
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Add support for named groups in data asset regex (3855)
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where dependency graph tester picks up non *.py files and add test file (3830)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure proper exit code for dependency graph script (3839)
* [BUGFIX] Allows GE to work when installed in a zip file (PEP 273). Fixes issue 3772 (3798) (thanks joseignaciorc)
* [BUGFIX] Update conditional for TextClause isinstance check in SQLAlchemyExecutionEngine (3844)
* [BUGFIX] Fix usage stats events (3857)
* [BUGFIX] Make ExpectationContext optional and remove when null to ensure backwards compatability (3859)
* [BUGFIX] Fix sqlalchemy expect_compound_columns_to_be_unique (3827) (thanks harperweaver-dox)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure proper serialization of SQLAlchemy Legacy Row (3865)
* [DOCS] Update (3832)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove the need for DataContext registry in the instrumentation of the Legacy Profiler profiling method. (3836)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove DataContext registry (3838)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor cli suite conditionals (3841)
* [MAINTENANCE] adding hints to stores in data context (3849)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve usage stats testing (3858, 3861)
* [MAINTENANCE] Make checkpoint methods in DataContext pass-through (3860)
* [MAINTENANCE] Datasource and ExecutionEngine Anonymizers handle missing module_name (3867)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add logging around DatasourceInitializationError in DataContext (3846)
* [MAINTENANCE] Use f-string to prevent string concat issue in Evaluation Parameters (3864)
* [MAINTENANCE] Test for errors / invalid messages in logs & fix various existing issues (3875)
* [MAINTENANCE] Raising exceptions for misconfigured datasources in cloud mode (3866)


* [FEATURE] Instrument Runtime DataConnector for Usage Statistics: Add "" Event Schema (3797)
* [FEATURE] Add suite creation type field to CLI SUITE "new" and "edit" Usage Statistics events (3810)
* [FEATURE] [EXPERIMENTAL] Dependency graph based testing strategy and related pipeline (3738, 3815, 3818)
* [FEATURE] BaseDataContext registry (3812, 3819)
* [FEATURE] Add usage statistics instrumentation to Legacy UserConfigurableProfiler execution (3828)
* [BUGFIX] CheckpointConfig.__deepcopy__() must copy all fields, including the null-valued fields (3793)
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where configuration store didn't allow nesting (3811)
* [BUGFIX] Fix Minor Bugs in and Clean Up UserConfigurableProfiler (3822)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure proper replacement of nulls in Jupyter Notebooks (3782)
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where configuration store didn't allow nesting (3811)
* [DOCS] Clean up TOC (3783)
* [DOCS] Update Checkpoint and Actions Reference with testing (3787)
* [DOCS] Update How to install Great Expectations locally (3805)
* [DOCS] How to install Great Expectations in a hosted environment (3808)
* [MAINTENANCE] Make BatchData Serialization More Robust (3791)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor (3789)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update ref to ge-cla-bot in PR template (3799)
* [MAINTENANCE] Anonymizer clean up and refactor (3801)
* [MAINTENANCE] Certify the expectation "expect_table_row_count_to_equal_other_table" for V3 API (3803)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor to enable broader use of event emitting method for usage statistics (3825)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up temp file after CI/CD run (3823)


* [FEATURE] Feature/render validation metadata (3397) (thanks vshind1)
* [FEATURE] Added expectation expect_column_values_to_not_contain_special_characters() (2849, 3771) (thanks jaibirsingh)
* [FEATURE] Like and regex-based expectations in Athena dialect (3762) (thanks josges)
* [FEATURE] Rename `deep_filter_properties_dict()` to `deep_filter_properties_iterable()`
* [FEATURE] Extract validation result failures (3552) (thanks BenGale93)
* [BUGFIX] Allow now() eval parameter to be used by itself (3719)
* [BUGFIX] Fixing broken logo for legacy RTD docs (3769)
* [BUGFIX] Adds version-handling to sqlalchemy make_url imports (3768)
* [BUGFIX] Integration test to avoid regression of simple PandasExecutionEngine workflow (3770)
* [BUGFIX] Fix copying of CheckpointConfig for substitution and printing purposes (3759)
* [BUGFIX] Fix evaluation parameter usage with Query Store (3763)
* [BUGFIX] Feature/fix row condition quotes (3676) (thanks benoitLebreton-perso)
* [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect filling out of anonymized event payload (3780)
* [BUGFIX] Don't reset_index for conditional expectations (3667) (thanks abekfenn)
* [DOCS] Update expectations gallery link in V3 notebook documentation (3747)
* [DOCS] Correct V3 documentation link in V2 notebooks to point to V2 documentation (3750)
* [DOCS] How to pass an in-memory DataFrame to a Checkpoint (3756)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix typo in Getting Started Guide (3749)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add proper docstring and type hints to Validator (3767)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up duplicate logging statements about optional `black` dep (3778)


* [FEATURE] Add new result_format to include unexpected_row_list (3346)
* [FEATURE] Implement "deep_filter_properties_dict()" method (3703)
* [FEATURE] Create Constants for GETTING_STARTED Entities (e.g., datasource_name, expectation_suite_name, etc.) (3712)
* [FEATURE] Add usage statistics event for DataContext.get_batch_list() method (3708)
* [FEATURE] Add data_context.run_checkpoint event to usage statistics (3721)
* [FEATURE] Add event_duration to usage statistics events (3729)
* [FEATURE] InferredAssetSqlDataConnector's introspection can list external tables in Redshift Spectrum (3646)
* [BUGFIX] Using a RuntimeBatchRequest in a Checkpoint with a top-level batch_request instead of validations (3680)
* [BUGFIX] Using a RuntimeBatchRequest in a Checkpoint at runtime with (3713)
* [BUGFIX] Using a RuntimeBatchRequest in a Checkpoint at runtime with context.run_checkpoint() (3718)
* [BUGFIX] Use SQLAlchemy make_url helper where applicable when parsing URLs (3722)
* [BUGFIX] Adds check for quantile_ranges to be ordered or unbounded pairs (3724)
* [BUGFIX] Updates MST renderer to return JSON-parseable boolean (3728)
* [BUGFIX] Removes sqlite suppression for expect_column_quantile_values_to_be_between test definitions (3735)
* [BUGFIX] Handle contradictory configurations in checkpoint.yml,, and context.run_checkpoint() (3723)
* [BUGFIX] fixed a bug where expectation metadata doesn't appear in edit template for table-level expectations (3129) (thanks olechiw)
* [BUGFIX] Added temp_table creation for Teradata in SqlAlchemyBatchData (3731) (thanks imamolp)
* [DOCS] Add Databricks video walkthrough link (3702, 3704)
* [DOCS] Update the link to configure a MetricStore (3711, 3714) (thanks txblackbird)
* [DOCS] Updated code example to remove deprecated "File" function (3632) (thanks daccorti)
* [DOCS] Delete as OBE. (3734)
* [DOCS] Update broken link in to point to V3 documentation (3745)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve type hinting (using Optional type) (3709)
* [MAINTENANCE] Standardize names for assets that are used in Getting Started Guide (3706)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up remaining improper usage of Optional type annotation (3710)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refinement of Getting Started Guide script (3715)
* [MAINTENANCE] cloud-410 - Support for Column Descriptions (3707)
* [MAINTENANCE] Types Clean Up in Checkpoint, Batch, and DataContext Classes (3737)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove DeprecationWarning for validator.remove_expectation (3744)


* [FEATURE] Enable support for Teradata SQLAlchemy dialect (3496) (thanks imamolp)
* [FEATURE] Dremio connector added (SQLalchemy) (3624) (thanks chufe-dremio)
* [FEATURE] Adds expect_column_values_to_be_string_integers_increasing (3642)
* [FEATURE] Enable "column.quantile_values" and "expect_column_quantile_values_to_be_between" for SQLite; add/enable new tests (3695)
* [BUGFIX] Allow glob_directive for DBFS Data Connectors (3673)
* [BUGFIX] Update black version in pre-commit config (3674)
* [BUGFIX] Make sure to add "mostly_pct" value if "mostly" kwarg present (3661)
* [BUGFIX] Fix BatchRequest.to_json_dict() to not overwrite original fields; also type usage cleanup in CLI tests (3683)
* [BUGFIX] Fix pyfakefs boto / GCS incompatibility (3694)
* [BUGFIX] Update prefix attr assignment in cloud-based DataConnector constructors (3668)
* [BUGFIX] Update 'list_keys' signature for all cloud-based tuple store child classes (3669)
* [BUGFIX] evaluation parameters from different expectation suites dependencies (3684) (thanks OmriBromberg)
* [DOCS] Databricks deployment pattern documentation (3682)
* [DOCS] Remove how_to_instantiate_a_data_context_on_databricks_spark_cluster (3687)
* [DOCS] Updates to Databricks doc based on friction logging (3696)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix checkpoint anonymization and make BatchRequest.to_json_dict() more robust (3675)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update kl_divergence domain_type (3681)
* [MAINTENANCE] update filter_properties_dict to use set for inclusions and exclusions (instead of list) (3698)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adds CITATION.cff (3697)


* [FEATURE] DBFS Data connectors (3659)
* [BUGFIX] Fix "null" appearing in notebooks due to incorrect ExpectationConfigurationSchema serialization (3638)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that result_format from saved expectation suite json file takes effect (3634)
* [BUGFIX] Allowing user specified run_id to appear in WarningAndFailureExpectationSuitesValidationOperator validation result (3386) (thanks wniroshan)
* [BUGFIX] Update black dependency to ensure passing Azure builds on Python 3.9 (3664)
* [BUGFIX] fix Issue 3405 - gcs client init in pandas engine (3408) (thanks dz-1)
* [BUGFIX] Recursion error when passing RuntimeBatchRequest with query into Checkpoint using validations (3654)
* [MAINTENANCE] Cloud 388/supported expectations query (3635)
* [MAINTENANCE] Proper separation of concerns between specific File Path Data Connectors and corresponding ExecutionEngine objects (3643)
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable Docusaurus tests for S3 (3645)
* [MAINTENANCE] Formalize Exception Handling Between DataConnector and ExecutionEngine Implementations, and Update DataConnector Configuration Usage in Tests (3644)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adds util for handling SADeprecation warning (3651)

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