :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.booleans` strategies. They were already
pretty good though, so you're unlikely to notice much!


Not secure

If a value in a dict passed to :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.fixed_dictionaries`
is not a strategy, Hypothesis now tells you which one.

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