
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This patch changes an internal use of MD5 to SHA hashes, to better support
users subject to FIPS-140. There is no user-visible or API change.

Thanks to Alex Gaynor for this patch.


Not secure

This release simplifies the logic of the :attr:`~hypothesis.settings.print_blob` setting by removing the option to set it to ``PrintSettings.INFER``.
As a result the ``print_blob`` setting now takes a single boolean value, and the use of ``PrintSettings`` is deprecated.


Not secure

This patch improves the docstrings of several Hypothesis strategies, by
clarifying markup and adding cross-references. There is no runtime change.

Thanks to Elizabeth Williams and Serah Njambi Rono for their contributions
at the SciPy 2019 sprints!


Not secure

This patch improves the behaviour of the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.text`
strategy when passed an ``alphabet`` which is not a strategy. The value is
now interpreted as ``include_characters`` to :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.characters`
instead of a sequence for :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.sampled_from`, which
standardises the distribution of examples and the shrinking behaviour.

You can get the previous behaviour by using
``lists(sampled_from(alphabet)).map("".map)`` instead.


Not secure

This release deprecates ``find()``. The ``.example()`` method is a better
replacement if you want *an* example, and for the rare occasions where you
want the *minimal* example you can get it from :func:`given <hypothesis.given>`.

:func:`given <hypothesis.given>` has steadily outstripped ``find()`` in both
features and performance over recent years, and as we do not have the resources
to maintain and test both we think it is better to focus on just one.


Not secure

This release refactors the implementation of the ``.example()`` method,
to more accurately represent the data which will be generated by
:func:`given <hypothesis.given>`.

As a result, calling ``s.example()`` on an empty strategy ``s``
(such as :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.nothing`) now raises ``Unsatisfiable``
instead of the old ``NoExamples`` exception.

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