
Latest version: v5.4.0

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:release-date: 2011-04-21 04:00 P.M CEST
:release-by: Ask Solem

* Redis: Consuming from multiple connections now works with Eventlet.

* Redis: Can now perform channel operations while the channel is in
BRPOP/LISTEN mode (Issue 35).

Also the async BRPOP now times out after 1 second, this means that
canceling consuming from a queue/starting consuming from additional queues
has a latency of up to one second (BRPOP does not support subsecond

* Virtual: Allow channel objects to be closed multiple times without error.

* amqplib: ``AttributeError`` has been added to the list of known
connection related errors (:attr:`Connection.connection_errors`).

* amqplib: Now converts :exc:`SSLError` timeout errors to
:exc:`socket.timeout` (http://bugs.python.org/issue10272)

* Ensures cyclic references are destroyed when the connection is closed.

.. _version-1.1.2:


:release-date: 2011-04-06 04:00 P.M CEST
:release-by: Ask Solem

* Redis: Fixes serious issue where messages could be lost.

The issue could happen if the message exceeded a certain number
of kilobytes in size.

It is recommended that all users of the Redis transport should
upgrade to this version, even if not currently experiencing any

.. _version-1.1.1:


:release-date: 2011-04-05 03:51 P.M CEST
:release-by: Ask Solem

* 1.1.0 started using ``Queue.LifoQueue`` which is only available
in Python 2.6+ (Issue 33). We now ship with our own LifoQueue.

.. _version-1.1.0:


:release-date: 2011-04-05 01:05 P.M CEST
:release-by: Ask Solem

.. _v110-important:

Important Notes

* Virtual transports: Message body is now base64 encoded by default
(Issue 27).

This should solve problems sending binary data with virtual

Message compatibility is handled by adding a ``body_encoding``
property, so messages sent by older versions is compatible
with this release. However -- If you are accessing the messages
directly not using Kombu, then you have to respect
the ``body_encoding`` property.

If you need to disable base64 encoding then you can do so
via the transport options:

.. code-block:: python

transport_options={'body_encoding': None})

**For transport authors**:

You don't have to change anything in your custom transports,
as this is handled automatically by the base class.

If you want to use a different encoder you can do so by adding
a key to ``Channel.codecs``. Default encoding is specified
by the ``Channel.body_encoding`` attribute.

A new codec must provide two methods: ``encode(data)`` and

* ConnectionPool/ChannelPool/Resource: Setting ``limit=None`` (or 0)
now disables pool semantics, and will establish and close
the resource whenever acquired or released.

* ConnectionPool/ChannelPool/Resource: Is now using a LIFO queue
instead of the previous FIFO behavior.

This means that the last resource released will be the one
acquired next. I.e. if only a single thread is using the pool
this means only a single connection will ever be used.

* Connection: Cloned connections did not inherit transport_options

* contrib/requirements is now located in the top directory
of the distribution.

* MongoDB: Now supports authentication using the ``userid`` and ``password``
arguments to :class:`Connection` (Issue 30).

* Connection: Default autentication credentials are now delegated to
the individual transports.

This means that the ``userid`` and ``password`` arguments to
Connection is no longer *guest/guest* by default.

The amqplib and pika transports will still have the default

* :meth:`Consumer.__exit__` did not have the correct signature (Issue 32).

* Channel objects now have a ``channel_id`` attribute.

* MongoDB: Version sniffing broke with development versions of
mongod (Issue 29).

* New environment variable :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_CONNECTION` will now emit debug
log messages for connection related actions.

:envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_DEBUG` will also enable :envvar:`KOMBU_LOG_CONNECTION`.

.. _version-1.0.7:


:release-date: 2013-07-31 04:00 P.M BST
:release-by: Ask Solem

- Fixed problems with the SSL transport (Issue 15).

Fix contributed by Adrien Guinet.

- Small optimizations

.. _version-1.0.12:


:release-date: 2013-06-25 02:00 P.M BST
:release-by: Ask Solem

- Fixed another Python 3 compatibility problem.

.. _version-1.0.11:

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