
Latest version: v5.0.7

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Docker Digest for 4.0.13: _sha256:703a9d464c11e1f4cacff66acdc9b46f9fa8fb0b969ca9f1e79fa4eb41678565_

New Methods:
* EC2:
* get_password_data()
* Sagemaker:
* update_pipeline()
* SecretsManager:
* cancel_rotate_secret()

* CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports the StatisticValues-parameter
* CognitoIDP: sign_out() now also invalidates the AccessToken
* IAM: get_account_authorization_details() now returns the Tags-attribute
* IOT: create_keys_and_certificate() now creates valid certificates, instead of random data


Docker Digest for 4.0.12: _sha256:06916d3f310c68fd445468f06d6d4ae6f855e7f2b80e007a90bd11eeb421b5ed_

* Fixes our Kinesis-compatibility with botocore>=1.29.31 - earlier Moto-versions will connect to AWS when using this botocore-version

New Methods:
* Athena:
* get_query_results()
* list_query_executions()
* RDS:
* promote_read_replica()
* Sagemaker:
* create_pipeline()
* delete_pipeline()
* list_pipelines()

* AWSLambda: publish_function() and update_function_code() now only increment the version if the source code has changed
* CognitoIDP: Passwords are now validated using the PasswordPolicy (either supplied, or the default)
* CloudFormation: create_stack() now propagates parameters StackPolicyBody and TimeoutInMinutes
* CloudFormation: create_stack_instances() now returns the actual OperationId
* CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now validates the provided name
* CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now supports the DeploymentTargets-parameter
* CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now actually creates the provided resources
* CloudFormation: create_stack_set() now propagates parameters AdministrationRoleARN and ExecutionRoleName
* CloudFormation: describe_stack_set() now returns the attributes Description, PermissionModel
* CloudFormation: delete_stack_set() now validates that no instances are present before deleting the set
* CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now supports the Label-parameter
* EC2: allocate_address() now has improved behaviour for the Domain-parameter
* EC2: create_volume() now supports the Iops-parameter
* ECR: Improved ImageManifest support
* KMS: describe_key() now returns an AccessDeniedException if the supplied policy does not allow this action
* Route53: change_resource_record_sets() has additional validations
* Route53: create_hosted_zone() now also creates a SOA-record by default
* S3: put_object() now returns the ChecksumAlgorithm-attribute if supplied
* SSM: describe_parameters() now has improved support for filtering by tags


Docker Digest for 4.0.11: _sha256:ba07f61edd4f91b221ea20368586dce024e7da4d018e2741aceafa1f07f47ec5_

New Services:
* create_certificate_authority()
* delete_certificate_authority()
* describe_certificate_authority()
* get_certificate()
* get_certificate_authority_certificate()
* get_certificate_authority_csr()
* import_certificate_authority_certificate()
* issue_certificate()
* list_tags()
* revoke_certificate()
* tag_certificate_authority()
* update_certificate_authority()
* untag_certificate_authority()

New Methods:
* create_api_mapping()
* create_domain_name()
* delete_api_mapping()
* delete_domain_name()
* get_api_mapping()
* get_api_mappings()
* get_domain_name()
* get_domain_names()

* APIGateway: create_rest_api() now supports the propagation of parameter disableExecuteApiEndpoint (not the actual behaviour)
* APIGateway: put_integration() now supports the parameters contentHandling, credentials, tlsConfig
* AWSLambda: create_function() is now able to validate the existence of the provided ImageURI. Set environment variable MOTO_LAMBDA_STUB_ECR=false to enable this.
* Batch: submit_job() now adds validation for the jobName parameter
* CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now adds support for filtering by the unit-value
* DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now supports up to 100 items instead of 25, in line with AWS
* ELB: describe_instance_health() now validates the existence of the provided LoadBalancer
* Polly: The list of available voices has been updated.
* S3: put_object() now has improved support for filenames containing spaces
* SQS: send_message() and send_message_batch() now adds validation for the DelaySeconds-parameter


Docker Digest for 4.0.10: _sha256:faf0e4b591c47c7775da4f827c2ec2e1ff48a32b31169236fa604ffb95dafb78_

New Methods:
* CloudFront:
* get_distribution_config()
* Organizations:
* delete_organizational_unit()

* APIGateway: put_integration_response() now supports the responseParameters-parameter
* Cloudformation now supports the creation/update/deletion of AWS::SSM::Parameter
* Cloudformation: create_stack() now returns the attribute EnableTerminationProtection
* CloudWatch: put_metric_data() now supports the MetricData.Values parameter
* DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now supports the ReturnValuesOnConditionCheckFailure-parameter
* RDS: describe_db_cluster now returns the EarliestRestorableTime-attribute
* S3: get_object() and head_object() now correctly handle the IfModifiedSince-parameter


Docker Digest for 4.0.9: _sha256:0c7a87255814035794733764d497fcb659ae0d6c843fae41040bb1a29c0726ab_

* CloudTrail: describe_trails() now returns the correct (MultiRegion) trails
* CloudWatch:tag_resource() now allows tagting new Alarms that didn't have tags yet
* EC2: create_instances() now supports the `IamInstanceProfile`-parameter
* EC2: describe_route_tables() now supports the `route.vpc-peering-connection-id`-filter
* EC2: modify_vpc_attribute() now supports the enableNetworkAddressUsageMetrics-attribute
* S3: delete_objects() now works against the JS SDK v3.197.0


Docker Digest for 4.0.8: _sha256:41883fb0f38572f3194dcbef6731eafdc6d8d7d4e319257d2ba2468c401c9881_

* Unpins the werkzeug-dependency - Moto now works with werkzeug==2.2.2
* Fixes the Docker-build to run on M1 Macbooks.

New Services:
* ServiceQuotas:
* get_service_quota()
* list_aws_default_service_quotas()

New Methods:
* CloudFront: list_invalidations()
* RDS: modify_db_cluster()

* Lambda:delete_function() - fixed an issue where the wrong Function would be deleted when providing a qualifier
* ECR:put_image() now removes any existing images that have the provided tag
* IAM:detach_user/group/role_policy() now throws the correct error message when the policy is not attached in the first place
* S3:list_object_versions(): Fix delimiter to take prefix into account
* S3: Now closes file handles as early as possible when deleting files/multipart uploads
* Sagamaker:describe_training_job() now throws the correct exception when trying to explain a non-existing job

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