
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This patch tweaks some internal formatting. There is no user-visible change.



If the :obj:`~hypothesis.Phase.shrink` phase is disabled, we now stop the
:obj:`~hypothesis.Phase.generate` phase as soon as an error is found regardless
of the value of the ``report_multiple_examples`` setting, since that's
probably what you wanted (:issue:`3244`).



This patch clarifies rare error messages in
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` (:issue:`3225`) and
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.floats` (:issue:`3207`).



This patch fixes a regression where the bound inner function
(``your_test.hypothesis.inner_test``) would be invoked with positional
arguments rather than passing them by name, which broke
:pypi:`pytest-asyncio` (:issue:`3245`).



This release improves Hypothesis' handling of positional-only arguments,
which are now allowed :func:`st.composite <hypothesis.strategies.composite>`

On Python 3.8 and later, the first arguments to :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds`
and :func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_model` are now natively positional-only.
In cases which were already errors, the ``TypeError`` from incorrect usage will
therefore be raises immediately when the function is called, rather than when
the strategy object is used.



This release makes :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.floats` error *consistently* when
your floating-point hardware has been configured to violate IEEE-754 for
:wikipedia:`subnormal numbers <Subnormal_number>`, instead of
only when an internal assertion was tripped (:issue:`3092`).

If this happens to you, passing ``allow_subnormal=False`` will suppress the explicit
error. However, we strongly recommend fixing the root cause by disabling global-effect
unsafe-math compiler options instead, or at least consulting e.g. Simon Byrne's
`Beware of fast-math <https://simonbyrne.github.io/notes/fastmath/>`__ explainer first.

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