
Latest version: v5.0.7

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Docker Digest for 4.1.11: _sha256:0ac1ec726e428bd3134c10c32639d72f814bbe002b9d2010420850aab8bc2550_

New Methods:

* AppSync:
* get_introspection_schema()

* Comprehend:
* detect_key_phrases()
* detect_pii_entities()
* detect_sentiment()

* EC2: describe_key_pairs() now returns the CreateTime-attribute
* EC2: describe_spot_fleet_requests() now returns the Tags-attribute
* ECR: put_image(): now behaves correctly on duplicate images with duplicate tags
* Organizations: create_policy() now supports the Tags-parameter
* RDS: creation times of all objects are now in UTC
* Redshift: creation times of all objects are now in UTC
* S3: Bucket names are now global, meaning they have to be unique across accounts
* S3: select_object_content() now supports None-values
* S3: select_object_content() now supports nested FROM-clauses (from x.y as xy)
* SecretsManager - update_secret() now supports the Description-parameter
* SNS now returns the correct error message for non-existing topics
* SNS: Topics are no longer accessible across regions (only across accounts)
* SNS: delete_topic() is now idempotent and no longer throws an error for non-existent topics
* SQS: Requests and responses in JSON-format are now supported
* SSM: MaintenanceWindows now have tagging support


Docker Digest for 4.1.10: _sha256:095d1dfadc71b4c68f05240129a32acf6dd7ba722c78afd4f01d8c7c3af0ebb4_

New Services:
* Glue:
* create_session()
* delete_session()
* get_session()
* list_sessions()
* stop_session()

* Sagemaker:
* create_transform_job()
* describe_transform_job()
* list_transform_jobs()

* Core: The `date`-header is now returned for all operations (set to the current date)
* AutoScaling: describe_policies() now returns the field `TargetTrackingConfiguration.CustomizedMetricSpecification.Metrics`
* Cloudformation: delete_stack_instances() now behaves correctly when deleting multiple regions
* EC2: create_route() now takes the `VpcEndpointId`-parameter into account
* EC2: describe_instances() now throws an exception when both the InstanceIds and PaginationConfig parameters are supplied
* IAM: get_group() now returns the fields `CreateDate` and `PasswordLastUsed`
* RDS: start_export_task() now returns the field `SourceType`
* S3: aligned checksum calculation with how AWS behaves
* S3: now returns `Accept-Ranges`-headers, instead of `AcceptRanges`, in-line with AWS
* S3: copy_object() now behaves correctly when copying objects in encrypted buckets
* S3: put_object_legal_hold() now takes the VersionId-parameter into account
* S3: put_object_retention() now takes the VersionId-parameter into account
* SecretsManager: list_secrets now returns the fields `LastRotatedDate` and `NextRotationDate`
* SNS: Topics can now be accessed across accounts
* SNS: Fixed a bug so that topics without properties can now be deleted using CloudFormation


Docker Digest for 4.1.9: _sha256:121a51dcf0e42e53a601803bdeb25324d18b2d45f08a79923c65034f4f14448a_

New Services:
* Glue:
* batch_get_triggers
* create_trigger
* delete_trigger
* get_trigger
* get_triggers
* list_triggers
* start_trigger
* stop_trigger

* Glue:
* create_contact
* create_contact_list
* delete_contact
* delete_contact_list
* get_contact
* get_contact_list
* list_contact_lists
* list_contacts
* send_email

* Kinesis: Improve calculations on stream limits
* EC2: Improve logic behind describe_image_attribute()
* S3: Various improvements to the logic behind copy_object()
* Scheduler: update_schedule() now supports the GroupName-parameter
* SNS: Improve and enhance validation of numeric parameters
* SNS: MessageDeduplicationId is now forwarded to SQS queues (Fixes a bug in 4.1.7)


Docker Digest for 4.1.8: _sha256:e83d868df71b193d625d9fb031282f6632c6c80d0314cfca6780f9a3f37d1f61_

New Methods:
* DynamoDB:
* batch_execute_statement()
* execute_statement()
* execute_transaction()

* Glue:
* batch_get_jobs()
* delete_job()

* KMS:
* get_public_key()

* Athena: Fixed a bug causing every call to `get_workgroup(WorkGroup="primary")` to fail
* AWSLambda: Performance improvement: Docker images are no longer re-downloaded if they already exist
* BatchSimple now uses the environment variable MOTO_SIMPLE_BATCH_FAIL_AFTER=0 to determine whether the job should fail, and after how many seconds
* EC2: replace_route() now supports the NetworkInterfaceId-parameter
* ECR: batch_get_image() now correctly returns images when requested using an older tag
* ELBv2: describe_target_health() now returns the correct error message for unregistered targets
* S3: copy_object() now adds a checksum to a copied object if requested
* S3: get_object() no longer returns a VersionId for non-versioned buckets
* SES: Templates now allow a single curly brace, and no longer assume it's part of a variable
* SSM: describe_parameters() now allows filtering by existence of tag-name
* StepFunctions: The SF_EXECUTION_HISTORY_TYPE=FAILURE environment variable can now be used to generate failure responses for all operations
* STS: assume_role() now stores the AccessKey in the requesting account


Docker Digest for 4.1.7: _sha256:6b877d5efe86562d27f296638d6b163c7987913c203874578d00fa1f83eea000_

New Services:
* LakeFormation:
* batch_grant_permissions()
* batch_revoke_permissions()
* create_lf_tag()
* delete_lf_tag()
* deregister_resource()
* describe_resource()
* get_data_lake_settings()
* get_lf_tag()
* grant_permissions()
* list_data_cells_filter()
* list_lf_tags()
* list_permissions()
* list_resources()
* put_data_lake_settings()
* register_resource()
* revoke_permissions()
* RDS Data:
* execute_statement()
* Scheduler:
* create_schedule()
* create_schedule_group()
* delete_schedule()
* delete_schedule_group()
* get_schedule()
* get_schedule_group()
* list_schedule_groups()
* list_schedules()
* list_tags_for_resource()
* tag_resource()
* untag_resource()
* update_schedule()

New Methods:
* Config:
* delete_retention_configuration()
* describe_retention_configurations()
* put_retention_configuration()
* EC2:
* get_launch_template_data()
* RDS:
* create_db_cluster_parameter_group()
* create_global_cluster()
* delete_db_cluster_parameter_group()
* delete_global_cluster()
* describe_db_cluster_parameter_groups()
* describe_db_cluster_parameters()
* describe_db_subnet_groups()
* describe_global_clusters()
* promote_read_replica_db_cluster()
* remove_from_global_cluster()

* APIGateway now allows semicolons in paths
* CloudFormation now supports Fn::ToJsonString
* DynamoDB: update_item() now supports number-sets in the AttributeUpdates-parameter
* DynamoDB: query() - The KeyConditionExpression now allows enclosing the sort key condition in brackets
* EC2: assign_private_ip_addresses() now supports the PrivateIpAddresses-argument
* ECR: put_image() now supports the imageManifestMediaType parameter
* ECS: run_task() now validates the provided launch-type
* Logs: put_subscription_filter() now supports KinesisStream destinations
* RDS: describe_db_clusters() now supports filtering by db-cluster-id and engine
* RDS: describe_db_clusters() now returns the parameters KmsKeyId, NetworkType, DBSubnetGroupName, ScalingConfiguration
* S3: head_object() now returns the AcceptRanges header
* SQS: Improvements in the deduplication-logic


Docker Digest for 4.1.6: _sha256:36122dca33cb8f70d84734d1a0a6a5931f7a533fab3c58edd7ca0b2ebe325797_

New Services:
* OpenSearch:
* add_tags()
* create_domain()
* delete_domain()
* describe_domain()
* describe_domain_config()
* get_compatible_versions()
* list_tags()
* remove_tags()
* update_domain_config()

* S3: select_object_content()

* Batch: The AWS_BATCH_JOB_MAIN_NODE_PRIVATE_IPV4_ADDRESS-variable now plays nicely with custom Docker networks
* CloudFormation now supports deletion of AWS::EC2::Subnet, AWS::EC2::VPC
* CloudFormation now supports variable mapping inside "Fn::Sub"
* CloudFormation: delete_stack() now adheres to "DeletionPolicy": "Retain" set for individual resources
* Events: The EventBusName-parameter is now supported for these methods:
delete_rule(), describe_rule(), disable_rule(), enable_rule(), list_rule_names_by_target(), list_rules(), list_targets_by_rule()
* RDS: describe_db_clusters() now accepts an ARN as identifier
* RDS: describe_db_snapshots() now returns the TagList-attribute
* S3: get_object() now returns the AcceptRanges header
* S3: head_bucket() now returns the region-header
* SecretsManager now supports partial ARN's

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