
Latest version: v3.15.1

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Not secure
**Date**: 3rd June 2013

* Added `get_url` hook to `HyperlinkedIdentityField`.
* Serializer field `default` argument may be a callable.
* `action` decorator now accepts a `methods` argument.
* Bugfix: `request.user` should be still be accessible in renderer context if authentication fails.
* Bugfix: The `lookup_field` option on `HyperlinkedIdentityField` should apply by default to the url field on the serializer.
* Bugfix: `HyperlinkedIdentityField` should continue to support `pk_url_kwarg`, `slug_url_kwarg`, `slug_field`, in a pending deprecation state.
* Bugfix: Ensure we always return 404 instead of 500 if a lookup field cannot be converted to the correct lookup type. (Eg non-numeric `AutoInteger` pk lookup)


Not secure
**Date**: 24th May 2013

* Serializer fields now support `label` and `help_text`.
* Added `UnicodeJSONRenderer`.
* `OPTIONS` requests now return metadata about fields for `POST` and `PUT` requests.
* Bugfix: `charset` now properly included in `Content-Type` of responses.
* Bugfix: Blank choice now added in browsable API on nullable relationships.
* Bugfix: Many to many relationships with `through` tables are now read-only.
* Bugfix: Serializer fields now respect model field args such as `max_length`.
* Bugfix: SlugField now performs slug validation.
* Bugfix: Lazy-translatable strings now properly serialized.
* Bugfix: Browsable API now supports bootswatch styles properly.
* Bugfix: HyperlinkedIdentityField now uses `lookup_field` kwarg.

**Note**: Responses now correctly include an appropriate charset on the `Content-Type` header. For example: `application/json; charset=utf-8`. If you have tests that check the content type of responses, you may need to update these accordingly.


Not secure
**Date**: 16th May 2013

* Added SearchFilter
* Added OrderingFilter
* Added GenericViewSet
* Bugfix: Multiple `action` and `link` methods now allowed on viewsets.
* Bugfix: Fix API Root view issue with DjangoModelPermissions


Not secure
**Date**: 8th May 2013

* Bugfix: Fix `TIME_FORMAT`, `DATETIME_FORMAT` and `DATE_FORMAT` settings.
* Bugfix: Fix `DjangoFilterBackend` issue, failing when used on view with queryset attribute.


Not secure
**Date**: 7th May 2013

* Bugfix: Fix breadcrumb rendering issue.


Not secure
**Date**: 7th May 2013

* ViewSets and Routers.
* ModelSerializers support reverse relations in 'fields' option.
* HyperLinkedModelSerializers support 'id' field in 'fields' option.
* Cleaner generic views.
* Support for multiple filter classes.
* FileUploadParser support for raw file uploads.
* DecimalField support.
* Made Login template easier to restyle.
* Bugfix: Fix issue with depth>1 on ModelSerializer.

**Note**: See the [2.3 announcement][2.3-announcement] for full details.


2.2.x series

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