
Latest version: v5.0.7

Safety actively analyzes 629788 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Docker Digest for 4.2.13: _sha256:20a2fdd4828b0ce1170ae26186ed28b64523cf6af83af892a74d9b3e23f84471_

New Services:
* Panorama:
* delete_device()
* describe_device()
* list_devices()
* provision_device()
* update_device_metadata()

New Methods:
* CognitoIDP:
* admin_respond_to_auth_challenge()

* IdentityStore:
* list_group_memberships_for_member()

* Rekognition:
* compare_faces()
* detect_labels()
* detect_text()

* SSO-Admin:
* attach_customer_managed_policy_reference_to_permission_set()
* attach_managed_policy_to_permission_set()
* delete_inline_policy_from_permission_set()
* detach_customer_managed_policy_reference_from_permission_set()
* detach_managed_policy_from_permission_set()
* get_inline_policy_for_permission_set()
* list_account_assignments_for_principal()
* list_customer_managed_policy_references_in_permission_set()
* list_managed_policies_in_permission_set()
* put_inline_policy_to_permission_set()

* Textract:
* detect_document_text()

* ACM: describe_certificate() now returns a DomainValidationOption for each SN
* CloudFormation: create_change_set() now longer throws an exception when supplying a YAML TemplateBody
* CognitoIDP: create_resource_server() no longer crashes when the scope-parameter is not provided
* DynamoDB: scan() now correctly handles the ScanFilter-attribute again (broken in 4.2.11)
* EC2: launch templates created by CloudFormation now have a generated name if not provided
* EC2: describe_instance_types() now handles unknown values for EnaSupport correctly
* Sagemaker: create_model_package() nown supports Versioned packages
* Scheduler: delete_scheduler() now throws the correct exception when a Schedule does not exist
* SSO-Admin: list_account_assignments() now supports pagination



* AWSLambda: list_functions() now returns a default PackageType (ZIP) if not specified
* CloudFormation: AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate resources now support Fn::GetAtt operations
* CognitoIDP: admin_initiate_auth() now correctly returns a Challenge when 2FA is enabled
* DynamoDB: execute_statement() now supports INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries
* EC2: describe_availability_zones() now supports the ZoneNames/ZoneIds-parameters
* KMS: encrypt() now validates payloads that are too large
* ResourceGroupTaggingAPI: get_resources() now supports SQS queues
* Route53: list_hosted_zone()/list_hosted_zones_by_name() now return the CallerReference
* S3: copy() now respects the ExtraArgs-parameter when using MultiPart uploads
* S3: list_object_versions() now supports pagination
* S3: put_object_tagging() now validates the number of tags provided


Docker Digest for 4.2.11: _sha256:f2a24d8a3440bf397705e461b33a032bbb6d3511cd9c643e71419dd962b3384e_

New Methods:
* Lambda:
* DeleteFunctionEventInvokeConfig()
* GetFunctionEventInvokeConfig()
* ListFunctionEventInvokeConfigs()
* PutFunctionEventInvokeConfig()
* UpdateFunctionEventInvokeConfig()

* Logs:
* describe_export_tasks()

* DynamoDB: put_item() now returns old item for ConditionalCheckFailed exceptions
* DynamoDB: scan() now returns the correct ScannedCount when passing the Limit-parameter
* DynamoDB: transact_write_items() now validates that Keys in Update-queries are not empty
* IOT: create_thing()/describe_thing() now returns the thingId
* Logs: create_export_task() now actually exports the data to S3
* ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI: get_resources() now supports ACM certificates


Docker Digest for 4.2.10: _sha256:f72acd62b994654d01bdec6f5cc779f4ab30083b441e2fb7eff0c13e0bbfdca7_

New Methods:
* CognitoIdentity: list_identity_pools()

* Autoscaling: describe_tags() now supports the key/value filters
* CloudFormation: AWS::Logs::LogGroup now supports tags
* CloudWatch: get_metric_data() no longer throws an error when supplying >10 queries
* CognitoIdentity: get_credentials_for_identity() now returns Expiration as a number, fixing compatibility with the GoLang SDK
* EFS: describe_access_points() now supports the FileSystemId-parameter
* LakeFormation: list_permissions() now supports the DataLocation-parameter
* LakeFormation: register_resource() now throws an exception when registering an existing resource
* SQS: Ensure all responses are in JSON-format when required, fixing compatibility with the Ruby SDK


Docker Digest for 4.2.9: _sha256:4e9d89322b5ca9196fa7efda78b1269580be7aa6879894950e2728edc946573f_

* Fix compatibility with botocore 1.32.1

* ECS: Tagging is now supported for Tasks
* LakeFormation: deregister_resource() now throws the correct error for unknown resources
* LakeFormation: list_permissions() now supports Parameters
* RDS: create_db_instance() now validates the engine parameter
* Transcribe: TranscriptionJobs now support the Subtitles-parameter


Docker Digest for 4.2.8: _sha256:937315c79dedcc86506fc22a60502fd73d0e6f3a6f3e5fc614dd3164740e1191_

* Support for Python 3.12
* Support for a Simple Lambda backend, that will mock functions without invoking a Docker container.
Use the decorator `mock_lambda_simple` for this feature.

New Methods:
* IdentityStore:
* describe_group()

* Signer:
* list_tags_by_resource()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()

* DynamoDB: create_table() now throws an error when supplying an unknown KeyType
* DynamoDB: query() now throws an error when supplying a ExpressionAttributeValue that doesn't start with a ':'
* EC2: describe_hosts() now returns the AllocationTime-attribute
* ECS: register_task_definition() now throws an exception if the ContainerDefinition has missing keys
* ECR: describe_images() now returns the supplied imageDigest-values, instead of random values
* EFS: AccessPoints now have the correct identifier format
* Lambda: Various methods now support the FunctionName in the format 'name:qualifier'
* MQ: create_configuration() is now possible for engine-type 'RABBITMQ'
* RDS: create_db_cluster() now throws an error if the provided engine is not supported
* RDS: create_db_instance() now throws an error if the provided engine does not match the cluster engine
* RDS: delete_db_cluster() now throws an error if any instances are still active
* SageMaker: list_model_packages() and list_model_package_groups() no longer throw an error on pagination

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