
Latest version: v5.0.7

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Docker Digest for 4.2.7: _sha256:9149597856f5ce195ef451df1a1b96aa8db0692c4b8ed1f7952fc02952733103_

New Services:
* Inspector2:
* associate_member()
* batch_get_account_status()
* create_filter()
* delete_filter()
* describe_organization_configuration()
* disable()
* disable_delegated_admin_account()
* disassociate_member()
* enable()
* enable_delegated_admin_account()
* get_member()
* list_delegated_admin_accounts()
* list_filters()
* list_findings()
* list_members()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()
* update_organization_configuration()

New Methods:
* ECR:
* batch_get_repository_scanning_configuration()
* put_registry_scanning_configuration()

* Batch: submit_job() now returns the jobArn-attribute
* DynamoDB: execute_statement() has now support for nested WHERE-clauses with functions
* DynamoDB: update_item() now returns item for ConditionalCheckFailed-exceptions
* EC2: create_key_pair() and describe_key_pair(s)() now support tags
* Route53: get_hosted_zone() now returns the CallerReference
* S3: get_object/put_object() now accepts AccessPoint ARN's
* S3Control: create_access_point() now returns the correct Alias
* SES: list_identities() now supports the IdentityType-parameter
* SNS: create_platform_application has improved error handling


Docker Digest for 4.2.6: _sha256:ad3265531405fd48489ddee7e1fa7301b4d0f46b55daca7ba5039e73eaf70ac1_

New Services:
* IVS:
* batch_get_channel()
* create_channel()
* delete_channel()
* get_channel()
* list_channels()
* update_channel()

New Methods:
* LakeFormation:
* add_lf_tags_to_resource()
* get_resource_lf_tags()
* remove_lf_tags_from_resource()
* update_lf_tag()

* Sagemaker:
* describe_model_package_group()
* update_model_package()

* Batch: submit_job() now behaves correctly when passing the arrayProperties-parameter
* DynamoDB: Improved PartiQL parser, with support for different types (Decimals/Booleans) and queries with quoted table-names
* EC2: TagSpecifications now throw an error if the ResourceType is not provided
* EC2: run_instances()/describe_instances() now always return the same attributes (before, both operations were missing different fields)
* EC2: associate_dhcp_options() now supports DhcpOptionsId=default
* EC2: create_key_pair() now supports the KeyType-parameter
* EC2: run_instances() now returns the Placement.HostId attribute
* ELBv2: modify_target_group_attributes() now has additional validations
* Events: put_events() now throws a warning when Detail field is not a dict
* IOT: update_thing() now behaves correctly with empty attributes
* S3: head_object() now raises a MethodNotAllowed for DeleteMarkers


Docker Digest for 4.2.5: _sha256:076cecca9b8ba35b545d23eb5bf780902fbf23eb3610f332eef7adea1f4d2ef7_

* Introducing: MotoProxy! An alternative to the MotoServer.
See the docs:

New Methods:
* Sagemaker:
* list_model_package_groups()

* CognitoIDP: update_user_pool() no longer overrides default settings
* CognitoIDP: set_user_mfa_preference() now allows the settings to be cleared
* EC2: Transit Gateway Peering Attachments are now supported across accounts
* EC2: delete_fleets() now sets the correct status
* ECS: The Task-statuses now automatically advance
* Glue: get_databases/get_tables() now return the CatalogId
* IAM: list_groups() now returns the CreateDate-attribute
* Redshift: describe_clusters() now returns the TotalStorageCapacityInMegabytes
* SES: Templates now support if/else constructs


Docker Digest for 4.2.4: _sha256:4cdda5b0245a28ae2ebf5f1d5d93425226fe00ace65819a9fa02c8aa77a7e0b6_

New Methods:
* OpenSearch:
* list_domain_names()

* DynamoDB: Fixed a bug where binary data could not be queried (introduced in 4.2.3)
* EC2: VPC Peering Connections are now supported across accounts
* ECS: register_task_definition() now validates the PidMode has the correct value
* S3: put_bucket_notification_configuration() now supports SNS Topic targets


Docker Digest for 4.2.3: <autopopulateddigest>

New Services:
* RoboMaker:
* create_robot_application()
* delete_robot_application()
* describe_robot_application()
* list_robot_applications()

New Methods:
* ElasticBeanstalk:
* delete_application()

* Events:
* create_partner_event_source()
* delete_partner_event_source()
* describe_event_source()
* describe_partner_event_source()
* put_partner_events()

* Core: The mocked ACCESS_KEY has been changed from `foobar_key` to `FOOBARKEY`, to align with AWS guidelines
* Core: set_initial_no_auth_action_count() now supports SSM actions
* Core: Fixed a memory leak when comparing requests (introduced in 4.1.13)
* Athena: get_query_execution() now returns a StatementType dependent on the provided query
* DynamoDB: query() now throws an exception when the KeyConditionExpression contains a literal value
* EBS: put_snapshot_block() now supports random bytes
* EC2: describe_transit_gateways() now supports filtering by tags
* ELBv2: describe_target_groups() now throws an exception for invalid input parameters
* ELBv2: describe_target_groups() now sorts the result before returning it
* ELBv2: create_target_group() now has improved validation and default values
* ELBv2: create_rule() now creates links between the TargetGroups and LoadBalancers
* Events: put_events() now support HTTP targets
* IAM policy validation now takes the provided Resource-argument into account when validating access to STS-resources
* IAM: get_role() now returns the LastUsed-parameter, provided the role was assumed and used
* KMS: sign/verify now uses the original message when signing, not the base64-version
* Lambda: invoke() now loads any Layers provided in the create_function()
* S3: put_bucket_logging() now supports bucket policies (as well as ACP's)
* S3: Range requests are now more permissive (following AWS' behaviour)
* SFN: list_executions() now returns the StopDate-attribute


Docker Digest for 4.2.2: <autopopulateddigest>

See 4.2.1 - no functional changes.

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