
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This release fixes a small internal bug in Hypothesis's internal automaton library.
Fortunately this bug was currently impossible to hit in user facing code, so this
has no user visible impact.


Not secure

This release improves shrink quality by allowing Hypothesis to automatically learn new shrink passes
for difficult to shrink tests.

The automatic learning is not currently accessible in user code (it still needs significant work
on robustness and performance before it is ready for that), but this release includes learned
passes that should improve shrinking quality for tests which use any of the
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.text`, :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.floats`,
:func:`~hypothesis.strategies.datetimes`, :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.emails`,
and :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.complex_numbers` strategies.


Not secure

This patch updates some docstrings, without changing runtime behaviour.


Not secure

The :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.functions` strategy has a new argument
``pure=True``, which ensures that the same return value is generated for
identical calls to the generated function (:issue:`2538`).

Thanks to Zac Hatfield-Dodds and Nikita Sobolev for this feature!


Not secure

This release removes a number of Hypothesis's internal "shrink passes" - transformations
it makes to a generated test case during shrinking - which appeared to be redundant with
other transformations.

It is unlikely that you will see much impact from this. If you do, it will likely show up
as a change in shrinking performance (probably slower, maybe faster), or possibly in
worse shrunk results. If you encounter the latter, please let us know.


Not secure

This release fixes a bug in some internal Hypothesis support code. It has no user visible impact.

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