
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Add atomic `rendered_content` to `ExpectationValidationResult` and `ExpectationConfiguration` (5369)
* [FEATURE] Add `DataContext.update_datasource` CRUD method (5417)
* [FEATURE] Refactor Splitter Testing Modules so as to Make them More General and Add Unit and Integration Tests for "split_on_whole_table" and "split_on_column_value" on SQLite and All Supported Major SQL Backends (5430)
* [FEATURE] Support underscore in the `condition_value` of a `row_condition` (5393) (thanks sp1thas)
* [DOCS] DOC-322 update terminology to v3 (5326)
* [MAINTENANCE] Change property name of TaxiSplittingTestCase to make it more general (5419)
* [MAINTENANCE] Ensure that `BaseDataContext` does not persist `Datasource` changes by default (5423)
* [MAINTENANCE] Migration of `project_config_with_variables_substituted` to `AbstractDataContext` (5385)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve type hinting in `GeCloudStoreBackend` (5427)
* [MAINTENANCE] Test serialization of text, table, and bulleted list `rendered_content` in `ExpectationValidationResult` (5438)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor `datasource_name` out of `DataContext.update_datasource` (5440)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add checkpoint name to validation results (5442)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove checkpoint from top level of schema since it is captured in `meta` (5445)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add unit and integration tests for Splitting on Divided Integer (5449)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update cli with new default simple checkpoint name (5450)


* [FEATURE] Add Rule Statistics to DataAssistantResult for display in Jupyter notebook (5368)
* [FEATURE] Include detailed Rule Execution statistics in jupyter notebook "repr" style output (5375)
* [FEATURE] Support datetime/date-part splitters on Amazon Redshift (5408)
* [DOCS] Capital One DataProfiler Expectations README Update (5365) (thanks stevensecreti)
* [DOCS] Add Trino guide (5287)
* [DOCS] DOC-339 remove redundant how-to guide (5396)
* [DOCS] Capital One Data Profiler README update (5387) (thanks taylorfturner)
* [DOCS] Add sqlalchemy-redshfit to dependencies in redshift doc (5386)
* [MAINTENANCE] Reduce output amount in Jupyter notebooks when displaying DataAssistantResult (5362)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update linter thresholds (5367)
* [MAINTENANCE] Move `_apply_global_config_overrides()` to AbstractDataContext (5285)
* [MAINTENANCE] WIP: [MAINTENANCE] stalebot configuration (5301)
* [MAINTENANCE] expect_column_values_to_be_equal_to_or_greater_than_profile_min (5372) (thanks stevensecreti)
* [MAINTENANCE] expect_column_values_to_be_equal_to_or_less_than_profile_max (5380) (thanks stevensecreti)
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace string formatting with f-string (5225) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix links in docs (5340) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Caching of `config_variables` in `DataContext` (5376)
* [MAINTENANCE] StaleBot Half DryRun (5390)
* [MAINTENANCE] StaleBot DryRun 2 (5391)
* [MAINTENANCE] file extentions applied to rel links (5399)
* [MAINTENANCE] Allow installing jinja2 version 3.1.0 and higher (5382)
* [MAINTENANCE] expect_column_values_confidence_for_data_label_to_be_less_than_or_equal_to_threshold (5392) (thanks stevensecreti)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add warnings to internal linters if actual error count does not match threshold (5401)
* [MAINTENANCE] Ensure that changes made to env vars / config vars are recognized within subsequent calls of the same process (5410)
* [MAINTENANCE] Stack `RuleBasedProfiler` progress bars for better user experience (5400)
* [MAINTENANCE] Keep all Pandas Splitter Tests in a Dedicated Module (5411)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor DataContextVariables to only persist state to Store using explicit save command (5366)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor to put tests for splitting and sampling into modules for respective ExecutionEngine implementation (5412)


* [FEATURE] Enable NumericMetricRangeMultiBatchParameterBuilder to use evaluation dependencies (5323)
* [FEATURE] Improve Trino Support (5261) (thanks aezomz)
* [FEATURE] added support to Aws Athena quantiles (5114) (thanks kuhnen)
* [FEATURE] Implement the "column.standard_deviation" metric for sqlite database (5338)
* [FEATURE] Update `add_datasource` to leverage the `DatasourceStore` (5334)
* [FEATURE] Provide ability for DataAssistant to return its effective underlying BaseRuleBasedProfiler configuration (5359)
* [BUGFIX] Fix Netlify build issue that was being caused by entry in changelog (5322)
* [BUGFIX] Numpy dtype.float64 formatted floating point numbers must be converted to Python float for use in SQLAlchemy Boolean clauses (5336)
* [BUGFIX] Fix for failing Expectation test in `cloud_db_integration` pipeline (5321)
* [DOCS] revert getting started tutorial to RBP process (5307)
* [DOCS] mark onboarding assistant guide as experimental and update cli command (5308)
* [DOCS] Fix line numbers in getting started guide (5324)
* [DOCS] DOC-337 automate updates to the version information displayed in the getting started tutorial. (5348)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix link in suite profile renderer (5242) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor of `_apply_global_config_overrides()` method to return config (5286)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove "json_serialize" directive from ParameterBuilder computations (5320)
* [MAINTENANCE] Misc cleanup post `0.15.10` release (5325)
* [MAINTENANCE] Standardize instantiation of NumericMetricRangeMultibatchParameterBuilder throughout the codebase. (5327)
* [MAINTENANCE] Reuse MetricMultiBatchParameterBuilder computation results as evaluation dependencies for performance enhancement (5329)
* [MAINTENANCE] clean up type declarations (5331)
* [MAINTENANCE] Maintenance/great 761/great 1010/great 1011/alexsherstinsky/rule based profiler/data assistant/include only essential public methods in data assistant dispatcher class 2022 06 21 177 (5351)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update release schedule JSON (5349)
* [MAINTENANCE] Include only essential public methods in DataAssistantResult class (and its descendants) (5360)


* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for `stores` (5268)
* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for `data_docs_sites` (5269)
* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for `anonymous_usage_statistics` (5271)
* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for `notebooks` (5272)
* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for `concurrency` (5273)
* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for `progress_bars` (5274)
* [FEATURE] Integrate `DatasourceStore` with `DataContext` (5292)
* [FEATURE] Support both UserConfigurableProfiler and OnboardingDataAssistant in "CLI SUITE NEW --PROFILE <name>" command (5306)
* [BUGFIX] Fix ColumnPartition metric handling of the number of bins (must always be integer). (5282)
* [BUGFIX] Add new high precision rule for mean and stdev in `OnboardingDataAssistant` (5276)
* [BUGFIX] Warning in Getting Started Guide notebook. (5297)
* [DOCS] how to create an expectation suite with the onboarding assistant (5266)
* [DOCS] update getting started tutorial for onboarding assistant (5294)
* [DOCS] getting started tutorial doc standards updates (5295)
* [DOCS] Update standard arguments doc for Expectations to not reference datasets. (5052)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add check to `check_type_hint_coverage` script to ensure proper `mypy` installation (5291)
* [MAINTENANCE] `DataAssistantResult` cleanup and extensibility enhancements (5259)
* [MAINTENANCE] Handle compare Expectation in presence of high precision floating point numbers and NaN values (5298)
* [MAINTENANCE] Suppress persisting of temporary ExpectationSuite configurations in Rule-Based Profiler computations (5305)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adds column values github user validation (5302)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adds column values IATA code validation (5303)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adds column values ARN validation (5304)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fixing a typo in a comment (in several files) (5310)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adds column scientific notation string validation (5309)
* [MAINTENANCE] lint fixes (5312)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adds column value JSON validation (5313)
* [MAINTENANCE] Expect column values to be valid scientific notation (5311)


* [FEATURE] Add new expectation: expect column values to match powers of a base g… (5219) (thanks rifatKomodoDragon)
* [FEATURE] Replace UserConfigurableProfiler with OnboardingDataAssistant in "CLI suite new --profile" Jupyter Notebooks (5236)
* [FEATURE] `DatasourceStore` (5206)
* [FEATURE] add new expectation on validating hexadecimals (5188) (thanks andrewsx)
* [FEATURE] Usage Statistics Events for Profiler and DataAssistant "get_expectation_suite()" methods. (5251)
* [FEATURE] `InlineStoreBackend` (5216)
* [FEATURE] The "column.histogram" metric must support integer values of the "bins" parameter for all execution engine options. (5258)
* [FEATURE] Initial implementation of `DataContextVariables` accessors (5238)
* [FEATURE] `OnboardingDataAssistant` plots for `expect_table_columns_to_match_set` (5208)
* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for `config_variables_file_path` (5262)
* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for `plugins_directory` (5263)
* [FEATURE] `DataContextVariables` CRUD for store name accessors (5264)
* [BUGFIX] Hive temporary tables creation fix (4956) (thanks jaume-ferrarons)
* [BUGFIX] Provide error handling when metric fails for all Batch data samples (5256)
* [BUGFIX] Patch automated release test date comparisons (5278)
* [DOCS] How to compare two tables with the UserConfigurableProfiler (5050)
* [DOCS] How to create a Custom Column Pair Map Expectation w/ supporting template & example (4926)
* [DOCS] Auto API documentation script (4964)
* [DOCS] Update formatting of links to public methods in class docs generated by auto API script (5247)
* [DOCS] In the reference section of the ToC remove duplicates and update category pages (5248)
* [DOCS] Update DataContext docstring (5250)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add CodeSee architecture diagram workflow to repository (5235) (thanks codesee-maps[bot])
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix links to API docs (5246) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unpin cryptography upper bound (5249)
* [MAINTENANCE] Don't use jupyter-client 7.3.2 (5252)
* [MAINTENANCE] Re-introduce jupyter-client 7.3.2 (5253)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `cloud` mark to `pytest.ini` (5254)
* [MAINTENANCE] add partner integration framework (5132)
* [MAINTENANCE] `DataContextVariableKey` for use in Stores (5255)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clarification of events in test with multiple checkpoint validations (5257)
* [MAINTENANCE] Misc updates to improve security and automation of the weekly release process (5244)
* [MAINTENANCE] show more test output and minor fixes (5239)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add proper unit tests for Column Histogram metric and use Column Value Partitioner in OnboardingDataAssistant (5267)
* [MAINTENANCE] Updates contributor docs to reflect updated linting guidance (4909)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove condition from `autoupdate` GitHub action (5270)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve code readability in the processing section of "MapMetricColumnDomainBuilder". (5279)


* [FEATURE] `OnboardingDataAssistant` plots for `expect_table_row_count_to_be_between` non-sequential batches (5212)
* [FEATURE] Limit sampling for spark and pandas (5201)
* [FEATURE] Groundwork for DataContext Refactor (5203)
* [FEATURE] Implement ability to change rule variable values through DataAssistant run() method arguments at runtime (5218)
* [FEATURE] Plot numeric column domains in `OnboardingDataAssistant` (5189)
* [BUGFIX] Repair "CLI Suite --Profile" Operation (5230)
* [DOCS] Remove leading underscore from sampling docs (5214)
* [MAINTENANCE] suppressing type hints in ill-defined situations (5213)
* [MAINTENANCE] Change CategoricalColumnDomainBuilder property name from "limit_mode" to "cardinality_limit_mode". (5215)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update Note in BigQuery Docs (5197)
* [MAINTENANCE] Sampling cleanup refactor (use BatchSpec in sampling methods) (5217)
* [MAINTENANCE] Globally increase Azure timeouts to 120 mins (5222)
* [MAINTENANCE] Comment out kl_divergence for build_gallery (5196)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix docstring on expectation (5204) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve NaN handling in numeric ParameterBuilder implementations (5226)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update type hint and docstring linter thresholds (5228)

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