
Latest version: v0.18.12

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[ENHANCEMENT] Implement expect_column_values_to_be_json_parseable in spark (Thanks mikaylaedwards!)
[ENHANCEMENT] Fix boto3 options passing into datasource correctly (Thanks noklam!)
[ENHANCEMENT] Add .pkl to list of recognized extensions (Thanks KPLauritzen!)
[BUGFIX] Query batch kwargs support for Athena backend (issue 1964)
[BUGFIX] Skip config substitution if key is "password" (issue 1927)
[BUGFIX] fix site_names functionality and add site_names param to get_docs_sites_urls (issue 1991)
[BUGFIX] Always render expectation suites in data docs unless passing a specific ExpectationSuiteIdentifier in resource_identifiers (issue 1944)
[BUGFIX] remove black from requirements.txt
[BUGFIX] docs build cli: fix --yes argument (Thanks varunbpatil!)
[DOCS] Update docstring for SubdirReaderBatchKwargsGenerator (Thanks KPLauritzen!)
[DOCS] Fix broken link in (Thanks eyaltrabelsi!)
[DOCS] Clarifications on several docs (Thanks all!!)


* [FEATURE] Add PagerdutyAlertAction (Thanks NiallRees!)
* [FEATURE] enable using Minio for S3 backend (Thanks noklam!)
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add SqlAlchemy support for expect_compound_columns_to_be_unique (Thanks jhweaver!)
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add Spark support for expect_compound_columns_to_be_unique (Thanks tscottcoombes1!)
* [ENHANCEMENT] Save expectation suites with datetimes in evaluation parameters (Thanks mbakunze!)
* [ENHANCEMENT] Show data asset name in Slack message (Thanks haydarai!)
* [ENHANCEMENT] Enhance data doc to show data asset name in overview block (Thanks noklam!)
* [ENHANCEMENT] Clean up checkpoint output
* [BUGFIX] Change default prefix for TupleStoreBackend (issue 1907)
* [BUGFIX] Duplicate s3 approach for GCS for building object keys
* [BUGFIX] import NotebookConfig (Thanks cclauss!)
* [BUGFIX] Improve links (Thanks sbrugman!)
* [MAINTENANCE] Unpin black in requirements (Thanks jtilly!)
* [MAINTENANCE] remove test case name special characters

What’s Changed

* [ENHANCEMENT] Add expect_compound_columns_to_be_unique and clarify multicolumn uniqueness
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add expectation expect_table_columns_to_match_set
* [ENHANCEMENT] Checkpoint run command now prints out details on each validation 1437
* [ENHANCEMENT] Slack notifications can now display links to GCS-hosted DataDocs sites
* [ENHANCEMENT] Public base URL can be configured for Data Docs sites
* [ENHANCEMENT] SuiteEditNotebookRenderer.add_header class now allows usage of env variables in jinja templates (thanks mbakunze)!
* [ENHANCEMENT] Display table for Cramer's Phi expectation in Data Docs (thanks mlondschien)!
* [BUGFIX] Explicitly convert keys to tuples when removing from TupleS3StoreBackend (thanks balexander)!
* [BUGFIX] Use more-specific s3.meta.client.exceptions with dealing with boto resource api (thanks lcorneliussen)!
* [BUGFIX] Links to Amazon S3 are compatible with virtual host-style access and path-style access
* [DOCS] How to Instantiate a Data Context on a Databricks Spark Cluster
* [DOCS] Update to Deploying Great Expectations with Google Cloud Composer
* [MAINTENANCE] Update moto dependency to include cryptography (see spulec/moto/3290)


* [ENHANCEMENT] Update schema for anonymized expectation types to avoid large key domain
* [ENHANCEMENT] BaseProfiler type mapping expanded to include more pandas and numpy dtypes
* [BUGFIX] Allow for pandas reader option inference with parquet and Excel (thanks dlachasse)!
* [BUGFIX] Fix bug where running checkpoint fails if GCS data docs site has a prefix (thanks sergii-tsymbal-exa)!
* [BUGFIX] Fix bug in deleting datasource config from config file (thanks rxmeez)!
* [BUGFIX] clarify inclusiveness of min/max values in string rendering
* [BUGFIX] Building data docs no longer crashes when a data asset name is an integer 1913
* [DOCS] Add notes on transient table creation to Snowflake guide (thanks verhey)!
* [DOCS] Fixed several broken links and glossary organization (thanks JavierMonton and sbrugman)!
* [DOCS] Deploying Great Expectations with Google Cloud Composer (Hosted Airflow)


* [FEATURE] Add ``expect_column_pair_cramers_phi_value_to_be_less_than`` expectation to ``PandasDatasource`` to check for the independence of two columns by computing their Cramers Phi (thanks mlondschien)!
* [FEATURE] add support for ``expect_column_pair_values_to_be_in_set`` to ``Spark`` (thanks mikaylaedwards)!
* [FEATURE] Add new expectation:`` expect_multicolumn_sum_to_equal`` for ``pandas` and ``Spark`` (thanks chipmyersjr)!
* [ENHANCEMENT] Update isort, pre-commit & pre-commit hooks, start more linting (thanks dandandan)!
* [ENHANCEMENT] Bundle shaded marshmallow==3.7.1 to avoid dependency conflicts on GCP Composer
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improve row_condition support in aggregate expectations
* [BUGFIX] SuiteEditNotebookRenderer no longer break GCS and S3 data paths
* [BUGFIX] Fix bug preventing the use of get_available_partition_ids in s3 generator
* [BUGFIX] SuiteEditNotebookRenderer no longer break GCS and S3 data paths
* [BUGFIX] TupleGCSStoreBackend: remove duplicate prefix for urls (thanks azban)!


* [BREAKING] This release includes a breaking change that *only* affects users who directly call `add_expectation`, `remove_expectation`, or `find_expectations`. (Most users do not use these APIs but add Expectations by stating them directly on Datasets). Those methods have been updated to take an ExpectationConfiguration object and `match_type` object. The change provides more flexibility in determining which expectations should be modified and allows us provide substantially improved support for two major features that we have frequently heard requested: conditional Expectations and more flexible multi-column custom expectations. See `expectation_suite_operations` and `migrating_versions` docs sections for more information.
* [FEATURE] Add support for conditional expectations using pandas execution engine (1217 HUGE thanks arsenii!)
* [FEATURE] ValidationActions can now consume and return "payload", which can be used to share information across ValidationActions
* [FEATURE] Add support for nested columns in the PySpark expectations (thanks bramelfrink)!
* [FEATURE] add support for `expect_column_values_to_be_increasing` to `Spark` (thanks mikaylaedwards)!
* [FEATURE] add support for `expect_column_values_to_be_decreasing` to `Spark` (thanks mikaylaedwards)!
* [FEATURE] Slack Messages sent as ValidationActions now have link to DataDocs, if available.
* [FEATURE] Expectations now define “domain,” “success,” and “runtime” kwargs to allow them to determine expectation equivalence for updating expectations. Fixes column pair expectation update logic.
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add a `skip_and_clean_missing` flag to `` (default True). If True, when an index page is being built and an existing HTML page does not have corresponding source data (i.e. an expectation suite or validation result was removed from source store), the HTML page is automatically deleted and will not appear in the index. This ensures that the expectations store and validations store are the source of truth for Data Docs.
* [ENHANCEMENT] Include datetime and bool column types in descriptive documentation results
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improve data docs page breadcrumbs to have clearer run information
* [ENHANCEMENT] Data Docs Validation Results only shows unexpected value counts if all unexpected values are available
* [ENHANCEMENT] Convert GE version key from great_expectations.__version__ to great_expectations_version (thanks, cwerner!) (1606)
* [BUGFIX] Add guard for checking Redshift Dialect in match_like_pattern expectation
* [BUGFIX] Fix content_block build failure for dictionary content - (thanks jliew!) 1722
* [BUGFIX] Fix bug that was preventing env var substitution in `config_variables.yml` when not at the top level
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where expect_column_values_to_be_in_type_list did not work with positional type_list argument in SqlAlchemyDataset or SparkDFDataset
* [BUGFIX] Fixes a bug that was causing exceptions to occur if user had a Data Docs config excluding a particular site section
* [DOCS] Add how-to guides for configuring MySQL and MSSQL Datasources
* [DOCS] Add information about issue tags to contributing docs
* [DEPRECATION] Deprecate demo suite behavior in `suite new`


What’s Changed

* [FEATURE] New Dataset Support: Microsoft SQL Server
* [FEATURE] Render expectation validation results to markdown
* [FEATURE] Support for Pattern Matching Expectations Using the SQL LIKE Operator
* [FEATURE] Add --assume-yes/--yes/-y option to cli docs build command (thanks feluelle)
* [FEATURE] Add SSO and SSH key pair authentication for Snowflake (thanks dmateusp)
* [FEATURE] Add the Microsoft SQL Server database management system to the list of supported data sources
* [FEATURE] Add pattern-matching expectations that use the Standard SQL "LIKE" operator: "expect_column_values_to_match_like_pattern", "expect_column_values_to_not_match_like_pattern", "expect_column_values_to_match_like_pattern_list", and "expect_column_values_to_not_match_like_pattern_list"
* [ENHANCEMENT] Deprecate magic "profiling" run_name for Data Docs profiling results rendering
* [ENHANCEMENT] Make Data Docs rendering of profiling results more flexible by deprecating the reliance on validation results having the specific run_name of "profiling"
* [ENHANCEMENT] Use green checkmark in Slack msgs instead of tada
* [ENHANCEMENT] log class instantiation errors for better debugging
* [BUGFIX] usage_statistics decorator now handles 'dry_run' flag
* [BUGFIX] Add spark_context to DatasourceConfigSchema (1713) -- thanks Dandandan
* [BUGFIX] Add spark_context to DatasourceConfigSchema (1713) (thanks Dandandan)
* [BUGFIX] Handle case when unexpected_count list element is str
* [DOCS] Deploying Data Docs
* [DOCS] New how-to guide: How to instantiate a Data Context on an EMR Spark cluster
* [DOCS] Managed Spark DF Documentation 1729 (thanks mgorsk1)
* [DOCS] Typos and clarifications (thanks dechoma sbrugman rexboyce)

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