
Latest version: v0.18.12

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* [BUGFIX] Include all requirement files in the sdist (6292) (thanks xhochy)
* [DOCS] Updates outdated batch_request snippet in Terms (6283)
* [DOCS] Update Conditional Expectations doc w/ current availability (6279)
* [DOCS] Remove outdated Data Discovery page and all references (6288)
* [DOCS] Remove reference/evaluation_parameters page and all references (6294)
* [DOCS] Removing deprecated Custom Metrics doc (6282)
* [DOCS] Re-writes "how to implement custom notifications" as "How to get Data Docs URLs for use in custom Validation Actions" (6281)
* [DOCS] Removes deprecated expectation notebook exploration doc (6298)
* [MAINTENANCE] Move RuleState into rule directory. (6284)


* [FEATURE] Add zep datasources to data context. (6255)
* [BUGFIX] Iterate through `GeCloudIdentifiers` to find the suite ID from the name (6243)
* [BUGFIX] Update default base url for cloud API (6176)
* [BUGFIX] Pin `termcolor` to below `2.1.0` due to breaking changes in lib's TTY parsing logic (6257)
* [BUGFIX] `InferredAssetSqlDataConnector` `include_schema_name` introspection of identical table names in different schemas (6166)
* [BUGFIX] Fix`docs-integration` tests, and temporarily pin `sqlalchemy` (6268)
* [BUGFIX] Fix serialization for contrib packages (6266)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that `Datasource` credentials are not persisted to Cloud/disk (6254)
* [DOCS] Updates package contribution references (5885)
* [MAINTENANCE] Maintenance/great 1103/great 1318/alexsherstinsky/validation graph/refactor validation graph usage 2022 10 20 248 (6228)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor instances of `noqa: F821` Flake8 directive (6220)
* [MAINTENANCE] Logo URI ref in `data_docs` (6246)
* [MAINTENANCE] fix typos in docstrings (6247)
* [MAINTENANCE] Isolate Trino/MSSQL/MySQL tests in `dev` CI (6231)
* [MAINTENANCE] Split up `compatability` and `comprehensive` stages in `dev` CI to improve performance (6245)
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP POC - Asset Type Registration (6194)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add Trino CLI support and bump Trino version (6215) (thanks hovaesco)
* [MAINTENANCE] Delete unneeded Rule attribute property (6264)
* [MAINTENANCE] Small clean-up of `Marshmallow` warnings (`missing` parameter changed to `load_default` as of 3.13) (6213)
* [MAINTENANCE] Move `.png` files out of project root (6249)
* [MAINTENANCE] Cleanup `` attributes (6265)
* [MAINTENANCE] Further parallelize test runs in `dev` CI (6267)
* [MAINTENANCE] GCP Integration Pipeline fix (6259)
* [MAINTENANCE] mypy `warn_unused_ignores` (6270)
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP - Datasource base class (6263)
* [MAINTENANCE] Reverting `marshmallow` version bump (6271)
* [MAINTENANCE] type hints cleanup in Rule-Based Profiler (6272)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove unused f-strings (6248)
* [MAINTENANCE] Make ParameterBuilder.resolve_evaluation_dependencies() into instance (rather than utility) method (6273)
* [MAINTENANCE] Test definition for `ExpectColumnValueZScoresToBeLessThan` (6229)
* [MAINTENANCE] Make RuleState constructor argument ordering consistent with standard pattern. (6275)
* [MAINTENANCE] [REQUEST] Please allow Rachel to unblock blockers (6253)


* [FEATURE] Add support to AWS Glue Data Catalog (5123) (thanks lccasagrande)
* [FEATURE] / Added pairwise expectation 'expect_column_pair_values_to_be_in_set' (6097) (thanks Arnavkar)
* [BUGFIX] Adjust condition in RenderedAtomicValueSchema.clean_null_attrs (6168)
* [BUGFIX] Add `py` to dev dependencies to circumvent compatability issues with `pytest==7.2.0` (6202)
* [BUGFIX] Fix `` to include `py` lib (6204)
* [BUGFIX] Fix logic in ExpectationDiagnostics._check_renderer_methods method (6208)
* [BUGFIX] Patch issue with empty config variables file raising `TypeError` (6216)
* [BUGFIX] Release patch for Azure env vars (6233)
* [BUGFIX] Cloud Data Context should overwrite existing suites based on `ge_cloud_id` instead of name (6234)
* [BUGFIX] Add env vars to Pytest min versions Azure stage (6239)
* [DOCS] doc-297: update the create Expectations overview page for Data Assistants (6212)
* [DOCS] DOC-378: bring example scripts for pandas configuration guide under test (6141)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add unit test for MetricsCalculator.get_metric() Method -- as an example template (6179)
* [MAINTENANCE] ZEP MetaDatasource POC (6178)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update `scope_check` in Azure CI to trigger on changed `.py` source code files (6185)
* [MAINTENANCE] Move test_yaml_config to a separate class (5487)
* [MAINTENANCE] Changed profiler to Data Assistant in CLI, docs, and tests (6189)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update default GE_USAGE_STATISTICS_URL in test docker image. (6192)
* [MAINTENANCE] Re-add a renamed test definition file (6182)
* [MAINTENANCE] Refactor method `parse_evaluation_parameter` (6191)
* [MAINTENANCE] Migrate methods from `BaseDataContext` to `AbstractDataContext` (6188)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rename cfe to v3_api (6190)
* [MAINTENANCE] Test Trino doc examples with (6198)
* [MAINTENANCE] Cleanup of Regex ParameterBuilder (6196)
* [MAINTENANCE] Apply static type checking to `` (6173)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove version matrix from `dev` CI pipeline to improve performance (6203)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rename `CloudMigrator.retry_unsuccessful_validations` (6206)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add validate_configuration method to expect_table_row_count_to_equal_other_table (6209)
* [MAINTENANCE] Replace deprecated `iteritems` with `items` (6205)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add instructions for setting up the test_ci database (6211)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add E2E tests for Cloud-backed `Datasource` CRUD (6186)
* [MAINTENANCE] Execution Engine linting & partial typing (6210)
* [MAINTENANCE] Test definition for `ExpectColumnValuesToBeJsonParsable`, including a fix for Spark (6207)
* [MAINTENANCE] Port over usage statistics enabled methods from `BaseDataContext` to `AbstractDataContext` (6201)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove temporary dependency on `py` (6217)
* [MAINTENANCE] Adding type hints to DataAssistant implementations (6224)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove AWS config file dependencies and use existing env vars in CI/CD (6227)
* [MAINTENANCE] Make `UsageStatsEvents` a `StrEnum` (6225)
* [MAINTENANCE] Move all `requirements-dev*.txt` files to separate dir (6223)
* [MAINTENANCE] Maintenance/great 1103/great 1318/alexsherstinsky/validation graph/refactor validation graph usage 2022 10 20 248 (6228)


* [FEATURE] Initial zep datasource protocol. (6153)
* [FEATURE] Introduce BatchManager to manage Batch objects used by Validator and BatchData used by ExecutionEngine (6156)
* [FEATURE] Add support for Vertica dialect (6145) (thanks viplazylmht)
* [FEATURE] Introduce MetricsCalculator and Refactor Redundant Code out of Validator (6165)
* [BUGFIX] SQLAlchemy selectable Bug fix (6159) (thanks tommy-watts-depop)
* [BUGFIX] Parameterize usage stats endpoint in test dockerfile. (6169)
* [BUGFIX] B/great 1305/usage stats endpoint (6170)
* [BUGFIX] Ensure that spaces are recognized in named snippets (6172)
* [DOCS] Clarify wording for interactive mode in databricks (6154)
* [DOCS] fix source activate command (6161) (thanks JGrzywacz)
* [DOCS] Update version in `runtime.txt` to fix breaking Netlify builds (6181)
* [DOCS] Clean up snippets and line number validation in docs (6142)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add Enums for renderer types (6112)
* [MAINTENANCE] Minor cleanup in preparation for Validator refactoring into separate concerns (6155)
* [MAINTENANCE] add the internal `GE_DATA_CONTEXT_ID` env var to the docker file (6122)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rollback setting GE_DATA_CONTEXT_ID in docker image. (6163)
* [MAINTENANCE] disable ge_cloud_mode when specified, detect misconfiguration (6162)
* [MAINTENANCE] Re-add missing Expectations to gallery and include package names (6171)
* [MAINTENANCE] Use `from __future__ import annotations` to clean up type hints (6127)
* [MAINTENANCE] Make sure that quick stage check returns 0 if there are no problems (6177)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove SQL for expect_column_discrete_entropy_to_be_between (6180)


* [FEATURE] Add logging/warnings to GX Cloud migration process (6106)
* [FEATURE] Introduction of updated `gx.get_context()` method that returns correct DataContext-type (6104)
* [FEATURE] Contribute StatisticsDataAssistant and GrowthNumericDataAssistant (both experimental) (6115)
* [BUGFIX] add OBJECT_TYPE_NAMES to the JsonSchemaProfiler - issue 6109 (6110) (thanks OphelieC)
* [BUGFIX] Fix example `Set-Based Column Map Expectation` template import (6134)
* [BUGFIX] Regression due to `GESqlDialect` `Enum` for Hive (6149)
* [DOCS] Support for named snippets in documentation (6087)
* [MAINTENANCE] Clean up `test_migrate=True` Cloud migrator output (6119)
* [MAINTENANCE] Creation of Hackathon Packages (4587)
* [MAINTENANCE] Rename GCP Integration Pipeline (6121)
* [MAINTENANCE] Change log levels used in `CloudMigrator` (6125)
* [MAINTENANCE] Bump version of `sqlalchemy-redshift` from `0.7.7` to `0.8.8` (6082)
* [MAINTENANCE] self_check linting & initial type-checking (6126)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update per Clickhouse multiple same aliases Bug (6128) (thanks adammrozik)
* [MAINTENANCE] Only update existing `rendered_content` if rendering does not fail with new `InlineRenderer` failure message (6091)


* [FEATURE] Enable sending of `ConfigurationBundle` payload in HTTP request to Cloud backend (6083)
* [FEATURE] Send user validation results to Cloud backend during migration (6102)
* [BUGFIX] Fix bigquery crash when using "in" with a boolean column (6071)
* [BUGFIX] Fix serialization error when rendering kl_divergence (6084) (thanks roblim)
* [BUGFIX] Enable top-level parameters in Data Assistants accessed via dispatcher (6077)
* [BUGFIX] Patch issue around `DataContext.save_datasource` not sending `class_name` in result payload (6108)
* [DOCS] DOC-377 add missing dictionary in configured asset datasource portion of Pandas and Spark configuration guides (6081)
* [DOCS] DOC-376 finalize definition for Data Assistants in technical terms (6080)
* [DOCS] Update `docs-integration` test due to new `whole_table` splitter behavior (6103)
* [DOCS] How to create a Custom Multicolumn Map Expectation (6101)
* [MAINTENANCE] Patch broken Cloud E2E test (6079)
* [MAINTENANCE] Bundle data context config and other artifacts for migration (6068)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add datasources to ConfigurationBundle (6092)
* [MAINTENANCE] Remove unused config files from root of GX repo (6090)
* [MAINTENANCE] Add `data_context_id` property to `ConfigurationBundle` (6094)
* [MAINTENANCE] Move all Cloud migrator logic to separate directory (6100)
* [MAINTENANCE] Update aloglia scripts for new fields and replica indices (6049) (thanks winrp17)
* [MAINTENANCE] initial Datasource typings (6099)
* [MAINTENANCE] Data context migrate to cloud event (6095)
* [MAINTENANCE] Bundling tests with empty context configs (6107)
* [MAINTENANCE] Fixing a typo (6113)

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