
Latest version: v0.6.0

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- Release 0.3.1. [Andrew Fullford]

- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:akfullfo/taskforce. [Andrew

- Expose a sample taskforce management service. [Andrew Fullford]

- Release 0.3.0. [Andrew Fullford]

- Include remote address in logging. [Andrew Fullford]

- Doc on status and management interface. [Andrew Fullford]

- Re-doctoc. [Andrew Fullford]

- Started on http docs, fixed example line width. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added /magae/count and /manage/reload paths. [Andrew Fullford]

- Support new proccess status class, added process info for exited,
exit_pending. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added /magae/count and /manage/reload paths. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added a convenience function truthy() to test posted value for
true/false strings. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add config dump to status interface. [Andrew Fullford]

- Include iso8601 time stamps in status. [Andrew Fullford]

- Service 0 override now honored without any listen change. [Andrew

- Work around the way setuptools injects elements in front of where
PYTHONPATH ends up. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add flag to override certfile. [Andrew Fullford]

- Magic : as interpreter apparently no longer supported in freebsd10.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Fixed 8, don't let Task_xxx values from a parent affect the context
in the child. [Andrew Fullford]

- Allow override of logging program name. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add flag to use syslog. [Andrew Fullford]

- Turn off testing for pypy. [Andrew Fullford]

- Turn on testing for pypy. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add settings config section, with http section to allow multiple HTTP
services to be active. [Andrew Fullford]

- Moved sslcert file into examples tree. added mockup of http settings
to config. [Andrew Fullford]

- Provide http status service. [Andrew Fullford]

- Statusfmt() not using "exited ok" [Andrew Fullford]

- Bad merge_query() call. [Andrew Fullford]

- Reorg merge_query to provide a get_query() [Andrew Fullford]

- Handle case where legion might not have started. [Andrew Fullford]

- Enable stop and reset via http. add flag to enable controls via http,
status only otherwise. [Andrew Fullford]

- Adjusted execute mode. [Andrew Fullford]

- Use new http client routines. [Andrew Fullford]

- Env holds ssl cert path. [Andrew Fullford]

- Implements a client-side interface to the http service. This will be
used by bin/taskforce and is available to use by user-developed
management programs. [Andrew Fullford]

- Allow for different default port when ssl is used. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added support for SSL with the HTTP service. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added support for unix domain sockets. entry point to httpd module is
now a function that returns the appropriate stream server instance.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Drop osx. need to figure out about python support. [Andrew Fullford]

- Another fix to host/port parsing. this time for sure. [Andrew

- Fix bug parsing http listen address. change so exceptions during
startup cause immediate exit. [Andrew Fullford]

- Enable task control management via http. currently allows changing
the "control" element which basically allows a task to be stopped or
restarted. [Andrew Fullford]

- Task.py. [Andrew Fullford]

enable task control management via http. currently allows changing the "control" element which basically allows a task to be stopped or restarted

- Add code to response tuple. add convenience function to merge uri
query and body params. [Andrew Fullford]

- Allow_reuse_address was actually ok the way it was. not sure why
Travis CI is seeing address-already-in-use errors. Try explicit del.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Different way to set allow_reuse_address. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added POST test. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added GET test. [Andrew Fullford]

- New httpd test. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added listeners() to return all ports listened upon. [Andrew Fullford]

- Cosmetic -- removed ! line. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add http service to event loop. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add in http service startup. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add -w to offer up web service. no implementation yet. [Andrew

- Include a POST example. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added more complex test. fixed bug in content-length determination.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Initial outline of a poll() compatible internal http service. [Andrew



- Release 0.2.1. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added count to example. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add -V (--version) flag. [Andrew Fullford]

- Fixed 7. Return to using rename to update roles file. Workaround
added to taskforce.watch_files() handles case where file system does
not file IN_DELETE_SELF or IN_MODE_SELF events on a file rename.
Specific case is with simfs used with OpenVZ (containers), which
happens to be used by Travis-CI. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 7. Test simfs inotify work-around. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 7. Attempt to manually catch rename events by recording inode number.
These missing rename events appear to be related to this Travis CI
issue, wherein the OpenVZ simfs filesystem isn't sending inotify file
move/delete events: travis-ci/travis-ci2342. [Andrew Fullford]

- Stop context formatting when an error occurs and use the last good
value. [Andrew Fullford]

- Change exit codes to seventies because taskforce uses codes in the
eighties. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 7. force polling with inotifyx. successfully reproduced the problem,
but only on travis-ci. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add variable polling rate so test goes quicker with polling mode.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Needed debug for test support. [Andrew Fullford]

- Need longeer timeout for polling mode. [Andrew Fullford]

- Generalize subprocess runner, add watch_files rename test. [Andrew

- Add dummy -e flag. [Andrew Fullford]

- New script to test watch_files. [Andrew Fullford]

- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:akfullfo/taskforce. [Andrew

- Increase log level. [Andrew Fullford]

- Revert to overwrite for roles file. [Andrew Fullford]

- Increase timeouts. why do these fail on travis and not locally?
[Andrew Fullford]

- Fix for FreeBSD which throws ":" after perfectly good program names in
the ps(1) output. [Andrew Fullford]

- Taskforce.search() allows a list, all must be matched. Use this to
get better stability in tests. [Andrew Fullford]

- Enable subproc count assertions. [Andrew Fullford]

- Enabled error file count assertion. [Andrew Fullford]

- Create examples/var/run if needed. it won't be there unless ./run has
been executed. [Andrew Fullford]

- Include code to capture error files from procsim. [Andrew Fullford]

- Comment out stability test, not ready for prime time. [Andrew

- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:akfullfo/taskforce. [Andrew

- Need to track down a bug in ntpd simulation before process count
assertions can be enabled. [Andrew Fullford]

- Record failure when in test mode (ie NOSE_LOG_LEVEL is set) [Andrew

- Up logging level. [Andrew Fullford]

- Up logging level. [Andrew Fullford]

- Validate that taskforce has started the correct number of processes.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Allow up to 1 second for the ps process to exit after output is
consumed. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added example of a "count" param. [Andrew Fullford]

- Record the subprocess pid for callers. [Andrew Fullford]

- Removed python3 from the todo list because it might, or might not, be
done. [Andrew Fullford]



- Release 0.2.0. [Andrew Fullford]

- Move status to beta now python 3 seems to work. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6. declare preliminary support for python 3. it passes regression,
anyway. [Andrew Fullford]

- Skip installation attempt for inotifyx with python 3 -- it doesn't
work. [Andrew Fullford]

- Enable testing of python 3.3 and 3.4. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6. handle difference between py2 and py3 reading from nonblocking fd.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6. removed __del__(). This class holds no resources and we can
depend on the underlying object that do to clean up. Otherwise there
is a race in python3 between the task cleanup and thw watch_files
cleanup. [Andrew Fullford]

- Use the python exec for subcommands that was used by the caller.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Allow python executable to be specified as a param. [Andrew Fullford]

- Fix usage message. [Andrew Fullford]

- Remove debug levels. [Andrew Fullford]

- Fix for generalized EINTR catching. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6. more changes from .keys() to list() for py3. [Andrew Fullford]

- Change log level to debug timeout. [Andrew Fullford]

- Try a little more. travis is probably slower than my bxoes. [Andrew

- Needs more lax iolimit when log level is warning or higher. [Andrew

- Issue 6: use list() instead of .keys() to ensure list is a snapshot in py2
and py3. [Andrew Fullford]

- Remove main section. use nosetests instead. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6: use list() instead of .keys() building set. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6. Improved inline description of last change. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6. Coercing EINTR errors to always appear as OSError is fairly
convoluted when trying to handle py2 and py3. py3 adds
InterruptedError which is unknown in py2. Anyway this should cover it
and it hides the complexity from above. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6. Move known_fds() to support. Force garbage collection is a couple
of places. python3 delays gc causing a race condition with nosetests
test cleanup code on file descriptor closes. [Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 6. register previous change -- Use list() instead of .keys() to
snapshot dict key list against python3 issue. Also added ses() call.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Issue 5. Use list() instead of .keys() to snapshot dict key list. [Andrew

- Better tracking of fd use. [Andrew Fullford]

- Exposed object cleanup code as close() - needed in unit test when
tracking fd use. normally can rely on __del__ during object GC.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Https://github.com/akfullfo/taskforce/issues/5 fixed. fds now
correctly closed in WF_POLLING mode. [Andrew Fullford]

- Fix syntax error from last. [Andrew Fullford]

- Python3 conversion - os.write needs bytes not str. [Andrew Fullford]

- Support for python3. [Andrew Fullford]

- Allow for both OSError and IOError in valid fd test. [Andrew Fullford]

- Changes to support python3. [Andrew Fullford]

- Python3 conversion. [Andrew Fullford]

- Support for python3. [Andrew Fullford]

- Convert for python3. [Andrew Fullford]

- Fixed python3 change. [Andrew Fullford]

- Fixed child execution time report. [Andrew Fullford]

- Start of python3 support. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add flag to select python 2 or 3. [Andrew Fullford]

- Better environ control. added test of role switching. [Andrew

- Add some logging. [Andrew Fullford]

- Was not catching SIGTERM. made pidfile create error more obvious (exit
code 85) [Andrew Fullford]

- Add poll() to ensure process wait. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add process tree scanning for testing that taskforce is running what
it should be. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add search() for convenience. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add test of --sanity flag. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add config check test. [Andrew Fullford]

- Get ready to run task unit tests. [Andrew Fullford]

- Finalize watch_modules unit tests, handle log level names. [Andrew

- Moved func to support. [Andrew Fullford]

- Get ready for watch_modules tests. [Andrew Fullford]

- Moved logging setup into support module. [Andrew Fullford]

- Use taskforce.poll module instead of select. [Andrew Fullford]



- Release 0.1.21. [Andrew Fullford]

- Fixed issue with missing not working. actually it was, but
missing=True is now the default. [Andrew Fullford]

- Assertion incorrect in inotifyx mode. [Andrew Fullford]

- Inotifyx mode was closing watch-descriptors as if they were file
descriptors in the object destructor. [Andrew Fullford]

- New test, but needs update once a bug it found is fixed. [Andrew

- Try out the osx test support. [Andrew Fullford]

- Removed some debugs. [Andrew Fullford]

- Tests for utils. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add travis-ci badge. [Andrew Fullford]

- Travis CI integration. [Andrew Fullford]

- Move testing to tests/test_poll.py for nosetests. [Andrew Fullford]

- Testing for poll module. [Andrew Fullford]

- Soften info on EINTR to debug. [Andrew Fullford]

- Full mapping of EINTR exception. [Andrew Fullford]

- Kqueue and poll actually raise OSError on interrupted system call.
[Andrew Fullford]

- Switch to using generalized poll module instead of select.select()
[Andrew Fullford]

- Translate OSError into IOError for EINTR to be consistent with
select.poll() [Andrew Fullford]

- Translate select.error into IOError for EINTR to be consistent with
select.poll() [Andrew Fullford]

- Implemented object/fd mapping. [Andrew Fullford]

- Doc and tests for object event return instead of fd. implementation
to come. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added support for kqueue. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added select.select() implementation. [Andrew Fullford]

- Added poll() implementation - basically just pass-thru. [Andrew

- Baseline for generalized fd activity poll. [Andrew Fullford]

- More descriptive comments in example. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add todo - support nowait and adopt. [Andrew Fullford]

- Adjusted formatting so example fits in pre-box width. [Andrew

- Added doc on value and list processing. [Andrew Fullford]

- Better signal handling. [Andrew Fullford]

- Updated example description. [Andrew Fullford]

- First test of example injection. [Andrew Fullford]

- Default/define refs. [Andrew Fullford]

- Preparing for long example in doc. [Andrew Fullford]

- Fixed wording. two events but they apply to only one task. [Andrew



- Release 0.1.20. [Andrew Fullford]

- Handle the death rattle inotify event when a wd is removed. [Andrew

- Improved function comment. [Andrew Fullford]

- Add timestamp (non-syslog) and log level to log output. [Andrew



- Release 0.1.19. [Andrew Fullford]

- Catching wrong exception for EINTR. [Andrew Fullford]

- Remove google-site-verification meta tag. [Andrew Fullford]

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