
Latest version: v5.0.7

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Docker Digest for 4.0.7: _sha256:a8ecbdba177c91c557ff76814c1b9a4d6673dc8e1e4183b183e5cff4ce73c356_

New Services:
* Comprehend:
* create_entity_recognizer()
* delete_entity_recognizer()
* describe_entity_recognizer()
* list_entity_recognizers()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* stop_training_entity_recognizer()

* MeteringMarketplace:
* batch_meter_usage()

New Methods:
* EC2:
* modify_vpc_endpoint()
* MediaConnect:
* grant_flow_entitlements()
* revoke_flow_entitlement()
* update_flow_entitlement()
* update_flow_output()

* DynamoDB:transact_write_items() - Now includes validation if multipel operations are provided in the same item
* EC2:cancel_spot_fleet_request() - Fixed a bug where instances were always terminated
* EC2:create_instances() - Now uses the private IP address as as provided in the NetworkInterface
* EC2:describe_instance_types() - Now supports all filters
* ECS:run_task() - Now creates/attaches an ENI if appropriate
* S3: Fixed an issue where file handles were not closed on large uploads


Docker Digest for 4.0.6: _sha256:01582a705be7c50bc15993acc2271cd190db9c08c5fc09d85c59c8ddae6bb260_

* Moto can now be seeded, which will make identifiers deterministic.
* The format for access-key and role ids has been changed, and is now generated using the same algorithm that AWS uses

* AWSLambda:add_permission() now properly handles the PrincipalOrgID-param
* DynamoDB:update_item() now validates duplicate UpdateExpressions
* EC2 now exposes instance types in the correct availability zones for us-west-1 (us-west-1a and us-west-1b)
* EC2 has various improvements around the handling of RouteTableAssociations
* Glue:get_tables() now supports the Expression-parameter
* Organizations:create_organization() now uses a default value for FeatureSet=ALL
* RDS:describe_db_subnet_groups() now returns the DBSubnetGroupArn-attribute
* S3:upload_file() now supports the ExtraArgs: ChecksumAlgorithm-parameter
* SSM:list_commands() now returns the DeliveryTimedOutCount-attribute


Docker Digest for 4.0.5: _sha256:d18f760f3498b212b0c8c205c9c28c2b41e8c7a108f44e1bd1d7ee86dfc37c03_

* Moto now has a Recorder, to easily record and replay a given set of requests.

* CloudFormation now supports the creation/update/deletion of AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate
* Glue:start_job_run() now respects the MaxConcurrentRuns-parameter
* S3:get_object() now performs rudimentary BucketPolicy validation
* StateManager now supports `glue::job_run`, managing how long it takes to for a Glue job to become 'SUCCEEDED'


Docker Digest for 4.0.3: <autopopulateddigest>

* Compatible with openapi-spec-validator 0.5.x

New Methods:
* Kinesis:
* update_stream_mode()
* WAFv2:
* associate_web_acl()
* delete_web_acl()
* disassociate_web_acl()
* get_web_acl()
* get_web_acl_for_resource()
* list_rule_groups()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()
* update_web_acl()

* DynamoDB:query() now has improved support for KeyConditionExpression
* Kinesis:put_records() now validates the size/number of records, following AWS' behaviour


Docker Digest for 4.0.2: _sha256:32b30fef5d54d30eb7beca263dcb0ba08bd3718adb8b5d95f9f4b6e9cfc854f1_

New Services:
* Amazon Managed Prometheus (AMP)
* create_rule_groups_namespace()
* create_workspace()
* delete_rule_groups_namespace()
* delete_workspace()
* describe_rule_groups_namespace()
* describe_workspace()
* list_rule_groups_namespaces()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* list_workspaces()
* put_rule_groups_namespace()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()
* update_workspace_alias()

* APIGateway:put_method() now supports the requestParameters-parameter
* AutoScaling:create_auto_scaling_group() now supports the MixedInstancesPolicy-parameter
* CloudWatchLogs:filter_log_events() now supports the filterPattern-parameter
* DynamoDB:batch_put_item() now has validatior for empty keys
* Kinesis:create_stream() now supports stream-mode=OnDemand
* S3:head_object() now returns the PartsCount-header
* SNS:subscribe() now has increased support for the FilterPolicy-argument
* SSM now returns the /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest-parameters as provided by AWS


Docker Digest for 4.0.1: _sha256:effbe303d0ac958569537b725e7632354deb6e9ce0a78ced1a2c6bdd4123831d_

New Services:
* Personalize:
* create_schema()
* delete_schema()
* describe_schema()
* list_schemas()

* Signer:
* cancel_signing_profile()
* get_signing_profile()
* list_signing_platforms()
* put_signing_profile()

New Methods:
* AWS Lambda:
* create_function_url_config()
* delete_function_url_config()
* get_function_url_config()
* update_function_url_config()

* Glue:
* update_database()

* EC2:
* describe_volumes_modifications()
* modify_volume()

* S3:
* delete_bucket_ownership_rule()
* get_bucket_ownership_rule()
* put_bucket_ownership_rule()

* CloudFormation: Fixed a bug where deletion of AWS::Route53::RecordSet would result in an error
* DynamoDB: Fixed a bug where a TableARN would always return region=us-east-1
* EC2:create_launch_template() now supports the TagSpecifications-parameter
* EC2:describe_instance_types() now supports the Filters-parameter
* EC2:run_instances() now supports the HibernationOptions-param

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