
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Register MissingnessDataAssistant ([8337](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that Fluent Datasources support database table names in lowercase for Oracle, DB2, and Snowflake ([8327](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that GX supports database column names in lowercase and mixcase for Oracle, DB2, and Snowflake ([8345](
* [BUGFIX] Handle ValueError in agent action ([8369](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that SQLAlchemy is installed for SQL Datasource and TableAsset Fluent Datasource Module ([8361](
* [BUGFIX] DataAssistantResult should not error on get_expectation_suite without name ([8370](
* [BUGFIX] Exclude appropriate SnowflakeDatasource fields when creating an execution engine ([8371](
* [DOCS] Improvements on how_to_edit_expectationsuite guide ([8096]( (thanks Ismar11)
* [DOCS] Update Slack Link to Point to Discourse ([7840](
* [DOCS] Adds a consolidated overview of using GX as a conceptual guide ([8045](
* [DOCS] Updated the Execution Engine terms page ([8309](
* [DOCS] Add docs around Snowflake FDS ([8340](
* [DOCS] Update link in Data Asset Glossary Topic ([8349](
* [DOCS] updated docs to remove SimpleCheckpoint ([8352](
* [DOCS] Remove Outdated SQLAlchemy 2.0 Admonitions ([8357](
* [DOCS] Update Links to Get started with Great Expectations and Databricks ([8350](
* [DOCS] Add MetricProviders Conceptual Content ([8175](
* [DOCS] Add Information for Adding Custom Parameters to Custom Expectations ([8172](
* [DOCS] Remove Files and Add Redirects ([8332](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove `trace_docs_deps` script in CI ([8305](
* [MAINTENANCE] GH Actions pytest marker test matrix ([8277](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - Render folder ([8301](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix docs pipeline check changes ([8315](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add test markers to tests/datasource/fluent/XXX/ ([8316](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - Profiling ([8318](
* [MAINTENANCE] `invoke deps` task ([8311](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix requirements and CONTRIBUTING_CODE doc ([8312](
* [MAINTENANCE] gitignore for GCP credentials ([8323](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - DataContext Part 2 ([8317](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - ExecutionEngine ([8324](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - Integration and Expectations ([8319](
* [MAINTENANCE] Minimum version of `numpy` bumped to `1.20.3` ([8326](
* [MAINTENANCE] Disable Airflow provider tests in CI due to external test failures ([8342](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump minimum version of `numpy==1.21.6` for Python 3.9 ([8341](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update algolia index ([8273](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - DataConnector ([8338](
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace many repetitive slow integration tests for ParameterBuilder components with a few fast unit tests ([8302](
* [MAINTENANCE] Finish marking fluent datasource tests. ([8347](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /docs/docusaurus ([8346](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add test markers to datasource/batch_kwarg_generator tests. ([8348](
* [MAINTENANCE] Re-mark slow tests. ([8356](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update standard node package ([8339](
* [MAINTENANCE] Making tests for column names insensitivity for Oracle, DB2, and Snowflake easier to read ([8358](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add detect-private-key pre-commit hook ([8363](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - Top-level `test/` ([8359](
* [MAINTENANCE] Unpin upper bound on Click dependency ([8360](
* [MAINTENANCE] Revert Click pin removal ([8367](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump pygments from 2.7.4 to 2.15.0 in /docs_rtd ([8368](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix non-AssertErrors for Expectations during build-gallery process ([8353](
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark datasource top level tests ([8365](
* [MAINTENANCE] add `invoke ci-tests` and `invoke service` ([8322](
* [CONTRIB] Create custom expectation for Chi Square Test ([8314](
* [CONTRIB] Contributed `expect_column_to_have_no_months_missing` ([8307]( (thanks HadasManor)
* [CONTRIB] Add KS test custom expectation ([8344](


* [FEATURE] Airflow reference environment ([8257](
* [FEATURE] Missingness DataAssistant initial implementation ([8268](
* [FEATURE] DatabricksSQL FDS ([8184](
* [FEATURE] single batch missingness data assistant ([8278](
* [DOCS] Replaces outdated integration guides with redirects to versioned documentation ([8173](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove unreferenced docs integration tests ([8228](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove duplicate custom checks in PR pipeline ([8265](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use updated search api key ([8269](
* [MAINTENANCE] DataAssistantDispatcher should not reach into DataAssistant ([8262](
* [MAINTENANCE] GH action static analysis and unittest setup ([8272](
* [MAINTENANCE] remove algolia index action ([8264](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 ([8274](
* [MAINTENANCE] Improvement to contributor documentation ([8043]( (thanks christian-bromann)
* [MAINTENANCE] Implement unit tests for BatchFilter.parse_batch_slice logic ([8280](
* [MAINTENANCE] Run GH Action CI job every 3 hours ([8281](
* [MAINTENANCE] Ensure all tests in tests/checkpoint are marked ([8282](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - `Validator` and utils ([8275](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add marker cli to all cli tests. ([8286](
* [MAINTENANCE] Reduce maximum allowed unittest duration ([8283](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add tests for Batch slicing for SparkFilePathDatasource ([8285](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pytest Mark - `RuleBasedProfiler` and others ([8288](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pin jsonschema ([8290](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove two slow DataAssistant integration tests ([8287](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add data docs container to airflow env ([8284](
* [MAINTENANCE] xfail Cloud E2E test ([8292](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove --verbose pytest default ([8298](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update marker on slow test from unit to filesystem. ([8296](
* [MAINTENANCE] Typing Improvements - render/util ([8279](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add pytest marks to tests/actions ([8299](
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark tests in tests/core/usage_statistics ([8295](
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark tests in /tests/data_asset ([8300](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add markers to tests/core ([8297](
* [MAINTENANCE] Apply pytest markers to root dir `tests/data_context` tests ([8293](
* [MAINTENANCE] Run Github `ci` action on `push` ([8303](
* [MAINTENANCE] Dont use check_for_docs_deps_changes ([8304](
* [MAINTENANCE] Increase timeout for flaky tests ([8306](


* [MAINTENANCE] Protect `develop` with `no-commit-to-branch` pre-commit hook ([8254](
* [MAINTENANCE] Change Pydantic models to utilize `by_alias=True` ([8252](
* [MAINTENANCE] Support individual connection args for Snowflake FDS ([8183](
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace dynamic datasource deletion with single `delete` method ([8189](
* [MAINTENANCE] Disable usage statistics when in Cloud-backed environments ([8248](


* [FEATURE] Examples of using different store backends in reference environments ([8211](
* [FEATURE] Add checker to ensure snippets are being used ([8178](
* [FEATURE] Host data docs for the postgres reference environment ([8221](
* [FEATURE] Add checker to ensure test files have fixture definition ([8186](
* [FEATURE] make backend_dependencies required and not optional for doc integration tests ([8216](
* [FEATURE] View data docs inside snowflake and bigquery reference environments ([8231](
* [FEATURE] Reference Environment - AWS RDS ([8222](
* [BUGFIX] Fix yarn install and condition on CI pipeline ([8217](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure DataAssistantResult.plot_expectations_and_metrics does not raise exceptions when no Metrics or Expectations are available to plot ([8238](
* [DOCS] update result_format configuration documentation ([8209](
* [DOCS] Update Install GX ([8206](
* [DOCS] minor updates to the readme files ([8245](
* [MAINTENANCE] Arranging call arguments to `build_batch_request()` utility method to be in consistent order ([8224](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use python static file server ([8229](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix race condition in integration tests using context manager ([8223](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove a line ignoring warnings about iteritems ([8227](
* [MAINTENANCE] Correcting typographical error in test method naming. ([8233](
* [MAINTENANCE] Reference environment consistency - installed version ([8237](
* [MAINTENANCE] Reference environment consistency - unpin python version ([8239](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use data docs container for cloud blob stores ([8240](
* [MAINTENANCE] Reference Environments: Match the new quickstart ([8242](
* [MAINTENANCE] Reference Environment - AWS Credentials Clean up ([8230](
* [MAINTENANCE] Filter altair/jsonschema Deprecation warning ([8244](
* [MAINTENANCE] Filter `jsonschema.RefResolver`, `ErrorTree` warnings in tests ([8246](
* [MAINTENANCE] Temporarily upper bound Click due to `mypy` typing issues ([8247](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `` in advance of 0.17.3 release ([8251](
* [MAINTENANCE] enable typechecking in ([8204](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor validations in Checkpoint to use `CheckpointValidationConfig` ([8225](


* [FEATURE] AWS S3 reference environment ([8166](
* [FEATURE] Snowflake FDS ([8157](
* [FEATURE] Fix Bigquery/GCS integration tests ([8149](
* [FEATURE] Python 3.11 support ([8174](
* [FEATURE] Fix azure docs tests ([8171](
* [FEATURE] Reference Environment - BigQuery ([8176](
* [FEATURE] Reference Environment - Google Cloud Storage ([8197](
* [FEATURE] Enable updating active stores and CRUD for data docs sites ([8194](
* [FEATURE] Use PythonScript task type for custom docs ci checks ([8208](
* [FEATURE] Reference Environment: Azure Blob Storage ([8212](
* [FEATURE] ExpectDaySumToBeCloseToEquivalentWeekDayMean: User can give `weeks_back` as argument ([8139]( (thanks HadasManor)
* [BUGFIX] Allow for `create_temp_table` to be `False` when creating a `SqlAlchemyBatchData` object ([8160](
* [BUGFIX] Raise more informative error on failure of getting an expectation suite by name ([8170](
* [BUGFIX] Enable Pandas Column Aggregate Metrics To Support Decimal Numeric Types ([8195](
* [BUGFIX] Relax numpy version requirements for python 3.10 ([8199](
* [BUGFIX] Patch additional `pytest.deprecated_call` around adding datasource with Cloud ([8219](
* [BUGFIX] Fix yarn install and condition on CI pipeline ([8217](
* [DOCS] Create New Landing Pages ([7993](
* [DOCS] Add table listing supported evaluation parameter expressions to the docs ([8124](
* [DOCS] Reorganize Checkpoint Section ([8182](
* [DOCS] Getting Started with GX ([8143](
* [DOCS] Sidebar updates for Getting Started ([8196](
* [DOCS] Get Started Section Revisions ([8202](
* [DOCS] Remove Connect to a Source Data System from TOC ([8193](
* [MAINTENANCE] Raise error on unsupported versions of python. ([8158](
* [MAINTENANCE] Reference Environment - Update Snowflake Notebook to Specify Python 3.10 ([8167](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor reference environment CLI for consistency ([8169](
* [MAINTENANCE] DX-565 remove allow_cross_type_comparison from column_pair_values.a_greater_than_b ([8025](
* [MAINTENANCE] Python 3.11 SQLAlchemy import time fix ([8180](
* [MAINTENANCE] Rich comments and docstrings for DataAssistant related modules. ([8185](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix Python 3.11 Docker excessive pip backtracking ([8187](
* [MAINTENANCE] Start cleaning up outdated deprecation warnings ([8135](
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace Non-Existent Expectation Name With Correct Existing Expectation Name ([8191](
* [MAINTENANCE] Deal with Python 3.11 deprecations ([8192](
* [MAINTENANCE] Placing S3, Trino Imports Under Compatibility Pattern ([8198](
* [MAINTENANCE] Deprecate adding legacy datasources in Cloud-backed environments ([8190](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `pytest.deprecated_call` to misc usages of `add_datasource` in tests ([8207](
* [MAINTENANCE] Placing AWS RedShift Imports Under Compatibility Pattern ([8205](
* [MAINTENANCE] Placing Snowflake Imports Under Compatibility Pattern ([8210](
* [MAINTENANCE] Placing AWS Athena Imports Under Compatibility Pattern ([8213](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update notebook link to non-legacy docs ([8215](
* [MAINTENANCE] Placing BigQuery Imports Under Compatibility Pattern ([8214](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix Python 3.11 async expectations tests ([8203](


* [FEATURE] Fix spark docs tests ([8131](
* [FEATURE] Reference Environment - Snowflake ([8148](
* [FEATURE] Fluent Datasource ABS, GCS, and S3 recursive file discovery ([8118]( (thanks toivomattila)
* [BUGFIX] Fix config substitution for substrings ([8145](
* [BUGFIX] Fix 'great_expectations[cloud]' extra install ([8151](
* [BUGFIX] Persist SQLDatasource splitters on creation ([8164](
* [DOCS] Enable docs versioning for 0.16.16 ([8125](
* [DOCS] Update ([8142](
* [DOCS] Fix broken links and reenable link checking ([8146](
* [DOCS] Add version info to markdown links for earlier versions ([8155](
* [MAINTENANCE] update location of link in data docs footer ([8130](
* [MAINTENANCE] invoke show-automerges ([8127](
* [MAINTENANCE] Lint `assets` dir ([8123](
* [MAINTENANCE] test/integration linting ([8132](
* [MAINTENANCE] minimal Anonymizer type-checking ([8106](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use Available Enums Instead of Strings for Metric Name Extensions ([8137](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add env var to avoid out of memory error when building docs ([8144](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update single cloud onboarding script to use fluent datasources ([8114](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add --bash command for postgres reference env ([8154](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add default `table_name` to `TableAsset` if omitted ([8152](
* [CONTRIB] expect_queried_column_pair_values_to_be_both_filled_or_null ([7949]( (thanks eden-o)

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