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- bugfix: `wiji.broker.InMemoryBroker` was leaking memory: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/74
- accept `logging.NOTSET` as a loglevel: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/75


- added tests for `Task._broker_check`: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/67
- cache asyncio eventloop in `Task.synchronous_delay`: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/68
- add documentation on how users of `wiji` can write tests for their tasks: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/69


- change default `Task` loglevel to `INFO` from `DEBUG`: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/62
- bugfix: ISO 8601 datetime formatting: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/63


- rename `TaskDelayError` to `TaskQueueingError`: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/58


- hook and ratelimiter should have access to queuing metrics : https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/57


- add better error messages : https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/54
- Stop capturing `SIGINT` signal : https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/55
- rename CLI option, `--config` to `--app` : https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/52
- bugfix, `task.task_options is stale`
We had a case where `broker.done` would get called with `task_id`==`''`(empty string) : https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/39
- add timestamp to log events: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/45
- remove `wiji.task.WijiRetryError`.
we replace it with a `wiji.task.Task._RETRYING` boolean.: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/46
- rename wiji conf file: https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/47
- `wiji` no longer requires task instances in order to start running : https://github.com/komuw/wiji/pull/49

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