
Latest version: v0.18.12

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What’s Changed

* [FEATURE] Add support for expect_volumn_values_to_match_json_schema exception for Spark backend (thanks chipmyersjr!)
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add formatted __repr__ for ValidationOperatorResult
* [ENHANCEMENT] add option to suppress logging when getting expectation suite
* [BUGFIX] Fix object name construction when calling SqlAlchemyDataset.head (thanks mascah!)
* [BUGFIX] Fixed bug where evaluation parameters used in arithmetic expressions would not be identified as upstream dependencies.
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where DatabaseStoreBackend threw IntegrityError when storing same metric twice
* [FEATURE] Added new cli upgrade helper to help facilitate upgrading projects to be compatible with GE 0.11. See [Upgrading to 0.11]( for more info.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed bug preventing GCS Data Docs sites to cleaned
* [BUGFIX] Correct doc link in checkpoint yml
* [BUGFIX] Fixed issue where CLI checkpoint list truncated names (1518)
* [BUGFIX] Fix S3 Batch Kwargs Generator incorrect migration to new build_batch_kwargs API
* [BUGFIX] Fix missing images in data docs walkthrough modal
* [BUGFIX] Fix bug in checkpoints that was causing incorrect run_time to be set
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where data docs could remove trailing zeros from values when low precision was requested


What’s Changed

* [BUGFIX] Fixed bug that was caused by comparison between timezone aware and non-aware datetimes
* [DOCS] Updated docs with info on typed run ids and validation operator results
* [BUGFIX] Update call-to-action buttons on index page with correct URLs
* [BUGFIX] bugfix missing checkpoints directory from init message (1500) Aylr
* [DOCS] How to run a Checkpoint in python (1502) Aylr
* [DOCS] How to run a checkpoint in terminal (1498) Aylr
* [DOCS] Update getting_started.rst (1499) abegong
* [DOCS] Css changes to comment box. Added the right article for test page. (1496) kyleaton
* [DOCS] Update index.rst (1482) abegong
* [DOCS] Added a Prerequisites info box to the how-to guide template (1491) eugmandel
* [DOCS] Create stubbed files for the creating_and_editing_expectations section of the how-to guides. (1493) abegong


What’s Changed

* [BREAKING] `run_id` is now typed using the new `RunIdentifier` class, which consists of a `run_time` and
`run_name`. Existing projects that have Expectation Suite Validation Results must be migrated.
See [Upgrading to 0.11]( for instructions.
* [BREAKING] `ValidationMetric` and `ValidationMetricIdentifier` objects now have a `data_asset_name` attribute.
Existing projects with evaluation parameter stores that have database backends must be migrated.
See [Upgrading to 0.11]( for instructions.
* [BREAKING] `` now returns an instance of new type, `ValidationOperatorResult` (instead of a
dictionary). If your code uses output from Validation Operators, it must be updated.
* Major update to the styling and organization of documentation! Watch for more content and reorganization as we continue to improve the documentation experience with Great Expectations.
* [FEATURE] Data Docs: redesigned index page with paginated/sortable/searchable/filterable tables
* [FEATURE] Data Docs: searchable tables on Expectation Suite Validation Result pages
* `data_asset_name` is now added to batch_kwargs by batch_kwargs_generators (if available) and surfaced in Data Docs
* Renamed all `generator_asset` parameters to `data_asset_name`
* Updated the dateutil dependency
* Added experimental QueryStore
* Removed deprecated cli tap command
* Added a 0.11 upgrade helper
* Corrected Scaffold maturity language in notebook to Experimental
* Updated the installation/configuration documentation for Snowflake users
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improved error messages for misconfigured checkpoints.
* [BUGFIX] Fixed bug that could cause some substituted variables in DataContext config to be saved to `great_expectations.yml`


What’s Changed
* (BREAKING) ``run_id`` is now typed using the new ``RunIdentifier`` class, which consists of a ``run_time`` and ``run_name``. Existing projects that have Expectation Suite Validation Results must be migrated. See [migrating versions]( for details.
* (BREAKING) ``ValidationMetric`` and ``ValidationMetricIdentifier`` objects now have a ``data_asset_name`` attribute. Existing projects with evaluation parameter stores that have database backends must be migrated. See [migrating versions]( for details.
* Data Docs: redesigned index page with paginated/sortable/searchable/filterable tables
* Data Docs: searchable tables on Expectation Suite Validation Result pages
* ``data_asset_name`` is now added to batch_kwargs by batch_kwargs_generators (if available) and surfaced in Data Docs
* Renamed all ``generator_asset`` parameters to ``data_asset_name``
* Updated the dateutil dependency
* Added QueryStore

What’s Changed
* DataContext.get_docs_sites_urls now raises error if non-existent site_name is specified
* Bugfix for the CLI command `docs build` ignoring the --site_name argument (1378)
* Bugfix and refactor for `datasource delete` CLI command (1386) mzjp2
* Instantiate datasources and validate config only when datasource is used (1374) mzjp2
* suite delete changed from an optional argument to a required one
* bugfix for uploading objects to GCP 1393
* added a new usage stats event for the case when a data context is created through CLI
* tuplefilestore backend, expectationstore backend remove_key bugs fixed
* no url is returned on empty data_docs site
* return url for resource only if key exists
* Test added for the period special char case
* updated checkpoint module to not require sqlalchemy
* added BigQuery as an option in the list of databases in the CLI
* added special cases for handling BigQuery - table names are already qualified with schema name, so we must make sure that we do not prepend the schema name twice
* changed the prompt for the name of the temp table in BigQuery in the CLI to hint that a fully qualified name (project.dataset.table) should be provided
* Bugfix for: expect_column_quantile_values_to_be_between expectation throws an "unexpected keyword WITHIN" on BigQuery (1391)


What’s Changed

* [DOCS] Improved help for CLI `checkpoint` command
* [BUGFIX] BasicSuiteBuilderProfiler could include extra expectations when only some expectations were selected (1422)
* [FEATURE] add support for `expect_multicolumn_values_to_be_unique` and `expect_column_pair_values_A_to_be_greater_than_B`
to `Spark`. Thanks WilliamWsyHK!
* [ENHANCEMENT] Allow a dictionary of variables can be passed to the DataContext constructor to allow override
config variables at runtime. Thanks balexander!
* [FEATURE] add support for `expect_column_pair_values_A_to_be_greater_than_B` to `Spark`.
* [BUGFIX] Remove SQLAlchemy typehints to avoid requiring library (thanks mzjp2)!
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where quantile boundaries could not be set to zero. Thanks kokes!

What’s Changed

* [ENHANCEMENT] Enable Redshift Quantile Profiling
* [MAINTENANCE] removed dead code regarding 0.7 template installation
* [BUGFIX] Porting build docs fixes from HtmlSiteStore to here


What’s Changed

* Removed out-of-date Airflow integration examples. This repo provides a comprehensive example of Airflow integration: [GE Airflow Example](
* Bugfix suite scaffold notebook now has correct suite name in first markdown cell.
* Bugfix: fixed an example in the custom expectations documentation article - "result" key was missing in the returned dictionary
* Data Docs Bugfix: template string substitution is now done using .safe_substitute(), to handle cases where string templates
or substitution params have extraneous $ signs. Also added logic to handle templates where intended output has groupings of 2 or more $ signs
* Docs fix: fix in yml for example action_list_operator for metrics
* GE is now auto-linted using Black

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