
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This release adds a :ref:`.hypothesis.fuzz_one_input <fuzz_one_input>`
attribute to :func:`given <hypothesis.given>` tests, for easy integration
with external fuzzers such as `python-afl <https://github.com/jwilk/python-afl>`__
(supporting :issue:`171`).


Not secure

This patch fixes :issue:`2341`, ensuring that the printed output from a
stateful test cannot use variable names before they are defined.


Not secure

This patch fixes :issue:`2375`, preventing incorrect failure when a function
scoped fixture is overridden with a higher scoped fixture.


Not secure

This release allows the :func:`~hypothesis.extra.numpy.array_dtypes` strategy
to generate Numpy dtypes which have `field titles in addition to field names
We expect this to expose latent bugs where code expects that
``set(dtype.names) == set(dtype.fields)``, though the latter may include titles.


Not secure

This makes ``model`` a positional-only argument to
:func:`~hypothesis.extra.django.from_model`, to support models
with a field literally named "model" (:issue:`2369`).


Not secure

This release adds an explicit warning for tests that are both decorated with
:func:`given(...) <hypothesis.given>` and request a
:doc:`function-scoped pytest fixture <pytest:how-to/fixtures>`, because such fixtures
are only executed once for *all* Hypothesis test cases and that often causes
trouble (:issue:`377`).

It's *very* difficult to fix this on the :pypi:`pytest` side, so since 2015
our advice has been "just don't use function-scoped fixtures with Hypothesis".
Now we detect and warn about the issue at runtime!

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