
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Since value set in expectation kwargs is list of strings, do not emit expect_column_values_to_be_in_set for datetime valued columns (6046)
* [FEATURE] add failed expectations list to slack message (5812) (thanks itaise)
* [FEATURE] Enable only ExactNumericRangeEstimator and QuantilesNumericRangeEstimator in "datetime_columns_rule" of OnboardingDataAssistant (6063)
* [BUGFIX] numpy typing behind `if TYPE_CHECKING` (6076)
* [DOCS] Update "How to create an Expectation Suite with the Onboarding Data Assistant" (6050)
* [DOCS] How to get one or more Batches of data from a configured Datasource (6043)
* [DOCS] DOC-298 Data Assistant technical term page (6057)
* [DOCS] Update OnboardingDataAssistant documentation (6059)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up of DataAssistant tests that depend on Jupyter notebooks (6039)
* [MAINTENANCE] AbstractDataContext.datasource_save() test simplifications (6052)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rough architecture for cloud migration tool (6054)
* [MAINTENANCE] Include git commit info when building docker image. (6060)
* [MAINTENANCE] Allow `CloudDataContext` to retrieve and initialize its own project config (6006)
* [MAINTENANCE] Removing Jupyter notebook-based tests for DataAssistants (6062)
* [MAINTENANCE] pinned dremio, fixed linting (6067)
* [MAINTENANCE] usage-stats, & typing (5925)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor external HTTP request logic into a `Session` factory function (6007)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove tag validity stage from release pipeline (6069)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove unused test fixtures from test suite (6058)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove outdated release files (6074)


* [FEATURE] context.save_datasource (6009)
* [BUGFIX] Standardize `ConfiguredAssetSqlDataConnector` config in `datasource new` CLI workflow (6044)
* [DOCS] DOC-371 update the getting started tutorial for data assistants (6024)
* [DOCS] DOCS-369 sql data connector configuration guide (6002)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove outdated entry from release schedule JSON (6032)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up Spark schema tests to have proper names (6033)


* [FEATURE] do not require expectation_suite_name in DataAssistantResult.show_expectations_by...() methods (5976)
* [FEATURE] Refactor PartitionParameterBuilder into dedicated ValueCountsParameterBuilder and HistogramParameterBuilder (5975)
* [FEATURE] Implement default sorting for batches based on selected splitter method (5924)
* [FEATURE] Make OnboardingDataAssistant default profiler in CLI SUITE NEW (6012)
* [FEATURE] Enable omission of rounding of decimals in NumericMetricRangeMultiBatchParameterBuilder (6017)
* [FEATURE] Enable non-default sorters for `ConfiguredAssetSqlDataConnector` (5993)
* [FEATURE] Data Assistant plot method indication of total metrics and expectations count (6016)
* [BUGFIX] Addresses issue with ExpectCompoundColumnsToBeUnique renderer (5970)
* [BUGFIX] Fix failing `run_profiler_notebook` test (5983)
* [BUGFIX] Handle case when only one unique "column.histogram" bin value is found (5987)
* [BUGFIX] Update `get_validator` test assertions due to change in fixture batches (5989)
* [BUGFIX] Fix use of column.partition metric in HistogramSingleBatchParameterBuilder to more accurately handle errors (5990)
* [BUGFIX] Make Spark implementation of "column.value_counts" metric more robust to None/NaN column values (5996)
* [BUGFIX] Filter out np.nan values (just like None values) as part of ColumnValueCounts._spark() implementation (5998)
* [BUGFIX] Handle case when only one unique "column.histogram" bin value is found with proper type casting (6001)
* [BUGFIX] ColumnMedian._sqlalchemy() needs to handle case of single-value column (6011)
* [BUGFIX] Patch broken `save_expectation_suite` behavior with Cloud-backed `DataContext` (6004)
* [BUGFIX] Clean quantitative metrics DataFrames in Data Assistant plotting (6023)
* [BUGFIX] Defer `pprint` in `ExpectationSuite.show_expectations_by_expectation_type()` due to Jupyter rate limit (6026)
* [BUGFIX] Use UTC TimeZone (rather than Local Time Zone) for Rule-Based Profiler DateTime Conversions (6028)
* [DOCS] Update snippet refs in "How to create an Expectation Suite with the Onboarding Data Assistant" (6014)
* [MAINTENANCE] Randomize the non-comprehensive tests (5968)
* [MAINTENANCE] DatasourceStore refactoring (5941)
* [MAINTENANCE] Expectation suite init unit tests + types (5957)
* [MAINTENANCE] Expectation suite new unit tests for add_citation (5966)
* [MAINTENANCE] Updated release schedule (5977)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit tests for `CheckpointStore` (5967)
* [MAINTENANCE] Enhance unit tests for ExpectationSuite.isEquivalentTo (5979)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove unused fixtures from test suite (5965)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update to MultiBatch Notebook to include Configured - Sql (5945)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update to MultiBatch Notebook to include Inferred - Sql (5958)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add reverse assertion for isEquivalentTo tests (5982)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit test enhancements ExpectationSuite.__eq__() (5984)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor `DataContext.__init__` to move Cloud-specific logic to `CloudDataContext` (5981)
* [MAINTENANCE] Set up cloud integration tests with Azure Pipelines (5995)
* [MAINTENANCE] Example of `splitter_method` at `Asset` and `DataConnector` level (6000)
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace `splitter_method` strings with `SplitterMethod` Enum and leverage `GESqlDialect` Enum where applicable (5980)
* [MAINTENANCE] Ensure that `DataContext.add_datasource` works with nested `DataConnector` ids (5992)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove cloud integration tests from azure-pipelines.yml (5997)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit tests for `GeCloudStoreBackend` (5999)
* [MAINTENANCE] Parameterize pg hostname in jupyter notebooks (6005)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit tests for `Validator` (5988)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add unit tests for SimpleSqlalchemyDatasource (6008)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove `dgtest` from dev pipeline (6003)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove deprecated `account_id` from GX Cloud integrations (6010)
* [MAINTENANCE] Added perf considerations to onboarding assistant notebook (6022)
* [MAINTENANCE] Redshift specific temp table code path (6021)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `datasource new` workflow to enable `ConfiguredAssetDataConnector` usage with SQL-backed `Datasources` (6019)


* [BUGFIX] Data Assistant plotting with zero expectations produced (5934)
* [BUGFIX] Don't include abstract Expectation classes in _retrieve_expectations_from_module (5947)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that ParameterBuilder implementations in Rule Based Profiler properly handle SQL DECIMAL type (5896)
* [BUGFIX] Making an all-NULL column handling in RuleBasedProfiler more robust (5937)
* [BUGFIX] Prevent "division by zero" errors in Rule-Based Profiler calculations when Batch has zero rows (5960)
* [BUGFIX] Spark column.distinct_values no longer returns entire table distinct values (5969)
* [BUGFIX] prefix and suffix asset names are only relevant for InferredSqlAlchemyDataConnector (5950)
* [DOCS] DOC-368 spelling correction (5912)
* [FEATURE] Allowing `schema` to be passed in as `batch_spec_passthrough` in Spark (5900)
* [FEATURE] DataAssistants Example Notebook - Spark (5919)
* [FEATURE] Improve slack error condition (5818 thank you, Itai Sevitt)
* [FEATURE] SparkDFExecutionEngine able to use schema 5917
* [MAINTENANCE] Certify InferredAssetSqlDataConnector and ConfiguredAssetSqlDataConnector (5847)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add missing import for ConfigurationIdentifier (5943)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add x-fails to flaky Cloud tests for purposes of 0.15.22 (5964)
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump `Marshmallow` upper bound to work with Airflow operator (5952)
* [MAINTENANCE] Cleanup up some new datasource sql data connector tests. (5918)
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark DBFS tests with `pytest.mark.integration` (5931)
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark all tests within `tests/data_context/stores` dir (5913)
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark all tests within `tests/validator` (5926)
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark tests within `tests/rule_based_profiler` (5930)
* [MAINTENANCE] More unit tests for `Stores` (5953)
* [MAINTENANCE] Move `Store` test utils from source code to tests (5932)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove xfails from passing tests in preparation for 0.15.21 release (5908)
* [MAINTENANCE] Reset globals modified in tests (5936)
* [MAINTENANCE] Run comprehensive tests in a random order (5942)
* [MAINTENANCE] Run spark and onboarding data assistant test in their own jobs. (5951)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit tests for `ConfigurationStore` (5948)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit tests for `ValidationGraph` and related classes (5954)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit tests for `data_context/store` (5923)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update to OnboardingDataAssistant Notebook - Sql (5939)
* [MAINTENANCE] Use DataContext to ignore progress bars (5959)
* [MAINTENANCE] Use datasource config in add_datasource support methods (5901)
* [MAINTENANCE] Cleanup to allow docker test target to run tests in random order (5915)


* [FEATURE] Add `include_rendered_content` to `get_expectation_suite` and `get_validation_result` (5853)
* [FEATURE] Add tags as an optional setting for the OpsGenieAlertAction (5855) (thanks stevewb1993)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that `delete_expectation_suite` returns proper boolean result (5878)
* [BUGFIX] many small bugfixes (5881)
* [BUGFIX] Fix typo in default value of "ignore_row_if" kwarg for MulticolumnMapExpectation (5860) (thanks mkopec87)
* [BUGFIX] Patch issue with `checkpoint_identifier` within `` workflow (5894)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that `DataContext.add_checkpoint()` updates existing objects in GX Cloud (5895)
* [DOCS] DOC-364 how to configure a spark datasource (5840)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit Tests Pipeline step (5838)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unit tests to ensure coverage over `Datasource` caching in `DataContext` (5839)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add entries to release schedule (5833)
* [MAINTENANCE] Properly label `DataAssistant` tests with `pytest.mark.integration` (5845)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add additional unit tests around `Datasource` caching (5844)
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark miscellaneous tests with `pytest.mark.unit` (5846)
* [MAINTENANCE] `datasource`, `data_context`, `core` typing, lint fixes (5824)
* [MAINTENANCE] add --ignore-suppress and --ignore-only-for to with bugfixes (5802)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove pyparsing pin for <3.0 (5849)
* [MAINTENANCE] Finer type exclude (5848)
* [MAINTENANCE] use `id` instead `id_` (5775)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add data connector names in datasource config (5778)
* [MAINTENANCE] init tests for dict and json serializers (5854)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove Partitioning and Quantiles metrics computations from DateTime Rule of OnboardingDataAssistant (5862)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `ExpectationSuite` CRUD on `DataContext` to recognize Cloud ids (5836)
* [MAINTENANCE] Handle Pandas warnings in Data Assistant plots (5863)
* [MAINTENANCE] Misc cleanup of `` (5868)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove vendored `marshmallow__shade` (5866)
* [MAINTENANCE] don't force using the stand alone mock (5871)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update expectation_gallery pipeline (5874)
* [MAINTENANCE] run unit-tests on a target package (5869)
* [MAINTENANCE] add `pytest-timeout` (5857)
* [MAINTENANCE] Label tests in `tests/core` with `pytest.mark.unit` and `pytest.mark.integration` (5879)
* [MAINTENANCE] new invoke test flags (5880)
* [MAINTENANCE] JSON Serialize RowCondition and MetricBundle computation result to enable IDDict.to_id() for SparkDFExecutionEngine (5883)
* [MAINTENANCE] increase the `pytest-timeout` timeout value during unit-testing step (5884)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `pytest.mark.slow` throughout test suite (5882)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add test_expectation_suite_send_usage_message (5886)
* [MAINTENANCE] Mark existing tests as unit or integration (5890)
* [MAINTENANCE] Convert integration tests to unit (5891)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update distinct metric dependencies and implementations (5811)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add slow pytest marker to config and sort them alphabetically. (5892)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adding serialization tests for Spark (5897)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve existing expectation suite unit tests (phase 1) (5898)
* [MAINTENANCE] `SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine` case for SQL Alchemy `Select` and `TextualSelect` due to `SADeprecationWarning` (5902)


* [FEATURE] `query.pair_column` Metric (5743)
* [FEATURE] Enhance execution time measurement utility, and save `DomainBuilder` execution time per Rule of Rule-Based Profiler (5796)
* [FEATURE] Support single-batch mode in MetricMultiBatchParameterBuilder (5808)
* [FEATURE] Inline `ExpectationSuite` Rendering (5726)
* [FEATURE] Better error for missing expectation (5750) (thanks tylertrussell)
* [FEATURE] DataAssistants Example Notebook - Pandas (5820)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure name not persisted (5813)
* [DOCS] Change the selectable to a list (5780) (thanks itaise)
* [DOCS] Fix how to create custom table expectation (5807) (thanks itaise)
* [DOCS] DOC-363 how to configure a pandas datasource (5779)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove xfail markers on cloud tests (5793)
* [MAINTENANCE] build-gallery enhancements (5616)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor `save_profiler` to remove explicit `name` and `ge_cloud_id` args (5792)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add v2_api flag for v2_api specific tests (5803)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up `ge_cloud_id` reference from `DataContext` `ExpectationSuite` CRUD (5791)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor convert_dictionary_to_parameter_node (5805)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove `ge_cloud_id` from `DataContext.add_profiler()` signature (5804)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove "copy.deepcopy()" calls from ValidationGraph (5809)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add vectorized is_between for common numpy dtypes (5711)
* [MAINTENANCE] Make partitioning directives of PartitionParameterBuilder configurable (5810)
* [MAINTENANCE] Write E2E Cloud test for `RuleBasedProfiler` creation and retrieval (5815)
* [MAINTENANCE] Change recursion to iteration for function in (5817)
* [MAINTENANCE] add `pytest-mock` & `pytest-icdiff` plugins (5819)
* [MAINTENANCE] Surface cloud errors (5797)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up build_parameter_container_for_variables (5823)
* [MAINTENANCE] Bugfix/snowflake temp table schema name (5814)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `list_` methods on `DataContext` to emit names along with object ids (5826)
* [MAINTENANCE] xfail Cloud E2E tests due to schema issue with `DataContextVariables` (5828)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up xfails in preparation for 0.15.20 release (5835)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add back xfails for E2E Cloud tests that fail on env var retrieval in Docker (5837)

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