
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Added EmailAction as a new Validation Action (Thanks Cedric-Magnan!) 2479
* [ENHANCEMENT] CLI global options and checkpoint functionality for v3 api 2497
* [DOCS] Renamed the "old" and the "new" APIs to "V2 (Batch Kwargs) API" and "V3 (Batch Request) API" and added an article with recommendations for choosing between them


* [FEATURE] Add "table.head" metric
* [FEATURE] Add support for BatchData as a core GE concept for all Execution Engines. 2395
* NOTE: As part of our improvements to the underlying Batch API, we have refactored BatchSpec to be part of the "core" package in Great Expectations, consistent with its role coordinating communication about Batches between the Datasource and Execution Engine abstractions.
* [ENHANCEMENT] Explicit support for schema_name in the SqlAlchemyBatchData 2465. Issue 2340
* [ENHANCEMENT] Data docs can now be built skipping the index page using the python API 2224
* [ENHANCEMENT] Evaluation parameter runtime values rendering in data docs if arithmetic is present 2447. Issue 2215
* [ENHANCEMENT] When connecting to new Datasource, CLI prompt is consistent with rest of GE 2434
* [ENHANCEMENT] Adds basic test for bad s3 paths generated from regex 2427 (Thanks lukedyer-peak!)
* [ENHANCEMENT] Updated UserConfigurableProfiler date parsing error handling 2459
* [ENHANCEMENT] Clarification of self_check error messages 2304
* [ENHANCEMENT] Allows gzipped files and other encodings to be read from S3 2440 (Thanks luke321321!)
* [BUGFIX] `expect_column_unique_value_count_to_be_between` renderer bug (duplicate "Distinct (%)") 2455. Issue 2423
* [BUGFIX] Fix S3 Test issue by pinning `moto` version < 2.0.0 2470
* [BUGFIX] Check for datetime-parseable strings in validate_metric_value_between_configuration 2419. Issue 2340 (Thanks victorwyee!)
* [BUGFIX] `expect_compound_columns_to_be_unique` ExpectationConfig added 2471 Issue 2464
* [BUGFIX] In basic profiler, handle date parsing and overflow exceptions separately 2431 (Thanks peterdhansen!)
* [BUGFIX] Fix sqlalchemy column comparisons when comparison was done between different datatypes 2443 (Thanks peterdhansen!)
* [BUGFIX] Fix divide by zero error in expect_compound_columns_to_be_unique 2454 (Thanks jdimatteo!)
* [DOCS] added how-to guide for user configurable profiler 2452
* [DOCS] Linked videos and minor documentation addition 2388
* [DOCS] Modifying getting started tutorial content to work with 0.13.8+ 2418
* [DOCS] add case studies to header in docs 2430
* [MAINTENANCE] Updates to Azure pipeline configurations 2462
* [MAINTENANCE] Allowing the tests to run with Docker-in-Windows 2402 (Thanks Patechoc!)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add support for automatically building expectations gallery metadata 2386


* [ENHANCEMENT] Optimize tests 2421
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add docstring for _invert_regex_to_data_reference_template 2428
* [ENHANCEMENT] Added expectation to check if data is in alphabetical ordering 2407 (Thanks sethdmay!)
* [BUGFIX] Fixed a broken docs link 2433
* [BUGFIX] Missing `markown_text.j2` jinja template 2422
* [BUGFIX] parse_strings_as_datetimes error with user_configurable_profiler 2429
* [BUGFIX] Update `suite edit` and `suite scaffold` notebook renderers to output functional validation cells 2432
* [DOCS] Update how_to_create_custom_expectations_for_pandas.rst 2426 (Thanks henriquejsfj!)
* [DOCS] Correct regex escape for data connectors 2425 (Thanks lukedyer-peak!)
* [CONTRIB] Expectation: Matches benfords law with 80 percent confidence interval test 2406 (Thanks vinodkri1!)


* [FEATURE] Add TupleAzureBlobStoreBackend (thanks syahdeini) 1975
* [FEATURE] Add get_metrics interface to Modular Expectations Validator API
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add possibility to pass boto3 configuration to TupleS3StoreBackend (Thanks for 1691 to mgorsk1!) 2371
* [ENHANCEMENT] Removed the logic that prints the "This configuration object was built using version..." warning when current version of Great Expectations is not the same as the one used to build the suite, since it was not actionable 2366
* [ENHANCEMENT] Update Validator with more informative error message
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that batch_spec_passthrough is handled correctly by properly refactoring build_batch_spec and _generate_batch_spec_parameters_from_batch_definition for all DataConnector classes
* [BUGFIX] Display correct unexpected_percent in DataDocs - corrects the result object from map expectations to return the same "unexpected_percent" as is used to evaluate success (excluding null values from the denominator). The old value is now returned in a key called "unexpected_percent_total" (thanks mlondschien) 1875
* [BUGFIX] Add python=3.7 argument to conda env creation (thanks scouvreur!) 2391
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue with temporary table creation in MySQL 2389
* [BUGFIX] Remove duplicate code in (Thanks vanderGoes)
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where WarningAndFailureExpectationSuitesValidationOperator failing when warning suite fails
* [DOCS] Update How to instantiate a Data Context on Databricks Spark cluster for 0.13+ 2379
* [DOCS] How to load a Pandas DataFrame as a Batch 2327
* [DOCS] Added annotations for Expectations not yet ported to the new Modular Expectations API.
* [DOCS] How to load a Spark DataFrame as a Batch 2385
* [MAINTENANCE] Add checkpoint store to store backend defaults 2378


* [FEATURE] New implementation of Checkpoints that uses dedicated CheckpointStore (based on the new ConfigurationStore mechanism) 2311, 2338
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue causing incorrect identification of partially-implemented expectations as not abstract 2334


* [BUGFIX] Fix Local variable 'temp_table_schema_name' might be referenced before assignment bug in 2302
* [MAINTENANCE] Ensure compatibility with new pip resolver v20.3+ 2256
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improvements in the how-to guide, run_diagnostics method in Expectation base class and Expectation templates to support the new rapid "dev loop" of community-contributed Expectations. 2296
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improvements in the output of Expectations tests to make it more legible. 2296
* [DOCS] Clarification of the instructions for using conda in the "Setting Up Your Dev Environment" doc. 2306

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