
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [FEATURE] Additional Rule-Based Profiler Parameter/Variable Access Methods (4814)
* [FEATURE] DataAssistant and VolumeDataAssistant classes (initial implementation -- to be enhanced as part of subsequent work) (4844)
* [FEATURE] Add Support for Returning Parameters and Metrics as DataAssistantResult class (4848)
* [FEATURE] DataAssistantResult Includes Underlying Profiler Execution Time (4854)
* [FEATURE] Add batch_id for every resolved metric_value to ParameterBuilder.get_metrics() result object (4860)
* [FEATURE] `RuntimeDataConnector` able to specify `Assets` (4861)
* [BUGFIX] Linting error from hackathon automerge (4829)
* [BUGFIX] Cleanup contrib (4838)
* [BUGFIX] Add `notebook` to `GE_REQUIRED_DEPENDENCIES` (4842)
* [BUGFIX] ParameterContainer return value formatting bug fix (4840)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that Parameter Validation/Configuration Dependency Configurations are included in Serialization (4843)
* [BUGFIX] Correctly handle SQLA unexpected count metric for empty tables (4618) (thanks douglascook)
* [BUGFIX] Temporarily adjust Deprecation Warning Count (4869)
* [DOCS] How to validate data with an in memory checkpoint (4820)
* [DOCS] Update all tutorial redirect fix (4841)
* [DOCS] redirect/remove dead links in docs (4846)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor Rule-Based Profiler instantiation in Validator to make it available as a public method (4823)
* [MAINTENANCE] String Type is not needed as Return Type from DomainBuilder.domain_type() (4827)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix Typo in Checkpoint Readme (4835) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Modify conditional expectations readme (4616) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fix links within datasource new notebook (4833) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adds missing dependency, which is breaking CLI workflows (4839)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update testing and documentation for `oneshot` estimation method (4852)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor `Datasource` tests that work with `RuntimeDataConnector` by backend. (4853)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update DataAssistant interfaces (4857)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve types returned by DataAssistant interface methods (4859)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor `DataContext` tests that work with RuntimeDataConnector by backend (4858)
* [HACKATHON] [Hackathon PRs in this release](


* [BREAKING] EOL Python 3.6 (4567)
* [FEATURE] Implement Multi-Column Domain Builder for Rule-Based Profiler (4604)
* [FEATURE] Update RBP notebook to include example for Multi-Column Domain Builder (4606)
* [FEATURE] Rule-Based Profiler: ColumnPairDomainBuilder (4608)
* [FEATURE] More package contrib info (4693)
* [FEATURE] Introducing RuleState class and RuleOutput class for Rule-Based Profiler in support of richer use cases (such as DataAssistant). (4704)
* [FEATURE] Add support for returning fully-qualified parameters names/values from RuleOutput object (4773)
* [BUGFIX] Pass random seed to bootstrap estimator (4605)
* [BUGFIX] Adjust output of `regex` ParameterBuilder to match Expectation (4594)
* [BUGFIX] Rule-Based Profiler: Only primitive type based BatchRequest is allowed for Builder classes (4614)
* [BUGFIX] Fix DataContext templates test (4678)
* [BUGFIX] update module_name in NoteBookConfigSchema from v2 path to v3 (4589) (thanks Josephmaclean)
* [BUGFIX] request S3 bucket location only when necessary (4526) (thanks error418)
* [DOCS] Update `ignored_columns` snippet in "Getting Started" (4609)
* [DOCS] Fixes import statement. (4694)
* [DOCS] Update typo with intended word. (4611) (thanks cjbramble)
* [DOCS] Correct typo in url in docstring for (example script) (4817)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add retries to `requests` in usage stats integration tests (4600)
* [MAINTENANCE] Miscellaneous test cleanup (4602)
* [MAINTENANCE] Simplify ParameterBuilder.build_parameter() interface (4622)
* [MAINTENANCE] War on Warnings - DataContext (4572)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update links within great_expectations.yml (4549) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Provide cardinality limit modes from CategoricalColumnDomainBuilder (4662)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rule-Based Profiler: Rename Rule.generate() to (4670)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor ValidationParameter computation (to be more elegant/compact) and fix a type hint in SimpleDateFormatStringParameterBuilder (4687)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove `pybigquery` check that is no longer needed (4681)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rule-Based Profiler: Allow ExpectationConfigurationBuilder to be Optional (4698)
* [MAINTENANCE] Slightly Clean Up NumericMetricRangeMultiBatchParameterBuilder (4699)
* [MAINTENANCE] ParameterBuilder must not recompute its value, if it already exists in RuleState (ParameterContainer for its Domain). (4701)
* [MAINTENANCE] Improve get validator functionality (4661)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add checks for mostly=1.0 for all renderers (4736)
* [MAINTENANCE] revert to not raising datasource errors on data context init (4732)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove unused bootstrap methods that were migrated to ML Flow (4742)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update (4595) (thanks andyjessen)
* [MAINTENANCE] Check for mostly equals 1 in renderers (4815)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove bootstrap tests that are no longer needed (4818)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeIsoLanguages (4627) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnAverageLatLonPairwiseDistanceToBeLessThan (4559) (thanks mmi333)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidIPv6 (4561) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidMac (4562) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidMIME (4563) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidHexColor (4564) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidIban (4565) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidIsoCountry (4566) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_private_ipv4_class (4656) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] Feature/expect column values url hostname match with cert (4649) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_url_has_got_valid_cert (4648) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_valid_us_state_or_territory (4655) (thanks Derekma73)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidSsn (4646) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidHttpStatusName (4645) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidHttpStatusCode (4644) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] Feature/expect column values to be daytime (4643) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_ip_address_in_network (4640) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_ip_asn_country_code_in_set (4638) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_valid_us_state (4654) (thanks Derekma73)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_valid_us_state_or_territory_abbreviation (4653) (thanks Derekma73)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_weekday (4636) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_valid_us_state_abbrevation (4650) (thanks Derekma73)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesGeometryDistanceToAddressToBeBetween (4652) (thanks pjdobson)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidUdpPort (4635) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_fibonacci_number (4629) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_slug (4628) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesGeometryToBeWithinPlace (4626) (thanks pjdobson)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_private_ipv6 (4624) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] add expect_column_values_to_be_private_ip_v4 (4623) (thanks szecsip)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidPrice (4593) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidPhonenumber (4592) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBePolygonAreaBetween (4591) (thanks mmi333)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidTcpPort (4634) (thanks voidforall)


* [FEATURE] Convert Existing Self-Initializing Expectations to Make ExpectationConfigurationBuilder Self-Contained with its own validation_parameter_builder settings (4547)
* [FEATURE] Improve diagnostic checklist details (4548)
* [BUGFIX] Moves testing dependencies out of core reqs (4522)
* [BUGFIX] Adjust output of datetime `ParameterBuilder` to match Expectation (4590)
* [DOCS] Technical term tags for Adding features to Expectations section of the ToC (4462)
* [DOCS] Contributing integrations ToC update. (4551)
* [DOCS] Update intro page overview image (4540)
* [DOCS] clarifications on execution engines and scalability (4539)
* [DOCS] technical terms for validate data advanced (4535)
* [DOCS] technical terms for validate data actions docs (4518)
* [DOCS] correct code reference line numbers and snippet tags for how to create a batch of data from an in memory data frame (4573)
* [DOCS] Update links in page; fix markdown link in html block (4585)
* [MAINTENANCE] Don't return from validate configuration methods (4545)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rule-Based Profiler: Refactor utilities into appropriate modules/classes for better separation of concerns (4553)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor global `conftest` (4534)
* [MAINTENANCE] clean up docstrings (4554)
* [MAINTENANCE] Small formatting rearrangement for RegexPatternStringParameterBuilder (4558)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor Anonymizer utilizing the Strategy design pattern (4485)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove duplicate `mistune` dependency (4569)
* [MAINTENANCE] Run PEP273 checks on a schedule or release cut (4570)
* [MAINTENANCE] Package dependencies usage stats instrumentation - part 1 (4546)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add DevRel team to GitHub auto-label action (4575)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add GitHub action to conditionally auto-update PR's (4574)
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump version of `black` in response to hotfix for Click v8.1.0 (4577)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update (4556)
* [MAINTENANCE] Minor clean-up (4571)
* [MAINTENANCE] Instrument package dependencies (4583)
* [MAINTENANCE] Standardize DomainBuilder Constructor Arguments Ordering (4599)


* [FEATURE] Enables Regex-Based Column Map Expectations (4315)
* [FEATURE] Update diagnostic checklist to do linting checks (4491)
* [FEATURE] format docstrings as markdown for gallery (4502)
* [FEATURE] Introduces SetBasedColumnMapExpectation w/ supporting templates & doc (4497)
* [FEATURE] `YAMLHandler` Class (4510)
* [FEATURE] Remove conflict between filter directives and row_conditions (4488)
* [FEATURE] Add SNS as a Validation Action (4519) (thanks michael-j-thomas)
* [BUGFIX] Fixes ExpectColumnValuesToBeInSet to enable behavior indicated in Parameterized Expectations Doc (4455)
* [BUGFIX] Fixes minor typo in custom expectation docs, adds missing link (4507)
* [BUGFIX] Removes validate_config from RegexBasedColumnMap templates & doc (4506)
* [BUGFIX] Update ExpectColumnValuesToMatchRegex to support parameterized expectations (4504)
* [BUGFIX] Add back `nbconvert` to dev dependencies (4515)
* [BUGFIX] Account for case where SQLAlchemy dialect is not downloaded when masking a given URL (4516)
* [BUGFIX] Fix failing test for `How to Configure Credentials` (4525)
* [BUGFIX] Remove Temp Dir (4528)
* [BUGFIX] Add pin to Jinja 2 due to API changes in v3.1.0 release (4537)
* [BUGFIX] Fixes broken links in How To Write A How-To Guide (4536)
* [BUGFIX] Removes cryptography upper bound for general reqs (4487)
* [BUGFIX] Don't assume boto3 is installed (4542)
* [DOCS] Update (3981)
* [DOCS] Update (4470) (thanks andyjessen)
* [DOCS] Add clarification (4477) (thanks strickvl)
* [DOCS] Add missing word and fix wrong dataset reference (4478) (thanks strickvl)
* [DOCS] Adds documentation on how to use Great Expectations with Prefect (4433) (thanks desertaxle)
* [DOCS] technical terms validate data checkpoints (4486)
* [DOCS] How to use a Custom Expectation (4467)
* [DOCS] Technical Terms for Validate Data: Overview and Core Skills docs (4465)
* [DOCS] technical terms create expectations advanced skills (4441)
* [DOCS] Integration documentation (4483)
* [DOCS] Adding Meltano implementation pattern to docs (4509) (thanks pnadolny13)
* [DOCS] Update (4512) (thanks andyjessen)
* [DOCS] Fix relative links on github (4479) (thanks andyjessen)
* [DOCS] Update (4533) (thanks andyjessen)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidIPv4 (4457) (thanks voidforall)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidIanaTimezone (4532) (thanks lucasasmith)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up `Checkpoints` documentation and add `snippet` (4474)
* [MAINTENANCE] Finalize Great Expectations contrib JSON structure (4482)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update expectation filenames to match snake_case of their defined Expectations (4484)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean Up Types and Rely on "to_json_dict()" where appropriate (4489)
* [MAINTENANCE] type hints for Batch Request to be string (which leverages parameter/variable resolution) (4494)
* [MAINTENANCE] Insure consistent ordering of arguments to ParameterBuilder instantiations (4496)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor script (4493)
* [MAINTENANCE] Feature/cloud 385/mask cloud creds (4444)
* [MAINTENANCE] Enforce consistent JSON schema through usage stats (4499)
* [MAINTENANCE] Applies `camel_to_snake` util to `RegexBasedColumnMapExpectation` (4511)
* [MAINTENANCE] Removes unused dependencies (4508)
* [MAINTENANCE] Revert changes made to dependencies in 4508 (4520)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `compatability` stage to `dependency_graph` pipeline (4514)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add prod metadata and remove package attribute from library_metadata (4517)
* [MAINTENANCE] Move builder instantiation methods to utility module for broader usage among sub-components within Rule-Based Profiler (4524)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update package info for Capital One DataProfiler (4523)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove tag 'needs migration to modular expectations api' for some Expectations (4521)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add type hints and PyCharm macros in a test module for DefaultExpectationConfigurationBuilder (4529)
* [MAINTENANCE] Continue War on Warnings (4500)


* [FEATURE] Script to validate docs snippets line number refs (4377)
* [FEATURE] GitHub action to auto label `core-team` (4382)
* [FEATURE] `add_rule()` method for RuleBasedProfilers and tests (4358)
* [FEATURE] Enable the passing of an existing suite to `` (4386)
* [FEATURE] Impose Ordering on Marshmallow Schema validated Rule-Based Profiler Configuration fields (4388)
* [FEATURE] Use more granular requirements-dev-xxx.txt files (4327)
* [FEATURE] Rule-Based Profiler: Implement Utilities for getting all available parameter node names and objects resident in memory (4442)
* [BUGFIX] Minor Serialization Correction for MeanUnexpectedMapMetricMultiBatchParameterBuilder (4385)
* [BUGFIX] Fix CategoricalColumnDomainBuilder to be compliant with serialization / instantiation interfaces (4395)
* [BUGFIX] Fix bug around `get_parent` usage stats utility in `test_yaml_config` (4410)
* [BUGFIX] Adding `--spark` flag back to `azure-pipelines.yml` compatibility_matrix stage. (4418)
* [BUGFIX] Remove remaining usage of --no-spark and --no-postgresql flags for pytest (4425)
* [BUGFIX] Insure Proper Indexing of Metric Computation Results in ParameterBuilder (4426)
* [BUGFIX] Include requirements-dev-contrib.txt in dev-install-matrix.yml for lightweight (4430)
* [BUGFIX] Remove `pytest-azurepiplines` usage from `test_cli` stages in Azure pipelines (4432)
* [BUGFIX] Updates or deletes broken and deprecated example notebooks (4404)
* [BUGFIX] Add any dependencies we import directly, but don't have as explicit requirements (4447)
* [BUGFIX] Removes potentially sensitive webhook URLs from logging (4440)
* [BUGFIX] Fix packaging test (4452)
* [DOCS] Fix typo in how_to_create_custom_metrics (4379)
* [DOCS] Add `snippet` tag to gcs data docs (4383)
* [DOCS] adjust lines for py reference (4390)
* [DOCS] technical tags for connecting to data: core skills docs (4403)
* [DOCS] technical term tags for connect to data database documents (4413)
* [DOCS] Technical term tags for documentation under Connect to data: Filesystem (4411)
* [DOCS] Technical term tags for setup pages (4392)
* [DOCS] Technical term tags for Connect to Data: Advanced docs. (4406)
* [DOCS] Technical tags: Connect to data:In memory docs (4405)
* [DOCS] Add misc `snippet` tags to existing documentation (4397)
* [DOCS] technical terms create expectations: core skills (4435)
* [DOCS] Creates Custom Table Expectation How-To (4399)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectTableLinearFeatureImportancesToBe (4400)
* [MAINTENANCE] Group MAP_SERIES and MAP_CONDITION_SERIES with VALUE-type metrics (3286)
* [MAINTENANCE] minor imports cleanup (4381)
* [MAINTENANCE] Change schedule for `packaging_and_installation` pipeline to run at off-hours (4384)
* [MAINTENANCE] Implicitly anonymize object based on __module__ (4387)
* [MAINTENANCE] Preparatory cleanup refactoring of get_compute_domain (4371)
* [MAINTENANCE] RBP -- make parameter builder configurations for self initializing expectations consistent with ParameterBuilder class interfaces (4398)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor `ge_class` attr out of Anonymizer and related child classes (4393)
* [MAINTENANCE] Removing Custom Expectation Renderer docs from sidebar (4401)
* [MAINTENANCE] Enable "" Method to Accept Batch Data Arguments Directly (4409)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor out unnecessary Anonymizer child classes (4408)
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace "sampling_method" with "estimator" in Rule-Based Profiler code (4420)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add docstrings and type hints to `Anonymizer` (4419)
* [MAINTENANCE] Continue chipping away at warnings (4422)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rule-Based Profiler: Standardize on Include/Exclude Column Names List (4424)
* [MAINTENANCE] Set upper bound on number of allowed warnings in snippet validation script (4434)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up of `RegexPatternStringParameterBuilder` tests to use unittests (4436)


* [FEATURE] ParameterBuilder for Computing Average Unexpected Values Fractions for any Map Metric (4340)
* [FEATURE] Improve bootstrap quantile method accuracy (4270)
* [FEATURE] Decorate with usage statistics (4321)
* [FEATURE] MapMetricColumnDomainBuilder for Rule-Based Profiler (4353)
* [FEATURE] Enable expect_column_min/_max_to_be_between expectations to be self-initializing (4363)
* [FEATURE] Azure pipeline to perform nightly CI/CD runs around packaging/installation (4274)
* [BUGFIX] Fix `IndexError` around data asset pagination from CLI (4346)
* [BUGFIX] Upper bound pyathena to <2.5.0 (4350)
* [BUGFIX] Fixes PyAthena type checking for core expectations & tests (4359)
* [BUGFIX] BatchRequest serialization (CLOUD-743) (4352)
* [BUGFIX] Update the favicon on docs site (4376)
* [BUGFIX] Fix issue with datetime objects in expecatation args (2652) (thanks jstammers)
* [DOCS] Universal map TOC update (4292)
* [DOCS] add Config section (4355)
* [DOCS] Deployment Patterns to Reference Architectures (4344)
* [DOCS] Fixes tutorial link in reference architecture prereqs component (4360)
* [DOCS] Tag technical terms in getting started tutorial (4354)
* [DOCS] Update overview pages to link to updated tutorial pages. (4378)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnValuesToBeValidUUID (4322)
* [HACKATHON] add expectation core (4357)
* [HACKATHON] ExpectColumnAverageToBeWithinRangeOfGivenPoint (4356)
* [MAINTENANCE] rule based profiler minor clean up of ValueSetParameterBuilder (4332)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adding tests that exercise single and multi-batch BatchRequests (4330)
* [MAINTENANCE] Formalize ParameterBuilder contract API usage in ValueSetParameterBuilder (4333)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rule-Based Profiler: Create helpers directory; use column domain generation convenience method (4335)
* [MAINTENANCE] Deduplicate table domain kwargs splitting (4338)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update Azure CI/CD cron schedule to run more frequently (4345)
* [MAINTENANCE] Optimize CategoricalColumnDomainBuilder to compute metrics in a single method call (4348)
* [MAINTENANCE] Reduce tries to 2 for probabilistic tests (4351)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor Checkpoint toolkit (4342)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor all uses of `format` in favor of f-strings (4347)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update great_expectations_contrib CLI tool to use existing diagnostic classes (4316)
* [MAINTENANCE] Setting stage for removal of `--no-postgresql` and `--no-spark` flags from `pytest`. Enable `--postgresql` and `--spark` (4309)
* [MAINTENANCE] convert unexpected_list contents to hashable type (4336)
* [MAINTENANCE] add operator and func handling to stores urns (4334)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor ParameterBuilder classes to extend parent class where possible; also, minor cleanup (4375)

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