
Latest version: v5.4.0

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- No longer supports Python 2.6

You need Python 2.7 or later to use this version of billiard.

- Merged changes from CPython 3.5


- Pool: Timeouts will attempt to send SIGKILL, but this signal
does not exist on Windows. Replaced with SIGTERM.


- Pool: Exceptions in user timeout callbacks are now logged instead
of crashing the pool.

Contributed by Pierre Fersing.

- Pool: Exit codes in errors were improperly being represented as signals.

- Pool: ``.map``. and ``.imap`` now working again.

- Now builds on FreeBSD 10.

Contributed by Michael Fladischer.


- Now compiles on GNU/kFreeBSD

Contributed by Michael Fladischer.

- Pool: `AF_PIPE` address fixed so that it works on recent Windows versions
in combination with Python 2.7.7.

Fix contributed by Joshua Tacoma.

- Pool: Fix for `Supervisor object has no attribute _children` error.

Fix contributed by Andres Riancho.

- Pool: Fixed bug with human_status(None).

- Pool: shrink did not work properly if asked to remove more than 1 process.


- Fixes SemLock on Python 3.4 (Issue 107) when using

- Pool: Include more useful exitcode information when processes exit.


- Previous release was missing the billiard.py3 package from MANIFEST
so the installation would not work on Python 3.

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