
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Accept row_condition (with condition_parser) and ignore_row_if parameters for expect_multicolumn_sum_to_equal (3193)
* [FEATURE] ConfiguredAssetDataConnector for Azure Blob Storage (3141)
* [FEATURE] Replace MetricFunctionTypes.IDENTITY domain type with convenience method get_domain_records() for SparkDFExecutionEngine (3226)
* [FEATURE] Replace MetricFunctionTypes.IDENTITY domain type with convenience method get_domain_records() for SqlAlchemyExecutionEngine (3215)
* [FEATURE] Replace MetricFunctionTypes.IDENTITY domain type with convenience method get_full_access_compute_domain() for PandasExecutionEngine (3210)
* [FEATURE] Set foundation for Azure-related DataConnectors (3188)
* [FEATURE] Update ExpectCompoundColumnsToBeUnique for V3 API (3161)
* [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect schema validation for Azure data connectors (3200)
* [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect usage of “all()” in the comparison of validation results when executing an Expectation (3178)
* [BUGFIX] Fixes an error with expect_column_values_to_be_dateutil_parseable (3190)
* [BUGFIX] Improve parsing of .ge_store_backend_id (2952)
* [BUGFIX] Remove fixture parameterization for Cloud DBs (Snowflake and BigQuery) (3182)
* [BUGFIX] Restore support for V2 API style custom expectation rendering (3179) (Thanks jdimatteo)
* [DOCS] Add `conda` as installation option in README (3196) (Thanks rpanai)
* [DOCS] Standardize capitalization of “Python” in “Connecting to your data” section of new docs (3209)
* [DOCS] Standardize capitalization of Spark in docs (3198)
* [DOCS] Update BigQuery docs to clarify the use of temp tables (3184)
* [DOCS}/GDOC-205/CREATE _redirects (3192)
* [ENHANCEMENT] RuntimeDataConnector messaging is made more clear for `test_yaml_config()` (3206)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `credentials` YAML key support for `DataConnectors` (3173)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix minor typo in S3 DataConnectors (3194)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix typos in argument names and types (3207)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update changelog. (3189)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update documentation. (3203)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update (3185)
* [MAINTENANCE] update tests across execution engines and clean up coding patterns (3223)


* [FEATURE] Enable BigQuery tests for Azure CI/CD (3155)
* [FEATURE] Implement MulticolumnMapExpectation class (3134)
* [FEATURE] Implement the MulticolumnSumEqual Metric for PandasExecutionEngine (3130)
* [FEATURE] Support row_condition and ignore_row_if Directives Combined for PandasExecutionEngine (3150)
* [FEATURE] Update ExpectMulticolumnSumToEqual for V3 API (3136)
* [FEATURE] add python3.9 to python versions (3143) (Thanks dswalter)
* [FEATURE]/MER-16/MER-75/ADD_ROUTE_FOR_VALIDATION_RESULT (3090) (Thanks rreinoldsc)
* [BUGFIX] Enable `--v3-api suite edit` to proceed without selecting DataConnectors (3165)
* [BUGFIX] Fix error when `RuntimeBatchRequest` is passed to `SimpleCheckpoint` with `RuntimeDataConnector` (3152)
* [BUGFIX] allow reader_options in the CLI so can read `.csv.gz` files (2695) (Thanks luke321321)
* [DOCS] Apply Docusaurus tabs to relevant pages in new docs
* [DOCS] Capitalize python to Python in docs (3176)
* [DOCS] Improve Core Concepts - Expectation Concepts (2831)
* [MAINTENANCE] Error messages must be friendly. (3171)
* [MAINTENANCE] Implement the "compound_columns_unique" metric for PandasExecutionEngine (with a unit test). (3159)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve Coding Practices in "great_expectations/expectations/" (3151)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update (3177)



* [FEATURE] Script to automate proper triggering of Docs Azure pipeline (3003)
* [BUGFIX] Fix an undefined name that could lead to a NameError (3063) (Thanks cclauss)
* [BUGFIX] fix incorrect pandas top rows usage (3091)
* [BUGFIX] Fix parens in Expectation metric validation method that always returned True assertation (3086) (Thanks morland96)
* [BUGFIX] Fix run_diagnostics for contrib expectations (3096)
* [BUGFIX] Fix typos discovered by codespell (3064) (Thanks cclauss)
* [BUGFIX] Wrap get_view_names in try clause for passing the NotImplemented error (2976) (Thanks kj-9)
* [DOCS] Ensuring consistent style of directories, files, and related references in docs (3053)
* [DOCS] Fix broken link to example DAG (3061) (Thanks fritz-astronomer)
* [DOCS] GDOC-198 cleanup TOC (3088)
* [DOCS] Migrating pages under guides/miscellaneous (3094) (Thanks spbail)
* [DOCS] Port over “How to configure a new Checkpoint using test_yaml_config” from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over “How to configure an Expectation store in GCS” from RTD to Docusaurus (3071)
* [DOCS] Port over “How to create renderers for custom Expectations” from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over “How to run a Checkpoint in Airflow” from RTD to Docusaurus (3074)
* [DOCS] Update (3073)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adding a comment explaining the IDENTITY metric domain type. (3057)
* [MAINTENANCE] Change domain key value from “column” to “column_list” in ExecutionEngine implementations (3059)
* [MAINTENANCE] clean up metric errors (3085)
* [MAINTENANCE] Correct the typo in the naming of the IDENTIFICATION semantic domain type name. (3058)
* [MAINTENANCE] disable snowflake tests temporarily (3093)
* [MAINTENANCE] [DOCS] Port over “How to host and share Data Docs on GCS” from RTD to Docusaurus (3070)
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable repr for MetricConfiguration to assist with troubleshooting. (3075)
* [MAINTENANCE] Expand test of a column map metric to underscore functionality. (3072)
* [MAINTENANCE] Expectation anonymizer supports v3 expectation registry (3092)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix -- check for column key existence in accessor_domain_kwargsn for condition map partials. (3082)
* [MAINTENANCE] Missing import of SparkDFExecutionEngine was added. (3062)


* [BUGFIX] added expectation_config to ExpectationValidationResult when exception is raised (2659) (thanks peterdhansen))
* [BUGFIX] fix update data docs as validation action (3031)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure an Expectation Store in Azure" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to host and share DataDocs on a filesystem" from RTD to Docusaurus (3018)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to instantiate a Data Context w/o YML" from RTD to Docusaurus (3011)
* [DOCS] Port "How to configure a Validation Result store on a filesystem" from RTD to Docusaurus (3025)
* [DOCS] how to create multibatch expectations using evaluation parameters (3039)
* [DOCS] Port "How to create and edit Expectations with a Profiler" from RTD to Docussaurus. (3048)
* [DOCS] Port RTD adding validations data or suites to checkpoint (3030)
* [DOCS] Porting "How to create and edit Expectations with instant feedback from a sample Batch of data" from RTD to Docusaurus. (3046)
* [DOCS] GDOC-172/Add missing pages (3007)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure DataContext components using test_yaml_config" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure a Validation Result store to Postgres" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure an Expectation Store in S3" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure an Expectation Store on a filesystem" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure credentials using YAML or env vars" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure credentials using a secrets store" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure validation result store in GCS" from RTD to Docusaurus (3019)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to connect to an Athena DB" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to create a new ExpectationSuite from jsonschema" from RTD to Docusaurus (3017)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to deploy a scheduled checkpoint with cron" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to dynamically load evaluation parameters from DB" from RTD to Docusaurus (3052)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to host and share DataDocs on Amazon S3" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to implement custom notifications" from RTD to Docusaurus (3050)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to instantiate a DataContext on Databricks Spark cluster" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Port over "How to instantiate a DataContext on an EMR Spark Cluster" from RTD to Docusaurus (3024)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to trigger Opsgenie notifications as a validation action" from RTD to Docusaurus
* [DOCS] Update titles of metadata store docs (3016)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure Expectation store to PostgreSQL" from RTD to Docusaurus (3010)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure a MetricsStore" from RTD to Docusaurus (3009)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to configure validation result store in Azure" from RTD to Docusaurus (3014)
* [DOCS] Port over "How to host and share DataDocs on Azure" from RTD to Docusaurus (3012)
* [DOCS]Port "How to create and edit Expectations based on domain knowledge, without inspecting data directly" from RTD to Datasaurus. (3047)
* [DOCS] Ported "How to configure a Validation Result store in Amazon S3" from RTD to Docusaurus. (3026)
* [DOCS] how to validate without checkpoint (3013)
* [DOCS] validation action data docs update (convert from RTD to DocuSaurus) (3015)
* [DOCS] port of 'How to store Validation Results as a Validation Action' from RTD into Docusaurus. (3023)

What’s Changed

* [FEATURE] Port over guide for Slack notifications for validation actions (3005)
* [FEATURE] bootstrap estimator for NumericMetricRangeMultiBatchParameterBuilder (3001)
* [BUGFIX] Update naming of confidence_level in integration test fixture (3002)
* [BUGFIX] [] fix check for null value (2994) (thanks Mohamed Abido)
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where compression key was added to reader_method for read_parquet (2506)
* [BUGFIX] Improve support for dates for expect_column_distinct_values_to_contain_set (2997) (thanks xaniasd)
* [BUGFIX] Fix bug in getting non-existent parameter (2986)
* [BUGFIX] Modify read_excel() to handle new optional-dependency openpyxl for pandas >= 1.3.0 (2989)
* [DOCS] Getting Started - Clean Up and Integration Tests (2985)
* [DOCS] Adding in url links and style (2999)
* [DOCS] Adding a missing import to a documentation page (2983) (thanks rishabh-bhargava)
* [DOCS]/GDOC-108/GDOC-143/Add in Contributing fields and updates (2972)
* [DOCS] Update rule-based profiler docs (2987)
* [DOCS] add image zoom plugin (2979)
* [MAINTENANCE] fix lint issues for docusaurus (3004)
* [MAINTENANCE] update header to match (2811)
* [MAINTENANCE] Instrument test_yaml_config() (2981)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove "mostly" from "bobster" test config (2996)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update v-0.12 CLI test to reflect Pandas upgrade to version 1.3.0 (2995)
* [MAINTENANCE] rephrase expectation suite meta profile comment (2991)
* [MAINTENANCE] make citation cleaner in expectation suite (2990)
* [MAINTENANCE] Attempt to fix Numpy and Scipy Version Requirements without additional requirements* files (2982)


* [DOCS] correct errors and reference complete example for custom expectations (thanks jdimatteo)
* [DOCS] How to connect to : in-memory Pandas Dataframe
* [DOCS] How to connect to in memory dataframe with spark
* [DOCS] How to connect to : S3 data using Pandas
* [DOCS] How to connect to : Sqlite database
* [DOCS] no longer show util import to users
* [DOCS] How to connect to data on a filesystem using Spark guide
* [DOCS] GDOC-102/GDOC-127 Port in References and Tutorials
* [DOCS] How to connect to a MySQL database
* [DOCS] improved clarity in how to write guide templates and docs
* [DOCS] Add documentation for Rule Based Profilers
* [BUGFIX] Update mssql image version for Azure
* [MAINTENANCE] Update test-sqlalchemy-latest.yml
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean Up Design for Configuration and Flow of Rules, Domain Builders, and Parameter Builders
* [MAINTENANCE] Update Profiler docstring args
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove date format parameter builder
* [MAINTENANCE] Move metrics computations to top-level ParameterBuilder
* [MAINTENANCE] use tmp dot UUID for discardable expectation suite name
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor ExpectationSuite to include profiler_config in citations
* [FEATURE] Add citations to Profiler.profile()
* [FEATURE] Bootstrapped Range Parameter Builder

What’s Changed

* [MAINTENANCE] changelog and version number update (2943) OrtalG
* [DOCS] Update TOC to match Design Doc (2915) Shinnnyshinshin
* [ENHANCEMENT] Make expect_column_values_to_be_between faster (2633) janjagusch
* [BUGFIX] Minor fixes to v3 API CLI (2742) spbail
* [FEATURE]/GDOC/GDOC-107/GDOC-124/Adding In Intro Files and Splitting jsx (2934) petermoyer
* [BUGFIX] Docs integration Pipeline now references new requirements files (2941) Shinnnyshinshin
* [MAINTENANCE] Pin json-schema version (2938) anthonyburdi
* Update requirements for docs_rtd (2940) jcampbell
* [MAINTENANCE] remove reference to old requirements file in CI (2939) Aylr
* [DOCS] add Local Python Install to docs (2920) petermoyer
* [BUGFIX] Temporary table objects persist across sessions in Oracle versions 18c, 19c, and 21c (2862) NathanFarmer
* [BUGFIX] Using cache in order not to fetch already known secrets (2882) Cedric-Magnan
* feat: remove accidental new line in .ge_store_backend_id (2896) dnz-bdeboer
* Bump urllib3 from 1.25.10 to 1.26.5 in /docs_rtd (2854) dependabot
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove numpy pin (2930) jcampbell
* [DOCS] How to write a how-to-guide (Docusaurus) (2924) Shinnnyshinshin
* [DOCS] Fix version name in V3 Quick start tutorial (2897) ioni-garfunkel
* [MAINTENANCE] upgrade docusaurus (2932) Aylr
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor variable and rules configs in profiler into a single dict (2919) cdkini
* [BUGFIX] Instantiate PandasExecutionEngine with custom parameters (2904) xaniasd
* [DOCS] Fixed the expectation suite name kwarg (2875) vikramaditya91
* [BUGFIX] Render 0 properly in datadocs (2923) shpolina
* [FEATURE] Eliminate the use of Validator in creating Profiler, DomainBuilder, and ParameterBuilder classes of the Rule Based Profiler (2925) alexsherstinsky
* [MAINTENANCE] Allow tests to properly connect to local sqlite db on Windows (2891) shpolina
* [BUGFIX] Temp table creation fix (2859) shpolina
* [DOCS] How to connect to your data in BigQuery (2902) Shinnnyshinshin
* [DOCS] Update For Tools and Services (2921) kyleaton
* [BUGFIX] Fix inconsistent column names in NYC taxi datasets (2917) cdkini
* [BUGFIX] Make JSON Serialization Utility More Robust (currently fails for Python-3.6 and Pandas-0.23 (2913) alexsherstinsky
* [MAINTENANCE] Add NYC taxi data to testing datasets (2911) cdkini
* [BUGFIX] Fix rendering error (2909) shpolina
* [FEATURE] Initial/Incremental Multi-Batch Profiler Code Contribution (2869) alexsherstinsky
* [DOCS] Small fix to the tutorial (2901) ioni-garfunkel
* Small fix for batch_filter (the tests already cover it). (2899) alexsherstinsky
* [DOCS] Update pr template and remove enhancement feature type (2894) OrtalG
* [MAINTENANCE] DOCS integration tests have moved to a new pipeline (2895) Shinnnyshinshin
* [WIP][FEATURE] Mer-45: GE Cloud Store Backend (2822) roblim
* [DOCS] Bugfix for Database how-to-docs (2883) Shinnnyshinshin
* [BUGFIX] Docs integration tests now only run when `--docs-tests` option is specified (2892) Shinnnyshinshin
* [FEATURE] Ability to Launch Azure Checks Using a Prefix in the Name of a Branch (2890) alexsherstinsky
* Alexsherstinsky/bugfix/duplicated aws region instead of secret 06 08 2021 63 (2888) alexsherstinsky
* [DOCS] Update docstring for SlackNotificationAction (2889) anthonyburdi
* [DOCS] How to connect to your data on a S3 using spark guide (2877) Aylr
* [DOCS] How to Connect to your data on Redshift guide (2879) Shinnnyshinshin
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improve filter_properties_dict handling of falsy values (along with new unit tests for this) (2878) alexsherstinsky
* [BUGFIX] Fixing batch_filter string processing of slice query parameters (and adding corresponding unit tests) (2876) alexsherstinsky
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix broken links after merge of knoxpod branch into develop (2874) Shinnnyshinshin
* [DOCS][MAINTENANCE] remove interactive prototype (2873) Aylr
* [DOCS][MAINTENANCE] docs test CI pipeline trigger is more precise (2867) Aylr
* [ENHANCEMENT] Added SerializableDotDict (as a JSON-serializable extension of DotDict) (2871) alexsherstinsky
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix non-functional Validator test. Make small type hints and style adjustment. (2866) alexsherstinsky
* [KNOXPOD] Snowflake-how-to-guide follow up changes (2851) Shinnnyshinshin
* [MAINTENANCE] Make test utils more general. Also, add an assertion for an expected log warning. (2857) alexsherstinsky
* [DOCS] First portion of alpha docs site (2852) Aylr
* [FEATURE] Rule Based Profiler: Initial Commit (Work-In-Progress) (2788) anthonyburdi
* [DOCS] Fix typo in readme (2838) dafeda
* [DOCS] Update testing.rst (2817) rschmidtner
* [DOCS] Word missing in slack guidelines doc (2835) discdiver
* [BUGFIX] Update util.convert_to_json_serializable() to handle UUID type (2805) YFGu0618
* [BUGFIX] expect_column_kl_divergence_to_be_less_than to not double count on lowest bin boundary (2756) peterdhansen
* [DOCS] Fix typo in Core Concepts documentation (2797) cdkini
* [DOCS] remove broken link (2769) gsajko
* [MAINTENANCE] CLI tests now support click 8.0 and 7.x (2791) Aylr
* Add integration test for multi-BatchRequest (2776) talagluck
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve robustness of integration test_runner (2772) talagluck
* [FEATURE] - new expectation: expect_column_values_to_change_between (2618) maikelpenz
* Enable instantiation of a validator with multiple batches (2765) talagluck
* [MAINTENANCE] Add nightly CI run to test the Latest SQLAlchemy version with GE/postgres (2760) anthonyburdi
* [MAINTENANCE] Add type hints to BatchFilter (2749) alexsherstinsky
* [BUGFIX] Allow decimals without leading zeros in evaluation parameters (2725) makotonium
* [BUGFIX] Add a parameter to `SparkDFDatasource` to reuse the Spark Context (2733) j-f-r
* [DOCS] Getting started tutorial for the v3 API (2724) spbail
* [ENHANCEMENT] Ge 5/add taxi multibatch fixture (2716) talagluck


This release fixes a packaging error that prevented the CLI commands nested under `suite` from working in the V3 API.

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