
Latest version: v5.0.7

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Docker Digest for 4.2.1: <autopopulateddigest>

New Services:
* Sagemaker Runtime:
* invoke_endpoint()

New Methods:
* CognitoIDP:
* describe_resource_server()
* list_resource_servers()

* CognitoIDP:
* create_cache_cluster()
* delete_cache_cluster()
* describe_cache_clusters()

* IdentityStore:
* list_users()

* Logs:
* describe_query_results()
* get_query_results()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()

* Sagemaker:
* list_notebook_instances()

* EC2: describe_transit_gateways() now returns the ARN
* IAM policies now allow S3 accesspoint arns
* KMS: sign() now supports RSASSA_PSS_SHA_384, RSASSA_PSS_SHA_512 and RSASSA_PKCS1_* algorithms
* Logs: Now supports two subscription filters
* RDS: Clusters now support the ServerlessV2ScalingConfiguration parameter
* ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI: tag_resource() now supports RDS resources
* S3: CrossAccount access can now be disabled, using MOTO_S3_ALLOW_CROSSACCOUNT_ACCESS=false
* SecretsManager: Allow creation/update of secrets without values
* SES: set_identity_mail_from_domain() - the Identity can now also be an email


Docker Digest for 4.2.0: _sha256:92e59875783037b2558067d2d3f9dd2502c140881ff5c44c44ddbce6658a89b7_

The Docker image is now based on Python 3.11 (instead of 3.7)


Docker Digest for 4.1.15: _sha256:eb63b1e0cbbd757e4596844e6ac1865660cbf8e358203b79e5404d57de94dd69_

New Services:
* APIGateway Management API:
* delete_connection()
* get_connection()
* post_to_connection()

New Methods:
* Autoscaling:
* delete_warm_pool()
* describe_warm_pool()
* put_warm_pool()

* IdentityStore:
* list_groups()

* IOTData:
* list_named_shadows_for_thing()

* MQ:
* list_tags()

* ServiceDiscovery:
* update_private_dns_namespace()
* update_public_dns_namespace()

* ACM-PCA: create_certificate_authority() now supports the KeyStorageSecurityStandard-parameter
* Batch: create_job_definition() now returns more default fields in the containerProperties field
* CloudTrail: get_trail_status now works with MultiRegion trails
* CognitoIDP: UserPools now return the AccountRecoverySetting-field by default
* DynamoDB: query() now throws an exception when providing empty ProjectionExpressions/FilterExpressions
* EC2: describe_vpc_endpoint_services() now returns user-defined ones
* EC2: run_instances() now supports the Monitoring-attribute
* IOT: group names can now contain special characters
* IOTData now supports named shadows
* KMS: create_key() now supports KeySpecs RSA_3072 and RSA_4096
* KMS: create_key() now validates the provided KeySpec
* Lambda: create_function() now fails when creating a function with a name that already exists
* Lambda: put_function_concurrency() now errors on a quota that exceeds the value set by MOTO_LAMBDA_CONCURRENCY_QUOTA
* Lambda: update_function_code() now supports the ImageUri-attribute
* RDS: describe_db_cluster_snapshots() now returns the TagList-property
* ResourceTaggingsAPI: Now supports Glue resources
* S3: Authentication now allows specific resources in the IAM access policy
* S3: select_object_content() now takes RecordDelimiter into account
* Scheduler: create_scheduler() now errors on duplicate names
* TimestreamWrite: create_table() now supports the Schema-attribute


Docker Digest for 4.1.14: _sha256:4cc82c0803c6b578d5c4146a8e38ff0387dec565483cfaa63eb238cb867e97e6_

New Methods:
* SageMaker:
* create_model_package()
* create_model_package_group()
* describe_model_package()
* list_model_packages()

* CloudFormation: describe_stack_instances() now returns the StackInstanceStatus-attribute
* CloudFront: update_distribution() now supports the DefaultRootObject-parameter
* CloudWatch: get_metric_data() now support (simple) Expressions
* CognitoIDP: initiate_auth() and admin_initiate_auth() now throw a NotAuthorizedError for disabled users
* EC2 VPC's: Add CloudFront, Ground Station and Lattice prefix lists
* IOT: search_index() now returns the connectivity-attribute
* Organizations: Introduce more trusted service principals
* RDS: create_db_cluster() now supports the VpcSecurityGroupIds-parameter
* S3: Optional support for CRC32C checksums
* SNS: publish_batch() now sends the required `MessageDeduplicationId` for FIFO queues
* SQS: send_message_batch() now only throws a `BatchRequestTooLong` if the sum of all messages exceed the limit


Docker Digest for 4.1.13: _sha256:ec471bcfbf66def946466398f002e8edfbb667bde7b1d8033aedbdd4453fbb8e_

* The ISO-regions introduced in 4.1.12 are now locked behind an environment variable: `MOTO_ENABLE_ISO_REGIONS`
* General performance improvements in the URL matching logic - especially `mock_all` users should notice improvements

New Methods:
* APIGatewayV2:
* create_stage()
* delete_stage()
* get_stage()
* get_stages()

* CloudFront:
* create_origin_access_control()
* delete_origin_access_control()
* get_origin_access_control()
* list_origin_access_controls()
* update_origin_access_control()

* Lambda:
* list_aliases()

* Logs:
* delete_destination()
* describe_destinations()
* get_destination()
* put_destination()
* put_destination_policy()

* Route53:
* get_health_check_status()

* SSM:
* deregister_task_from_maintenance_window()
* describe_maintenance_window_tasks()
* register_task_with_maintenance_window()

* Batch: create_compute_environment() now validates instanceRole and minvCpu
* CloudFront: create_distribution() now correctly handles a single alias
* CloudFront - CustomOrigins now have default timeouts if not supplied
* DynamoDB: delete_item() now throws the correct error when the table is not found
* EC2: describe_security_group_rules() now returns the GroupId
* ECR: create_repository() now validates the repositoryName-parameter
* Lambda: create_function() now returns the ImageConfigResponse and EphemeralStorage parameters
* IOTData: publish() can now handle non-Unicode bytes
* RDS: Automated snapshots now have the appropriate SnapshotType
* Route53: create_hosted_zone() now returns the Location
* Scheduler: get_schedule() now returns the CreationDate and LastModificationDate
* SecretsManager: delete_secret() now throws an error when setting the Recovery to 0 days
* StepFunctions: start_execution() now validates the name-length


Docker Digest for 4.1.12: _sha256:38e34a1ee4042fd52f15703c2e750780fe0fd809b2745fd263b2d1de33566590_

* Support for ISO regions
* The official Docker image now comes with curl pre-installed

New Services:
* AppConfig:
* create_application()
* create_configuration_profile()
* create_hosted_configuration_version()
* delete_application()
* delete_configuration_profile()
* delete_hosted_configuration_version()
* get_application()
* get_configuration_profile()
* get_hosted_configuration_version()
* list_configuration_profiles()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()
* update_application()
* update_configuration_profile()

New Methods:
* IdentityStore:
* create_user()
* describe_user()
* delete_user()
* get_group_id()
* delete_group()
* create_group_membership()
* get_group_memberships()
* delete_group_membership()

* SSM:
* create_patch_baseline()
* describe_patch_baselines()
* delete_patch_baseline()
* register_target_with_maintenance_window()
* describe_maintenance_window_targets()
* deregister_target_from_maintenance_window()

* Moto Dashboard no longer fails to load after an S3 file is overwritten
* CloudFormation: AWS:SSM::Parameter now exposes the PhysicalResourceId
* CloudFront: create_invalidation() now behaves correctly when supplying a single Path
* CloudWatch: get_metrics_data() now validates the provided start/end times
* CodeBuild: create_project() now accepts all ServiceRole ARN's, not just ARN's that end in /service-role/
* Config: put_configuration_recorder() now supports resource type exclusions
* DMS: describe_replication_tasks() now returns TableMappings and ReplicationTaskSettings in the correct format
* DynamoDB now supports ProjectionExpressions on (nested) lists
* EC2: New availability zones have been added for ap-south-1, sa-east-1, ca-central-1, us-west-2
* EC2: create_flow_logs() now allows different LogDestinations for a single ResourceId
* EC2: replace_route() now returns the appropriate error when called with missing route
* EC2: create_volume() now supports the Throughput-parameter
* ECR: put_image() now correctly overwrites tags on images with multiple tags
* IAM: add_role_to_instance_profile() now validates whether a role was already attached (only one is allowed)
* Lambda: delete_layer_version() now also accepts function ARNs
* MediaConnect: create_flow_payload() no longer requires the Entitlements-parameter
* RDS: Further improve Global Cluster behaviour
* S3: GET/PUT requests now return Access-Control headers, if a CORS configuration has been set
* S3: put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration() now supports multiple Transitions
* SESv2: create_contact_list() now correctly reads Topics with special characters
* SESv2: send_email() now correctly reads raw emails

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