
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This patch makes the :command:`hypothesis codemod`
:ref:`command <hypothesis-cli>` somewhat faster.



This patch changes the backing datastructures of :func:`~hypothesis.register_random`
and a few internal caches to use :class:`weakref.WeakValueDictionary`. This reduces
memory usage and may improve performance when registered :class:`~random.Random`
instances are only used for a subset of your tests (:issue:`3131`).



This release teaches Hypothesis' multiple-error reporting to format tracebacks
using :pypi:`pytest` or :pypi:`better-exceptions`, if they are installed and
enabled (:issue:`3116`).



Did you know that of the 2\ :superscript:`64` possible floating-point numbers,
2\ :superscript:`53` of them are ``nan`` - and Python prints them all the same way?

While nans *usually* have all zeros in the sign bit and mantissa, this
`isn't always true <https://wingolog.org/archives/2011/05/18/value-representation-in-javascript-implementations>`__,
and :wikipedia:`'signaling' nans might trap or error <NaNSignaling_NaN>`.
To help distinguish such errors in e.g. CI logs, Hypothesis now prints ``-nan`` for
negative nans, and adds a comment like `` Saw 3 signaling NaNs`` if applicable.



This release adds special filtering logic to make a few special cases
like ``s.map(lambda x: x)`` and ``lists().filter(len)`` more efficient



This patch makes :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.floats` generate
:wikipedia:`"subnormal" floating point numbers <Subnormal_number>`
more often, as these rare values can have strange interactions with
`unsafe compiler optimisations like -ffast-math

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