
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This patch fixes a bug introduced in :ref:`version 6.92.0 <v6.92.0>`,
where using the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.data` strategy would fail
to draw a :func:`~python:dataclasses.dataclass` with a
:class:`~python:collections.defaultdict` field. This was due to a bug
in the standard library which `was fixed in 3.12
<https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/32056>`__, so we've vendored the fix.



This release adds an experimental :wikipedia:`observability <Observability_(software)>`
mode. :doc:`You can read the docs about it here <observability>`.



This patch refactors some more internals, continuing our work on supporting alternative backends (:issue:`3086`). There is no user-visible change.



This patch fixes an issue where :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` could not be used with :pypi:`attrs` objects that defined private attributes (i.e. attributes with a leading underscore). See also :issue:`3791`.

This patch also adds support more generally for using :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` with attrs' ``alias`` parameter, which was previously unsupported.

This patch increases the minimum required version of attrs to 22.2.0.



This release adds an optional ``payload`` argument to :func:`hypothesis.event`,
so that you can clearly express the difference between the label and the value
of an observation. :ref:`statistics` will still summarize it as a string, but
future observability options can preserve the distinction.



This patch supports assigning ``settings = settings(...)`` as a class attribute
on a subclass of a ``.TestCase`` attribute of a :class:`~hypothesis.stateful.RuleBasedStateMachine`.
Previously, this did nothing at all.

.. code-block: python

works as of this release
class TestMyStatefulMachine(MyStatefulMachine.TestCase):
settings = settings(max_examples=10000)

the old way still works, but it's more verbose.
MyStateMachine.TestCase.settings = settings(max_examples=10000)
class TestMyStatefulMachine(MyStatefulMachine.TestCase):

Thanks to Joey Tran for reporting these settings-related edge cases in stateful testing.

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