
Latest version: v1.7.0

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* Functions and the associated sample dataset
``verde.datasets.fetch_rio_magnetic`` and
``verde.datasets.setup_rio_magnetic_map`` are deprecated. Please use another
dataset instead.
(`213 <>`__)
* Class ``verde.VectorSpline2D`` is deprecated. The class is specific for
GPS/GNSS data and doesn't fit the general-purpose nature of Verde. The
implementation will be moved to the `Erizo
<>`__ package instead.
(`214 <>`__)
* The ``client`` keyword argument for ``verde.cross_val_score`` and
``verde.SplineCV`` is deprecated in favor of the new ``delayed`` argument
(see below).
(`222 <>`__)

New features:

* Use the ``dask.delayed`` interface for parallelism in cross-validation
instead of the futures interface (``dask.distributed.Client``). It's easier
and allows building the entire graph lazily before executing. To use the new
feature, pass ``delayed=True`` to ``verde.cross_val_score`` and
``verde.SplineCV``. The argument ``client`` in both of these is deprecated
(see above).
(`222 <>`__)
* Expose the optimal spline in ``verde.SplineCV.spline_``. This is the fitted
``verde.Spline`` object using the optimal parameters.
(`219 <>`__)
* New option ``drop_coords`` to allow ``verde.BlockReduce`` and
``verde.BlockMean`` to reduce extra elements in ``coordinates`` (basically,
treat them as data). Default to ``True`` to maintain backwards compatibility.
If ``False``, will no longer drop coordinates after the second one but will
apply the reduction in blocks to them as well. The reduced coordinates are
returned in the same order in the ``coordinates``.
(`198 <>`__)


* Use the default system cache location to store the sample data instead of
``~/.verde/data``. This is so users can more easily clean up unused files.
Because this is system specific, function ``verde.datasets.locate`` was added
to return the cache folder location.
(`220 <>`__)

Bug fixes:

* Correctly use ``parallel=True`` and ``numba.prange`` in the numba compiled
functions. Using it on the Green's function was raising a warning because
there is nothing to parallelize.
(`221 <>`__)


* Add testing and support for Python 3.8.
(`211 <>`__)


* Fix a typo in the JOSS paper Bibtex entry.
(`215 <>`__)
* Wrap docstrings to 79 characters for better integration with Jupyter and
IPython. These systems display docstrings using 80 character windows, causing
our larger lines to wrap around and become almost illegible.
(`212 <>`__)
* Use napoleon instead of numpydoc to format docstrings. Results is slightly
different layout in the website documentation.
(`209 <>`__)
* Update contact information to point to the Slack chat instead of Gitter.
(`204 <>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

* Santiago Soler
* Leonardo Uieda



*Released on: 2022/03/25*



* Move the ``CheckerBoard`` class to ``verde.synthetic`` (`353 <>`__)
* Deprecate the ``verde.test`` function which will be removed in v2.0.0 (`344 <>`__)
* Deprecate the ``datasets`` module, which will be replaced by `Ensaio <>`__ in the future (`#277 <>`__)
* Warn that the default score will change from R² to negative RMSE in v2.0 (`352 <>`__)

New features:

* Add option to pass coordinates to the ``grid`` method instead of just ``region`` and ``spacing`` (`326 <>`__)
* Add support for Python 3.9 (`323 <>`__) and 3.10 (`#346 <>`__)


* Modernize the front page of the docs (`356 <>`__)
* Modernize the Installing page (`355 <>`__)
* Update the contact link in the docs (`347 <>`__)
* Switch the docs theme to the sphinx-book-theme (`343 <>`__)
* Update ``dims`` in example of ``make_xarray_grid`` (`329 <>`__)
* Explicitly pass default arguments with their corresponding keywords on tests and examples (`327 <>`__)


* Replace Google Analytics for Plausible one to make our docs more privacy-friendly (`358 <>`__)
* Move configuration from ```` to ``setup.cfg`` (`348 <>`__)
* Link CoC, Authorship, Contributing, and Maintainers guides back to the Fatiando-wide pages (`338 <>`__)
* Replace pylint with more flake8 plugins (`337 <>`__)
* Rename the main branch from "master" to "main" (`335 <>`__)
* Remove ``normalize`` argument when creating scikit-learn solvers (`333 <>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

* Santiago Soler
* Leonardo Uieda



*Released on: 2021/03/22*

.. image::

Minor changes:

* Allow ``make_xarray_grid`` to receive ``data=None`` instead of raising an error. This is used to create an empty ``xarray.Dataset`` (`318 <>`__)


* Fix use of wrong version numbers for PyPI releases (`317 <>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

* Santiago Soler
* Leonardo Uieda



*Released on: 2021/03/18*

.. image::

New features:

* Allow specifing the scoring function in ``cross_val_score`` instead of always using the ``.score`` method of the gridder (`273 <>`__)
* New function ``verde.make_xarray_grid`` to simplify the creation of ``xarray.Dataset`` from individual numpy arrays that represent a 2D grid (`282 <>`__ and `#300 <>`__)


* Raise informative errors for invalid ``verde.rolling_window`` arguments, like missing ``spacing`` or ``shape`` and invalid window sizes (`280 <>`__)
* Replace ``DeprecationWarning`` with ``FutureWarning`` since these are intended for end-users, which allows us to avoid having to set ``warning.simplefilter`` (`305 <>`__ and `#293 <>`__)


* Several typo fixes (`306 <>`__ `#303 <>`__ `#281 <>`__)
* Update link to the GMT website in the Baja bathymetry example (`298 <>`__)
* Fix issue with Cartopy 0.17 and require versions >= 0.18 for building the docs (`283 <>`__)


* Refactor internal function ``get_data_names`` and related check functions to simplify their logic and make them more useful (`295 <>`__)
* Require Black >=20.8b1 (`284 <>`__)
* Format the ``doc/`` sphinx configuration file with Black (`275 <>`__)
* Add a license and copyright notice to every source file (`308 <>`__)
* Replace versioneer for setuptools-scm (`307 <>`__)
* Replace Travis and Azure with GitHub Actions (`309 <>`__)
* Exclude Dask 2021.03.0 as a dependency. This release was causing the tests to fail under Python 3.8 on every OS. The problem seems to be originated in ``dask.distributed`` (`311 <>`__)
* Use the OSI version of item 3 in the license (`299 <>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

* Santiago Soler
* Leonardo Uieda
* Federico Esteban
* DC Slagel



*Released on: 2020/06/04*

.. image::

Bug fixes:

* Apply projections using only the first two coordinates instead all given
coordinates. Projections only really involve the first two (horizontal)
coordinates. Only affects users passing ``extra_coords`` to gridder methods.
(`264 <>`__)

New features:

* **New** blocked cross-validation classes ``BlockShuffleSplit`` and
``BlockKFold``. These are scikit-learn compatible cross-validators that split
the data into spatial blocks before assigning them to folds. Blocked
cross-validation can help avoid overestimation of prediction accuracy for
spatial data (see [Roberts_etal2017]_). The classes work with
``verde.cross_val_score`` and any other function/method/class that accepts a
scikit-learn cross-validator.
(`251 <>`__ and
`254 <>`__)
* Add the option for block-wise splitting in ``verde.train_test_split`` by
passing in a ``spacing`` or ``shape`` parameters.
(`253 <>`__ and
`257 <>`__)

Base classes:

* Add optional argument to ``verde.base.least_squares`` to copy Jacobian
(`255 <>`__)
* Add extra coordinates (specified by the ``extra_coords`` keyword argument
to outputs of ``BaseGridder`` methods.
(`265 <>`__)


* Update tests to ``repr`` changes in scikit-learn 0.23.0.
(`267 <>`__)


* Fix typo in README contributing section.
(`258 <>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

* Leonardo Uieda
* Santiago Soler
* Rowan Cockett



*Released on: 2020/04/06*

.. image::

Bug fixes:

* **Profile distances are now returned in projected (Cartesian) coordinates by
the** ``profile`` **method of gridders if a projection is given.** The method
has the option to apply a projection to the coordinates before predicting so
we can pass geographic coordinates to Cartesian gridders. In these cases, the
distance along the profile is calculated by the ``profile_coordinates``
function with the unprojected coordinates (in the geographic case it would be
degrees). The profile point calculation is also done assuming that
coordinates are Cartesian, which is clearly wrong if inputs are longitude and
latitude. To fix this, we now project the input points prior to passing them
to ``profile_coordinates``. This means that the distances are Cartesian and
generation of profile points is also Cartesian (as is assumed by the
function). The generated coordinates are projected back so that the user gets
longitude and latitude but distances are still projected Cartesian meters.
(`231 <>`__)
* **Function** ``verde.grid_to_table`` **now sets the correct order for
coordinates.** We were relying on the order of the ``coords`` attribute of
the ``xarray.Dataset`` for the order of the coordinates. This is wrong
because xarray takes the coordinate order from the ``dims`` attribute
instead, which is what we should also have been doing.
(`229 <>`__)


* Generalize coordinate system specifications in ``verde.base.BaseGridder``
docstrings. Most methods don't really depend on the coordinate system so use
a more generic language to allow derived classes to specify their coordinate
systems without having to overload the base methods just to rewrite the
(`240 <>`__)

New features:

* New function ``verde.convexhull_mask`` to mask points in a grid that fall
outside the convex hull defined by data points.
(`237 <>`__)
* New function ``verde.project_grid`` that transforms 2D gridded data using a
given projection. It re-samples the data using ``ScipyGridder`` (by default)
and runs a blocked mean (optional) to avoid aliasing when the points aren't
evenly distributed in the projected coordinates (like in polar projections).
Finally, it applies a ``convexhull_mask`` to the grid to avoid extrapolation
to points that had no original data.
(`246 <>`__)
* New function ``verde.expanding_window`` for selecting data that falls inside
of an expanding window around a central point.
(`238 <>`__)
* New function ``verde.rolling_window`` for rolling window selections of
irregularly sampled data.
(`236 <>`__)


* Allow ``verde.grid_to_table`` to take ``xarray.DataArray`` as input.
(`235 <>`__)


* Use newer MacOS images on Azure Pipelines.
(`234 <>`__)

This release contains contributions from:

* Leonardo Uieda
* Santiago Soler
* Jesse Pisel

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