
Latest version: v5.0.7

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New Services:
* create_cluster
* create_nodegroup
* delete_cluster
* delete_nodegroup
* list_clusters
* list_nodegroup

* DynamoDB: Fixed a bug where it's not possible to call update_item on a GSI
* EMR: now supports clusters with multiple master nodes
* EMR:terminate_job_flows() now throws an exception when trying to terminate; protected job flows
* MediaPackage: Implement NotFoundExceptions for delete_channel/describe_origin_endpoint/delete_origin_endpoint/update_origin_endpoint
* S3:list_users_response() now returns the IsTruncated-attribute


General Changes:
* Introduction of a new environment variable: MOTO_S3_DEFAULT_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE
This allows you to set the in-memory buffer size for multipart uploads. The default size is (and always was) 16MB.
Exceeding this buffer size will cause the contents to be written/saved to a temporary file.

New Methods:
* API Gateway:
* update_rest_api()
* DynamoDB:
* create_backup()
* delete_backup()
* describe_backup()
* list_backups()
* restore_table_from_backup()
* Events:
* create_api_destination()
* create_connection()
* describe_api_destination()
* list_api_destinations()
* list_connections()
* Logs
* start_query()

* Batch:
* Now uses the exit code of the Docker-container to decide job status
* Supports job-dependencies
* CloudFormation:
* Create/Update support for AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::ListenerRule
* Update support for AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
* Glacier:
* Vault names can now contain special characters
* MediaPackage:
* describe_channel() now throws a NotFoundException for unknown channels
* Organisations:
* Improve tagging support
* S3:
* Now supports '.' as a metadata character
* S3 Config:
* Fixed the response format for ACLs
* SSM:
* get_parameter() now throws correct exception for unknown parameters/versions
* get_parameters() can now fetch specific versions and labeled parameters
* get_parameter_history() now supports pagination
* Parameter-names can now contain hyphens
* Only the last 100 parameter versions are now kept, as per AWS' behaviour


General Changes:
* Moto is now compatible with Flask/werkzeug 2.0

New Methods:
* MediaStore:
* delete_container()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* Resource Groups:
* get_group_configuration()
* put_group_configuration()

* APIGateway:update_usage_plan() now also supports the '/name', '/description' and '/productCode' paths.
* CloudWatch:get_metric_statistics() now supports the 'unit'-parameter
* EC2:run_instances() now supports the 'KmsKeyId'-parameter
* EC2:run_instances() now supports TagSpecifications with ResourceType: 'Volume'
* SES:test_render_template() now throws an exception if not all attributes are supplied
* SSM:put_parameter() now supports the 'tags'-parameter
* SQS:change_message_visibility() now throws an exception if the VisibilityTimeout is too large (> 43200 seconds)
* SQS:receive_messages() has a bugfix: it now calculates the MessageRetentionPeriod from when the message was send, rather than from when the queue was created


General Changes:
* When running Moto Server inside Docker, it is now possible to specify the service you want to run, using an environment variable (MOTO_SERVICE)
* CloudWatchLogs models now appear in the Moto API dashboard

New Services:
* create_replication_task()
* delete_replication_task()
* describe_replication_tasks()
* start_replication_task()
* stop_replication_task()

New Methods:
* AWSLambda:
* update_secret_version_stage()
* CognitoIDP:
* get_user_pool_mfa_config()
* set_user_pool_mfa_config()

* CloudWatchLogs:filter_log_events() now supports pagination
* CloudWatchLogs:describe_log_streams() now supports pagination
* EC2:describe_network_acls() now supports the filter 'owner-id'
* EC2:modify_network_interface_attribute() now allows multiple security groups to be specified
* SecretsManager:rotate_secret() now triggers the Lambda that is specified


New Methods:
* list_instances()

* API Gateway:put_integration_response() - Fixed a bug where an error would be thrown if the responseTemplates-parameter was not specified
* Autoscaling - Fixed a bug where creating an ASG would remove manually created EC2-instances
* CloudFormation support for:
* AWS::SageMaker::Endpoint
* AWS::SageMaker::EndpointConfig
* AWS::SageMaker::Model
* AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstanceLifecycleConfig
* CloudWatchLogs:filter_log_events() now supports pagination
* DynamoDB: Now enforces Hash and Range key size limits
* ECS:register_task_definition() now persists the taskRoleArn and executionRoleArn-parameters
* EMR:describe_cluster() now returns the ClusterArn-attribute
* EMR:run_job_flow() now returns the ClusterArn-attribute
* EMR:describe_job_flows() now returns the ClusterArn-attribute
* IOT:list_principal_thigns() now returns the name, instead of the ARN
* Route53:get_all_rrsets() now returns the record sets in the right sort order
* S3:get_object() now returns the NoSuchVersion-exception when the versionId was not found (instead of the InvalidVersion)
* SQS:send_message() now supports the MessageSystemAttributes-parameter


New Services:
* MediaStore
* create_container()
* describe_container()
* list_containers()
* put_lifecycle_policy()
* get_lifecycle_policy()
* put_container_policy()
* get_container_policy()
* put_metric_policy()
* get_metric_policy

* ACM now supports the MOTO_ACM_VALIDATION_WAIT-environment variable, to configure the wait time before the status on new certificates move from PENDING_VALIDATION to ISSUED
* CloudFormation support for AWS::SageMaker::NotebookInstance
* EMR:run_job_flow() now creates the appropriate EC2 security groups in a private subnet
* Events:put_events() has improved support for the EventPattern-parameter in create_archive/put_rule
* Events:put_targets() now support SQS queues
* IAM:get_user() now returns the Tags-attribute
* Fixed a bug where Moto would break on systems with a default encoding other than UTF-8

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