
Latest version: v3.15.1

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Not secure
**Date**: 17th April 2013

* Loud failure when view does not return a `Response` or `HttpResponse`.
* Bugfix: Fix for Django 1.3 compatibility.
* Bugfix: Allow overridden `get_object()` to work correctly.


Not secure
**Date**: 4th April 2013

* OAuth2 authentication no longer requires unnecessary URL parameters in addition to the token.
* URL hyperlinking in browsable API now handles more cases correctly.
* Long HTTP headers in browsable API are broken in multiple lines when possible.
* Bugfix: Fix regression with DjangoFilterBackend not worthing correctly with single object views.
* Bugfix: OAuth should fail hard when invalid token used.
* Bugfix: Fix serializer potentially returning `None` object for models that define `__bool__` or `__len__`.


Not secure
**Date**: 26th March 2013

* Serializer support for bulk create and bulk update operations.
* Regression fix: Date and time fields return date/time objects by default. Fixes regressions caused by 2.2.2. See [743][743] for more details.
* Bugfix: Fix 500 error is OAuth not attempted with OAuthAuthentication class installed.
* `` now supports arbitrary keyword args which are passed through to the object `.save()` method. Mixins use `force_insert` and `force_update` where appropriate, resulting in one less database query.


Not secure
**Date**: 13th March 2013

* OAuth 2 support.
* OAuth 1.0a support.
* Support X-HTTP-Method-Override header.
* Filtering backends are now applied to the querysets for object lookups as well as lists. (Eg you can use a filtering backend to control which objects should 404)
* Deal with error data nicely when deserializing lists of objects.
* Extra override hook to configure `DjangoModelPermissions` for unauthenticated users.
* Bugfix: Fix regression which caused extra database query on paginated list views.
* Bugfix: Fix pk relationship bug for some types of 1-to-1 relations.
* Bugfix: Workaround for Django bug causing case where `Authtoken` could be registered for cascade delete from `User` even if not installed.


Not secure
**Date**: 7th March 2013

* Bugfix: Fix None values for for `DateField`, `DateTimeField` and `TimeField`.


Not secure
**Date**: 6th March 2013

* Support for custom input and output formats for `DateField`, `DateTimeField` and `TimeField`.
* Cleanup: Request authentication is no longer lazily evaluated, instead authentication is always run, which results in more consistent, obvious behavior. Eg. Supplying bad auth credentials will now always return an error response, even if no permissions are set on the view.
* Bugfix for serializer data being uncacheable with pickle protocol 0.
* Bugfixes for model field validation edge-cases.
* Bugfix for authtoken migration while using a custom user model and south.

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