
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Agent prints stack trace on error ([8092](
* [FEATURE] Clickhouse Integration ([7719]( (thanks Plozano94)
* [FEATURE] Pandas 2.0.0 and Sqlalchemy 2.0.0 compatibility ([7633](
* [FEATURE] Better pandas query ([8101](
* [FEATURE] Add Pandas FWFAsset - fixed width file ([8119](
* [BUGFIX] Fix conditional for pyspark compatibility ([8108](
* [BUGFIX] respect result format bool only for validators and checkpoints ([8111](
* [BUGFIX] Robust Handling Of Column Types And Empty DataFrames For DataBricks/Spark Environment ([8115](
* [BUGFIX] Fix GXCloudStoreBackend updates by name ([8116](
* [BUGFIX] Patch bad mock in GCS test ([8128](
* [DOCS] Update Quickstart guide to be Cloud-compatible ([8036](
* [DOCS] Temporarily hardcode quickstart snippet due to substitution error ([8091](
* [DOCS] Update prefect gx tutorial ([8009]( (thanks discdiver)
* [DOCS] Fix line breaks in quickstart ([8098](
* [DOCS] Remove Remaining CLI Admonitions ([8070](
* [DOCS] Remove examples of specifying a test_backends list of dicts ([7816](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add tests for file and Cloud-backed quickstart workflows ([8037](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update anonymous usage statistics payloads with hashed MAC address ([8078](
* [MAINTENANCE] Check if PR is a fork in some docs_integration stages ([8090](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update how_to_host_and_share_data_docs_on_gcs ([8067](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add persistent OSS user identifier to anonymized usage statistics payloads ([8089](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update MSSQL docker container and instructions for Apple Silicon Macs ([8093](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove hardcoded `Datasource._EXCLUDED_EXEC_ENG_ARGS` ([8100](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update print_diagnostic_checklist ([8018](
* [MAINTENANCE] Type hint cleanup in usage statistics ([8105](
* [MAINTENANCE] remove unused noqa comments ([8107](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove the mysql-mac-m1 and starburst directories from assets/docker ([8104](
* [MAINTENANCE] Typing Data Assistant Result ([8110](
* [MAINTENANCE] Ensure that new usage statistics schema changes are backwards compatible ([8109](
* [MAINTENANCE] Cleanup generate_expectation_tests ([8019](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update build_in_memory_runtime_context to accept which datasources to include ([8017](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pandas and SqlAlchemy 2.0 follow-up ([8112](
* [MAINTENANCE] Misc/docs integration uncommented ([8076](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fixes for test_dependency_versions pipeline ([8122](


* [FEATURE] Update mySQL docker compose to specify platform ([8046](
* [FEATURE] Update GX Cloud on job status ([8047](
* [FEATURE] DX-441 put how_to_connect_to_in_memory_data_using_pandas un… ([8057](
* [BUGFIX] Set SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20 in Dockerfile ([7931](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure CloudDataContext Add Checkpoint flow returns Checkpoint with cloud-updated values ([8062](
* [BUGFIX] Erroneous Code Duplication and Lack of Type Hints in Expectation Parent Class ([8066](
* [BUGFIX] Fix broken Cloud tests around `Checkpoint` ([8083](
* [BUGFIX] fix issue-7954 ([7963]( (thanks jkingdon-ms)
* [BUGFIX] Fix Update Checkpoint for Cloud ([8084](
* [BUGFIX] Mock correct method in test ([8087](
* [DOCS] Cloud - Getting started uses Fluent Datasources ([8035](
* [DOCS] Update Links in How to use auto-initializing Expectations ([8054](
* [DOCS] Update How to create Expectations Interactively in Python ([8052](
* [DOCS] Add guidance for "DataFrameAsset.build_batch_request()" in "". ([#8069](
* [DOCS] Update ([8068](
* [DOCS] Remove mention of CLI in evaluation_parameters terminology page. ([8075](
* [MAINTENANCE] Ruff rule DTZ - prevent naive datetimes ([8050](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pandas 1.5 schema updates ([8039](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix CI `tests_schemas` unit test ([8055](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix CI round 2 ([8056](
* [MAINTENANCE] Minor stylistic clean up of "DataAssistant.build_metric_multi_batch_parameter_builder()" method usage ([8059](
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable Ruff - pylint rules ([8058](
* [MAINTENANCE] type-checking `core/` ([8024](
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve code elegance and fix informational string ([8061](
* [MAINTENANCE] Misc refactor of `Store` CRUD ([8064](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix pandas model schema differences across python versions ([8065](
* [MAINTENANCE] Updating CLI messages to point to new docs ([8072](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update GitHub templates for issues/PRs ([8073](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update default action list in `Checkpoint` based on user environment ([8074](
* [MAINTENANCE] Ruff `0.0.271` update ([8077](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update PR template to reference `invoke` for linting ([8079](
* [MAINTENANCE] Delete `LegacyCheckpoint` ([8082](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add public_api to read_parquet ([8060](
* [MAINTENANCE] Postgres starter reference environment ([8031](


* [FEATURE] Checker for correct Python code snippets in documentation. ([8000](
* [FEATURE] Add scaffolding for gx-agent ([7837](
* [FEATURE] Cloud - generate unique asset names for `pandas_default` assets ([8020](
* [FEATURE] Connect to Cloud for agent config ([8006](
* [FEATURE] Add `AbstractDataContext.view_validation_result` ([8033](
* [FEATURE] Add Onboarding Data Assistant agent action ([7882](
* [FEATURE] put 'How to connect to postgresql data' under test ([7988](
* [BUGFIX] Remove perpetually failing test -- in preparation for release. ([8040](
* [BUGFIX] meta_notes rendered inline can fail schema validation for a valid string-only configuration ([8044](
* [BUGFIX] Ensure That DataFrame for Fluent Datasource Pandas/Spark DataFrame Data Assets is specified only in one API method ([8032](
* [DOCS] Add Windows Support Admonition ([7991](
* [DOCS] Update ([8007](
* [DOCS] Adds redirects for removed UserConfigurableProfiler documentation ([8026](
* [DOCS] Create New Expectation Classes Conceptual Guide ([8004](
* [DOCS] Check simple spelling and word order error using ChatGPT-based program ([8029](
* [DOCS] Update Quickstart to Reflect User Feedback ([8027](
* [DOCS] Cloud - Getting started uses Fluent Datasources ([8035](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `teams.yml` ([8011](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add sensible default values to Checkpoint APIs ([7992](
* [MAINTENANCE] Removing xfails that we're added to get release out. ([8014](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove reference to Superconductive from CITATION.cff ([8016](
* [MAINTENANCE] Deleting References to UserConfigurableProfiler Documentation ([7983](
* [MAINTENANCE] mypy 1.3 + azure deps in type-checking step ([8012](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump tornado from 6.1.0 to 6.3.2 in /docs_rtd ([8003](
* [MAINTENANCE] Add support for `Validator` in Checkpoint CRUD ([7999](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove unused .dockerignore ([8030](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fluent Datasource Update: Credentials Doc update ([7968](
* [MAINTENANCE] Persist connection for backends that need a connection to keep temporary tables alive ([7607](


* [FEATURE] Add "batch.columns()" convenience method to Fluent DataAsset implementation. ([7926](
* [FEATURE] Put how_to_connect_to_sql_data fluent docs under test ([7956](
* [FEATURE] putting fluent doc how_to_connect_to_a_sql_table under test ([7966](
* [FEATURE] put fluent doc "How to connect to sql data using a query" under test ([7987](
* [FEATURE] Checker for correct Python code snippets in documentation. ([7996](
* [FEATURE] NotImplementedErrors for all FDS methods when accessed from BDS ([8002](
* [BUGFIX] Correcting instructions for Contributor Package installation ([7936](
* [BUGFIX] Return qualified name when calling `TableAsset.as_selectable()` ([7942]( (thanks calabozo)
* [BUGFIX] fix `add_or_update_expectation_suite` update path ([7911](
* [BUGFIX] Cloud - fix `add_or_update_*()` when using `name` as keyword arg ([7952](
* [BUGFIX] Change GXSqlDialect.AWSATHENA to awsathena ([7950]( (thanks calabozo)
* [BUGFIX] Setting maximum on `typing-extension` package version ([7970](
* [BUGFIX] Resolve Issue 7335 ([7339]( (thanks richardohara)
* [BUGFIX] Cloud - Fix `context.sources.update_*()` `POST` instead of `PUT` calls ([7989](
* [BUGFIX] `meta_notes` rendered inline can fail schema validation for a valid configuration ([7995](
* [BUGFIX] `xfail` two cloud tests that are blocking release 0.16.14 ([8008](
* [DOCS] Technical tags in Versioned Docs reference correct version ([7935](
* [DOCS] Fix docs deploy ([7958](
* [DOCS] Add small doc change ([7957](
* [DOCS] Fix issues with technical tags links in earlier versions ([7961](
* [DOCS] Temporarily pin typing-extensions for API docs ([7977](
* [DOCS] Add optional Slack step to Cloud Quickstart ([7955](
* [DOCS] Add another small fix to doc ([7960](
* [DOCS] Versioning: Convert technical tag imports starting with /docs/ to relative paths ([7981](
* [DOCS] Edit Bigquery connection path ([7982](
* [DOCS] FDS Topic Quality Review ([7944](
* [DOCS] Updates the migration guide to direct to the last version of GX to support the V2 processes and API surface ([7976](
* [DOCS] Removes Data Connector references ([7930](
* [DOCS] add in-memory add expectation suite ([7973]( (thanks tb102122)
* [DOCS] Removes CLI documentation from current docs version ([7975](
* [DOCS] Delete ([7625](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fixing pytest: renderer assertion ([7928](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `teams.yml` ([7934](
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove the -rs flag from the ci pytest invocations. ([7937](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `GXCloudIdentifier` to return nullable attrs instead of empty strings ([7895](
* [MAINTENANCE] Better error message when calling "Fluent" methods from wrong Datasource type ([7929](
* [MAINTENANCE] bump python minimum version to 3.8 ([7916](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update ruff to `0.0.269` and target `python 3.8` ([7945](
* [MAINTENANCE] black `23.3` ([7946](
* [MAINTENANCE] ignore black formatting and ruff auto-fix revisions ([7953](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor documentation integration tests into their proper categories according to their respective backend. ([7978](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump requests from 2.25.1 to 2.31.0 in /docs_rtd ([7969](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update Cloud Tests for release this week + Revert pin on `typing-extension` ([7980](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use `Session` for all `` calls ([7919](
* [MAINTENANCE] Revert "[FEATURE] Checker for correct Python code snippets in documentation." ([7998](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix async Cloud tests ([8005](


* [FEATURE] Spark file reader support for fluent datasources ([7844](
* [FEATURE] Spark directory asset types ([7873](
* [FEATURE] Add Spark DeltaAsset type ([7872](
* [FEATURE] Add DirectoryDeltaAsset ([7877](
* [FEATURE] Implementing Python code snippets under test for "" ([#7907](
* [FEATURE] Implementing Python code snippets under test for "" ([#7909](
* [FEATURE] Implementing Python code snippets under test for "" ([#7922](
* [FEATURE] : DataProfilerStructuredDataAssistant Float Rule ([7842]( (thanks micdavis)
* [FEATURE] DataProfilerColumnDomainBuilder ([7920]( (thanks micdavis)
* [FEATURE] Add "batch.columns()" convenience method to Fluent DataAsset implementation. ([7926](
* [BUGFIX] Fix inability to extend SimpleCheckpoint -- and several additional enhancements and clean up ([7879](
* [BUGFIX] Delete ExpectationSuite by name in GX Cloud ([7881](
* [BUGFIX] optional dataframe on datasources ([7862](
* [BUGFIX] DX-506: Fix sparkDF cannot compute mean for DecimalType ([7867]( (thanks TrangPham)
* [BUGFIX] Fix Cloud FDS `add_or_update_*` methods ([7908](
* [BUGFIX] fix `PandasAzureBlobStorageDatasource` config substitution ([7914](
* [BUGFIX] Fix remaining FDS config substitution issues ([7917](
* [DOCS] removes remaining Block-config Datasource guides ([7870](
* [DOCS] Update "How to use Great Expectations with Databricks" ([7762](
* [DOCS] CLI Edits ([7865](
* [DOCS] More doc updates to remove the CLI ([7874](
* [DOCS] Create New Templates for How-To, Tutorial, Conceptual, and Reference Documentation ([7855](
* [DOCS] Add Links to Tutorial Templates in the README ([7884](
* [DOCS] removes block-config docs for source data systems in the cloud ([7871](
* [DOCS] Continuing CLI Update ([7876](
* [DOCS] Removes the SQL block config guides. ([7886](
* [DOCS] Remove jq dependency for building docs ([7893](
* [DOCS] Less verbose logging during docs build ([7894](
* [DOCS] Corrections to Document "How to request data from a Data Asset" with proper FDS implementation and integration test. ([7896](
* [DOCS] Remove or Modify References to the CLI ([7875](
* [DOCS] Updated contribution docs ([7880]( (thanks TrangPham)
* [DOCS] Glossary Update ([7900](
* [DOCS] Removes filesystem and core block config docs ([7913](
* [DOCS] FDS Deployment Pattern Redshift ([7868](
* [DOCS] Document and simplify local docs build ([7892](
* [DOCS] How to Edit Existing `ExpectationSuite` ([7859](
* [DOCS] CLI Clean-up ([7904](
* [MAINTENANCE] FDS Documentation - Creating ExpectationSuite with Domain Knowledge ([7852](
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor directory data asset ([7878](
* [MAINTENANCE] partial `checkpoint` type checking ([6914](
* [MAINTENANCE] type-checking `checkpoint/` ([7899](
* [MAINTENANCE] Trigger docs_integration on develop ([7902](
* [MAINTENANCE] Finish type-checking `checkpoint` ([7901](
* [MAINTENANCE] Update How to set up GX to work with data in Azure Blob Storage ([7910](
* [MAINTENANCE] `CloudDataContext` `ExpectationsStore` can only request one Suite at a time ([7905](
* [MAINTENANCE] Removing engine-specific tests that assert generic behavior ([7918](
* [MAINTENANCE] Use with open file to reduce open files within tests ([7906]( (thanks TrangPham)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `docs/*.py` to `GXChanged` for linting ([7924](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fixes Glue tests on vanilla pytest ([7925](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fixing pytest: renderer assertion ([7928](


* [FEATURE] Plumbing of validation_result_url from cloud response ([7809](
* [FEATURE] Splitters work with Spark Fluent Datasources ([7832](
* [FEATURE] Update `get_context` to scaffold project structure for file-backed usecases ([7693](
* [BUGFIX] Azure Package Presence/Absence Tests Strengthening ([7818](
* [BUGFIX] Handle "persist" directive in "SparkDFExecutionEngine" properly. ([7830](
* [BUGFIX] Adding support for Fluent Batch Requests to context.get_validator ([7808](
* [BUGFIX] FDS - Deletes not immediately reflected in `great_expectations.yml` ([7843](
* [BUGFIX] `batching_regex` tags are now correctly rendered in docs ([7845](
* [BUGFIX] Fix link checker and add to mypy type checking ([7857](
* [BUGFIX] expect_day_count_to_be_close_to_equivalent_week_day_mean ([7782]( (thanks HadasManor)
* [BUGFIX] Docs-Tests: `Connection.connect()` was causing Snowflake and BigQuery Tests to Fail ([7863](
* [DOCS] Prerequisites Cleanup ([7811](
* [DOCS] Update docs for how_to_initialize_a_filesystem_data_context_in_python ([7831](
* [DOCS] Updating Checkpoint terms page ([7722](
* [DOCS] Update how to create a checkpoint with Test YAML config ([7835](
* [DOCS] Removing datasource centric test_yaml_config doc ([7836](
* [DOCS] Creating a Checkpoint from an In-Memory Dataframe ([7701](
* [DOCS] Review and Revise Great Expectations Quickstart ([7727](
* [MAINTENANCE] FDS - Datasources can rebuild their own asset data_connectors ([7826](
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable Spark-S3 Integration tests on Azure CI/CD ([7819](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up: Remove duplicated fixture and utilize deeper filtering mechanism for configuration assertions. ([7825](
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable S3/Spark Connecting To Your Data tests ([7828](
* [MAINTENANCE] New PR template ([7710](
* [MAINTENANCE] ruff `.0.262 -> .0.265` ([7829](
* [MAINTENANCE] Boto import pattern established ([7796](
* [MAINTENANCE] Prevent TCH001 warnings for pydantic model annotations ([7846](
* [MAINTENANCE] Pin altair ([7849](
* [MAINTENANCE] Adding docs link checker to invoke ([7841](
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up version checker message formatting ([7838](
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump nbconvert version ([7847](
* [MAINTENANCE] Return empty set instead of None ([7797](
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve misconfigured sampler error message ([7858](
* [MAINTENANCE] Fixing path formatting for DataConnector of Fluent SparkAzureBlobStorageDatasource and correction of the `SQLAlchemy` compatibility usage in `TableHead` metric ([7860](
* [MAINTENANCE] S3 Spark Integration Guide - Rendering Fix ([7864](

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