
Latest version: v6.100.1

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This patch automatically disables the :obj:`~hypothesis.HealthCheck.differing_executors`
health check for methods which are also pytest parametrized tests, because
those were mostly false alarms (:issue:`3733`).



Building on recent releases, :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.characters`
now accepts _any_ ``codec=``, not just ``"utf-8"`` and ``"ascii"``.

This includes standard codecs from the :mod:`codecs` module and their
aliases, platform specific and user-registered codecs if they are
available, and `python-specific text encodings
(but not text transforms or binary transforms).



This patch by Reagan Lee makes ``st.text(...).filter(str.isidentifier)``
return an efficient custom strategy (:issue:`3480`).



The :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_regex` strategy now takes an optional
``alphabet=characters(codec="utf-8")`` argument for unicode strings, like

This offers more and more-consistent control over the generated strings,
removing previously-hard-coded limitations. With ``fullmatch=False`` and
``alphabet=characters()``, surrogate characters are now possible in leading
and trailing text as well as the body of the match. Negated character classes
such as ``[^A-Z]`` or ``\S`` had a hard-coded exclusion of control characters
and surrogate characters; now they permit anything in ``alphabet=`` consistent
with the class, and control characters are permitted by default.



Add a health check that detects if the same test is executed
several times by :ref:`different executors<custom-function-execution>`.
This can lead to difficult-to-debug problems such as :issue:`3446`.



Pretty-printing of failing examples can now use functions registered with
:func:`IPython.lib.pretty.for_type` or :func:`~IPython.lib.pretty.for_type_by_name`,
as well as restoring compatibility with ``_repr_pretty_`` callback methods
which were accidentally broken in :ref:`version 6.61.2 <v6.61.2>` (:issue:`3721`).

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