
Latest version: v6.100.1

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Not secure

This patch ensures that, when the ``generate`` :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.phases`
is disabled, we can replay up to :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.max_examples` examples
from the database - which is very useful when
:ref:`using Hypothesis with a fuzzer <fuzz_one_input>`.

Thanks to Afrida Tabassum for fixing :issue:`2585`!


Not secure

This patch changes some internal :obj:`python:struct.Struct.format` strings
from ``bytes`` to ``str``, to avoid :class:`python:BytesWarning` when running
`python -bb <https://docs.python.org/3/using/cmdline.html#cmdoption-b>`__.

Thanks to everyone involved in `pytest-xdist issue 596
:bpo:`16349`, :bpo:`21071`, and :bpo:`41777` for their work on this -
it was a remarkably subtle issue!


Not secure

The :func:`~hypothesis.target` function now accepts integers as well as floats.


Not secure

This patch adds explicit :obj:`~python:typing.Optional` annotations to our public API,
to better support users who run :pypi:`mypy` with ``--strict`` or ``no_implicit_optional=True``.

Thanks to Krzysztof Przybyła for bringing this to our attention and writing the patch!


Not secure

This release drops support for Python 3.5, which `reached end of life upstream
<https://devguide.python.org/#status-of-python-branches>`__ on 2020-09-13.


Not secure

This patch fixes a problem with :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.builds` that was not able to
generate valid data for annotated classes with constructors.

Thanks to Nikita Sobolev for fixing :issue:`2603`!

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