
Latest version: v5.0.7

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* Events:put_targets() now supports SQS queues
* Support:describe_cases() no longer requires the caseIdList-parameter


New Methods:
* Support
* create_case
* describe_cases
* resolve_case
* CF now returns the PhysicalResourceId-attributes for AWS::EC2::NatGateway/AWS::EC2::Route/AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
* CognitoIDP:sign_up() now throws an UsernameExistsException if appropriate
* DynamoDB now validates the case sensitivity for begins_with/between operators
* EC2:associate_route_table() now supports the GatewayId-parameter
* EC2:authorize_egress() now throws a InvalidPermission.Duplicate-exception if appropriate
* EC2:authorize_security_group_egress() now throws a InvalidGroup.NotFound-exception
* EC2:authorize_security_group_ingress() now throws a InvalidGroup.NotFound-exception
* Events:describe_rule() now returns the ManagedBy/CreatedBy-parameters
* Events:put_events() now supports providing an ARN for the EventBusName-parameter
* Route53:list_hosted_zones_by_name() now returns the DNSName-parameter
* S3:put_object_acl() now throws a NoSuchKey-exception if the object does not exist
* SES:send_templated_email() now throws a TemplateDoesNotExist-exception if the template has not been created first
* SSM:put_parameter() now throws an exception for empty values
Known bugs:
* Support:describe_cases() throws an exception when called without the caseIdList-parameter


General Changes:
* New Osaka region is now supported

New Services:
* MediaPackage

New Methods:
* Redshift
* authorize_cluster_security_group_ingress
* Secrets Manager:
* untag_resource

* IAM:list_roles() now contains the MaxSessionDuration-attribute
* Kinesis:get_records(): Fix formatting of the ApproximateArrivalTimestamp-parameter
* SQS:receive_message(): Fix behaviour of the AttributeNames-parameter


New Services:
* Media Connect

New Methods:
* API Gateway:
* update_usage_plan
* Events
* cancel_replay
* describe_replay
* start_replay
* list_replays

* ECS TaskDefinitions now have the 'status' attribute
* Events: the put_rule now updates an existing rule, instead of removing the old one (and the associated targets)
* IAM create_roles and list_roles now return the Description
* SSM: put_parameter and describe_parameters now supports tags


Full list of PRs merged in this release:

General Changes:
* When installing, it is now required to specify the service you want to use:
pip install moto[service1,service2]
pip install moto[all]

This will ensure that only the required dependencies are downloaded.
See the README for more information.

* Moved CI to Github Actions

* Moto no longer hogs the _default_mock from responses

* Internal testing is now executed using Pytest (instead of Nose)

* CORS is now enabled when running MotoServer

* AWS Lambda and Batch now support Podman as an alternative to Docker

New Services:
* Forecast
* MediaLive
* Support
* Transcribe

New Methods:
* Application Autoscaling
* delete_scaling_policy
* deregister_scalable_target
* describe_scaling_policies
* put_scaling_policy
* Batch
* batch_update_partition
* Cognito IDP
* admin_set_user_password
* EC2
* create_flow_logs
* delete_flow_logs
* describe_flow_logs
* describe_instance_type_offerings
* describe_vpc_endpoints
* create_security_configuration
* delete_security_configuration
* get_security_configuration
* modify_cluster
* put_autoscaling_policy
* remove_auto_scaling_policy
* Events
* create_archive
* delete_archive
* describe_archive
* list_archives
* update_archive
* Lambda
* get_function_configuration
* get_layer_version
* list_layers
* publish_layer_version
* associate_iam_instance_profile
* delete_role_permissions_boundary
* describe_iam_instance_profile_associations
* disassociate_iam_instance_profile
* put_role_permissions_boundary
* replace_iam_instance_profile_association
* set_default_policy_version
* tag_user
* untag_user
* create_topic_rule
* delete_topic_rule
* disable_topic_rule
* enable_topic_rule
* get_topic_rule
* list_topic_rules
* replace_topic_rule
* Redshift
* get_cluster_credentials
* Route53
* get_change (dummy)
* SageMaker
* create_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config
* delete_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config
* describe_notebook_instance_lifecycle_config
* Secrets Manager
* tag_resource
* test_render_template
* update_template
* Step Functions
* get_execution_history
* tag_resource
* untag_resource
* update_state_machine

General Changes:
* ACM - import_certificate() now supports the Tags-parameter
* ACM - request_certificate() now supports the Tags-parameter
* CF - SSHIngressRule now supports CidrIp and Description
* CF - Now fully supports:
* CF - Now supports creation of:
* CF - Now supports S3 outputs: Arn, DomainName, DualStackDomainName, RegionalDomainName, WebsiteURL
* CloudWatch - list_metrics() no longer returns duplicate entries
* CloudWatch - put_metric_alarm() now supports the Metrics and DatapointsToAlarm parameters
* Config - Now supports IAM (Role, Policy)
* Cognito - admin_initiate_auth() now supports the ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH-flow
* CognitoIDP - list_users() now supports spaces in the Filter-parameter
* DynamoDB - GSI's now support the ProjectionType=INCLUDE parameter
* DynamoDB - put_item() now supports empty values (in non-key attributes)
* DynamoDB - update_item() now supports the ADD operation to a list (using the AttributeUpdates-parameter)
* DynamoDB - update_item() now supports the PUT operation to a StringSet (using the AttributeUpdates-parameter)
* DynamoDB - update_item() now supports ReturnValues='UPDATED_NEW'
* DynamoDB - update_item() now defaults to PUT if the action is not supplied
* DynamoDB Streams - The event name for deletions has been corrected to REMOVE (was DELETE before)
* EB - create()/describe_applications() now return a properly formatted ARN (that contains the application-name)
* EC2 - copy_snapshot() now supports the TagSpecifications-parameter
* EC2 - create_image() now supports the TagSpecifications-parameter
* EC2 - create_internet_gateway() now supports the TagSpecifications-parameter
* EC2 - create_nat_gateway() now supports the TagSpecification-parameter
* EC2 - create_network_acl() now supports the TagSpecification-parameter
* EC2 - create_route_table() now supports the TagSpecifications-parameter
* EC2 - create_subnet() now supports the TagSpecifications-parameter
* EC2 - create_subnet() now supports secondary CidrBlock-values
* EC2 - create_tags() now supports empty values
* EC2 - create_volume() now supports the KmsKeyId-parameter
* EC2 - create_vpc now supports the TagSpecifications-parameter
* EC2 - create_vpc_endpoint() now properly handles private_dns_enabled-parameter in CF/TF
* EC2 - create_vpn_endpoint() now supports the VpnGatewayId-parameter
* EC2 - describe_addresses() now returns Tags
* EC2 - describe_instances() now supports filtering by the subnet-id-attribute
* EC2 - describe_subnets() now supports filtering by the state-attribute
* ECR - list_images() now returns a proper value for the imageDigest-attribute
* ECS - the default cluster is now used in a variety of methods, if the Cluster-parameter is not supplied
* ECS - create_service() now supports the launchType-parameter
* ECS - delete_service() now supports the force-parameter
* ECS - describe_container_instances() now returns the registeredAt-attribute
* ECS - list_tasks now supports the filters family/service_name/desired_status
* ECS - register_scalable_target() now supports updates
* ECS - register_task_definition() now returns some attributes that were missing before
* ECS - run_task() now supports the tags-parameter
* EMR - ReleaseLabel now respects semantic versioning
* Events - Now supports the Go SDK
* Events - list_rules() now returns the EventBusName-parameter
* Events - put_events() now has basic input validation
* Glue - create_database() now returns some attributes that were missing before
* IAM - create_user() now returns the Tags-attribute
* IAM - list_roles() now supports the parameters PathPrefix/Marker/MaxItems
* IOT - delete_thing_group() is now idempotent
* Lambda - update_function_configuration() now supports the VpcConfig-parameter
* RDS - create_db_parameter_group() now returns the DBParameterGroupArn-attribute
* RDS - describe_db_instances() now returns the TagList-attribute
* RDS - describe_db_instances() now supports the filters-parameter
* RDS - describe_db_snapshots() now supports the filters-parameter
* Redshift - modify_cluster() now checks for invalid ClusterType/NumberOfNodes combinations
* ResourceGroupTagging: Now supports EC2 VPC resources
* ResourceGroupTagging: Now supports RDS DBInstance, DBSnapshot resources
* ResourceGroupTagging - get_resources() has improved support for the TagFilters-parameter
* S3 - copy_object() now supports copying deleted and subsequently restored objects with storage class Glacier
* S3 - get_object() now throws the correct error for an unknown VersionId
* S3 - get_object() now supports an empty Range-parameter
* S3 - get_object() now returns headers that were missing in some cases (ContentLength/ActualObjectSize/RangeRequested)
* S3 - put_object/get_object now support the ServerSideEncryption/SSEKMSKeyId/BucketKeyEnabled parameters
* S3 - list_object_versions now returns the object in the correct sort order (last modified time)
* SecretsManager - describe_secret() now returns a persistent ARN
* SecretsManager - get_secret_value() now requires a version to exist
* SecretsManager - put_secret_value() now requires a secret to exist
* SES - get-template() now returns the HtmlPart-attribute
* SNS - Support KmsMasterKeyId-attribute
* SNS - create_topic() no longer throws an error when creating a FIFO queue
* SNS - delete_topic() now also deletes the corresponding subscriptions
* SNS - delete_topic() now raises an appropriate exception if the supplied topic not exists
* Step Functions - list_executions() now supports filtering and pagination
* SQS - The MD5OfMessageAttributes is now computed correctly
* SQS - a message in the DLQ now no longer blocks other messages with that MessageGroupId
* SQS - create_queue() now supports the MaximumMessageSize-attribute
* SQS - receive_message() now supports MessageAttributeNames=["All"]
* SQS - send_message() now deduplicates properly using the MessageDeduplicationId


Full list of PRs merged in this release:

General Changes:
* The has been fixed to make it easier to scaffold new services.
See the README for an introduction.

New Services:
* Application Autoscaling
* Code Commit
* Code Pipeline
* Elastic Beanstalk
* Kinesis Video
* Kinesis Video Archived Media
* Managed BlockChain
* Resource Access Manager (ram)
* Sagemaker

New Methods:
* Athena:
* create_named_query
* get_named_query
* get_work_group
* start_query_execution
* stop_query_execution
* API Gateway:
* create_authorizer
* create_domain_name
* create_model
* delete_authorizer
* get_authorizer
* get_authorizers
* get_domain_name
* get_domain_names
* get_model
* get_models
* update_authorizer
* Autoscaling:
* enter_standby
* exit_standby
* terminate_instance_in_auto_scaling_group
* CloudFormation:
* get_template_summary
* CloudWatch:
* describe_alarms_for_metric
* get_metric_data
* CloudWatch Logs:
* delete_subscription_filter
* describe_subscription_filters
* put_subscription_filter
* Cognito IDP:
* associate_software_token
* create_resource_server
* confirm_sign_up
* initiate_auth
* set_user_mfa_preference
* sign_up
* verify_software_token
* DynamoDB:
* describe_continuous_backups
* transact_get_items
* transact_write_items
* update_continuous_backups
* EC2:
* create_vpc_endpoint
* describe_vpc_classic_link
* describe_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
* describe_vpc_endpoint_services
* disable_vpc_classic_link
* disable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
* enable_vpc_classic_link
* enable_vpc_classic_link_dns_support
* register_image
* ECS:
* create_task_set
* delete_task_set
* describe_task_set
* update_service_primary_task_set
* update_task_set
* Events:
* delete_event_bus
* create_event_bus
* list_event_buses
* list_tags_for_resource
* tag_resource
* untag_resource
* Glue:
* get_databases
* IAM:
* delete_group
* delete_instance_profile
* delete_ssh_public_key
* get_account_summary
* get_ssh_public_key
* list_user_tags
* list_ssh_public_keys
* update_ssh_public_key
* upload_ssh_public_key
* IOT:
* cancel_job
* cancel_job_execution
* create_policy_version
* delete_job
* delete_job_execution
* describe_endpoint
* describe_job_execution
* delete_policy_version
* get_policy_version
* get_job_document
* list_attached_policies
* list_job_executions_for_job
* list_job_executions_for_thing
* list_jobs
* list_policy_versions
* set_default_policy_version
* register_certificate_without_ca
* KMS:
* untag_resource
* Lambda:
* delete_function_concurrency
* get_function_concurrency
* put_function_concurrency
* Organisations:
* describe_create_account_status
* deregister_delegated_administrator
* disable_policy_type
* enable_policy_type
* list_delegated_administrators
* list_delegated_services_for_account
* list_tags_for_resource
* register_delegated_administrator
* tag_resource
* untag_resource
* update_organizational_unit
* S3:
* delete_bucket_encryption
* delete_public_access_block
* get_bucket_encryption
* get_public_access_block
* put_bucket_encryption
* put_public_access_block
* S3 Control:
* delete_public_access_block
* get_public_access_block
* put_public_access_block
* SecretsManager:
* get_resource_policy
* update_secret
* SES:
* create_configuration_set
* create_configuration_set_event_destination
* create_receipt_rule_set
* create_receipt_rule
* create_template
* get_template
* get_send_statistics
* list_templates
* STS:
* assume_role_with_saml
* SSM:
* create_documen
* delete_document
* describe_document
* get_document
* list_documents
* update_document
* update_document_default_version
* SWF:
* undeprecate_activity_type
* undeprecate_domain
* undeprecate_workflow_type

General Updates:
* API Gateway - create_rest_api now supports policy-parameter
* Autoscaling - describe_auto_scaling_instances now supports InstanceIds-parameter
* AutoScalingGroups - now support launch templates
* CF - Now supports DependsOn-configuration
* CF - Now supports FN::Transform AWS::Include mapping
* CF - Now supports update and deletion of Lambdas
* CF - Now supports creation, update and deletion of EventBus (Events)
* CF - Now supports update of Rules (Events)
* CF - Now supports creation, update and deletion of EventSourceMappings (AWS Lambda)
* CF - Now supports update and deletion of Kinesis Streams
* CF - Now supports creation of DynamoDB streams
* CF - Now supports deletion of DynamoDB tables
* CF - list_stacks now supports the status_filter-parameter
* Cognito IDP - list_users now supports filter-parameter
* DynamoDB - GSI/LSI's now support ProjectionType=KEYS_ONLY
* EC2 - create_route now supports the NetworkInterfaceId-parameter
* EC2 - describe_instances now supports additional filters (owner-id)
* EC2 - describe_instance_status now supports additional filters (instance-state-name, instance-state-code)
* EC2 - describe_nat_gateways now supports additional filters (nat-gateway-id, vpc-id, subnet-id, state)
* EC2 - describe_vpn_gateways now supports additional filters (attachment.vpc_id, attachment.state, vpn-gateway-id, type)
* IAM - list_users now supports path_prefix-parameter
* IOT - list_thing_groups now supports parent_group, name_prefix_filter, recursive-parameters
* S3 - delete_objects now supports deletion of specific VersionIds
* SecretsManager - list_secrets now supports filters-parameter
* SFN - start_execution now receives and validates input
* SNS - Now supports sending a message directly to a phone number
* SQS - MessageAttributes now support labeled DataTypes

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