
Latest version: v1.8.2

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Stanza 1.3.0 introduces a language id model, a constituency parser, a dictionary in the tokenizer, and some additional features and bugfixes.

New features

- **Langid model and multilingual pipeline**
Based on "A reproduction of Apple's bi-directional LSTM models for language identification in short strings." by Toftrup et al 2021

- **Constituency parser**
Based on "In-Order Transition-based Constituent Parsing" by Jiangming Liu and Yue Zhang. Currently an `en_wsj` model available, with more to come.

- **Evalb interface to CoreNLP**
Useful for evaluating the parser - requires CoreNLP 4.3.0 or later

- **Dictonary tokenizer feature**
Noticeably improved performance for ZH, VI, TH

Bugfixes / Reliability

- **HuggingFace integration**
No more git issues complaining about unavailable models! (Hopefully)

- **Sentiment processor crashes on certain inputs**
(issue, fixed by


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In anticipation of a larger release with some new features, we make a small update to fix some existing bugs and add two more NER models.


- **Sentiment models would crash on no text** (issue, fixed by

- **Java processes as a context were not properly closed** (

Interface improvements

- **Downloading tokenize now downloads mwt for languages which require it** (issue, fixed by, from davidrft)

- **NER model can finetune and save to/from different filenames** (

- **NER model now displays a confusion matrix at the end of training** (

NER models

- **Afrikaans, trained in NCHLT** (

- **Italian, trained on a model from FBK** (


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A regression in NER results occurred in 1.2.1 when fixing a bug in VI models based around spaces.


- **Fix Sentiment not loading correctly on Windows because of pickling issue** ( (thanks to BramVanroy)

- **Fix NER bulk process not filling out data structures as expected** ( (

- **Fix NER space issue causing a performance regression** ( (

Interface improvements

- **Add an NER run script** (


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All models other than NER and Sentiment were retrained with the new UD 2.8 release. All of the updates include the data augmentation fixes applied in 1.2.0, along with new augmentations tokenization issues and end-of-sentence issues. This release also features various enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements, along with 4 new NER models.

Model improvements

- **Add Bulgarian, Finnish, Hungarian, Vietnamese NER models**
- The Bulgarian model is trained on BSNLP 2019 data.
- The Finnish model is trained on the Turku NER data.
- The Hungarian model is trained on a combination of the NYTK dataset and earlier business and criminal NER datasets.
- The Vietnamese model is trained on the VLSP 2018 data.
- Furthermore, the script for preparing the lang-uk NER data has been integrated (

- **Use new word vectors for Armenian, including better coverage for the new Western Armenian dataset**(

- **Add copy mechanism in the seq2seq model**. This fixes some unusual Spanish multi-word token expansion errors and potentially improves lemmatization performance. (

- **Fix Spanish POS and depparse mishandling a leading `¿` missing** (

- **Fix tokenization breaking when a newline splits a Chinese token**(

- **Fix tokenization of parentheses in Chinese**(

- **Fix various issues with characters not present in UD training data** such as ellipses characters or unicode apostrophe

- **Fix a variety of issues with Vietnamese tokenization** - remove language specific model improvement which got roughly 1% F1 but caused numerous hard-to-track issues (

- **Fix spaces in the Vietnamese words not being found in the embedding used for POS and depparse**(

- **Include UD_English-GUMReddit in the GUM models**(

- **Add Pronouns & PUD to the mixed English models** (various data improvements made this more appealing)(

Interface enhancements

- **Add ability to pass a Document to the pipeline in pretokenized mode**(

- **Track comments when reading and writing conll files** ( originally from danielhers in

- **Add a proxy parameter for downloads to pass through to the requests module** (

- **add sent_idx to tokens** (


- **Fix Windows encoding issues when reading conll documents** from yanirmr (b40379eaf229e7ffc7580def57ee1fad46080261

- **Fix tokenization breaking when second batch is exactly eval_length**(

Efficiency improvements

- **Bulk process for tokenization** - greatly speeds up the use case of many small docs (

- **Optimize MWT usage in pipeline & fix MWT bulk_process** (

CoreNLP integration

- **Add a UD Enhancer tool which interfaces with CoreNLP's generic enhancer** (

- **Add an interface to CoreNLP tokensregex using stanza tokenization** (



All models other than NER and Sentiment were retrained with the new UD 2.7 release. Quite a few of them have data augmentation fixes for problems which arise in common use rather than when running an evaluation task. This release also features various enhancements, bug fixes, and performance improvements.

New features and enhancements

- **Models trained on combined datasets in English and Italian** The default models for English are now a combination of EWT and GUM. The default models for Italian now combine ISDT, VIT, Twittiro, PosTWITA, and a custom dataset including MWT tokens.

- **NER Transfer Learning** Allows users to fine-tune all or part of the parameters of trained NER models on a new dataset for transfer learning (351, thanks to gawy for the contribution)

- **Multi-document support** The Stanza `Pipeline` now supports multi-`Document` input! To process multiple documents without having to worry about document boundaries, simply pass a list of Stanza `Document` objects into the `Pipeline`. (

- **Added API links from token to sentence** It's easier to access Stanza data objects from related ones. To access the sentence object a token or a word, simply use `token.sent` or `word.sent`. (

- **New external tokenizer for Thai with PyThaiNLP** Try it out with, for example, `stanza.Pipeline(lang='th', processors={'tokenize': 'pythainlp'}, package=None)`. (

- **Faster tokenization** We have improved how the data pipeline works internally to reduce redundant data wrangling, and significantly sped up the tokenization of long texts. If you have a really long line of text, you could experience up to 10x speedup or more without changing anything. (522)

- **Added a method for getting all the supported languages from the resources file** Wondering what languages Stanza supports and want to determine it programmatically? Wonder no more! Try `stanza.resources.common.list_available_languages()`. (

- **Load mwt automagically if a model needs it** Multi-word token expansion is one of the most common things to miss from your `Pipeline` instantiation, and remembering to include it is a pain -- until now. ( and many others)

- **Vietnamese sentiment model based on VSFC** This is now part of the default language package for Vietnamese that you get from `"vi")`. Enjoy!

- **More informative errors for missing models** Stanza now throws more helpful exceptions with informative exception messages when you are missing models ( ... ... ...


- **Fixed NER documentation for German** to correctly point to the GermEval 2014 model for download. (

- **External tokenization library integration respects `no_ssplit`** so you can enjoy using them without messing up your preferred sentence segmentation just like Stanza tokenizers. (

- **Telugu lemmatizer and tokenizer improvements** Telugu models set to use identity lemmatizer by default, and the tokenizer is retrained to separate sentence final punctuation (

- **Spanish model would not tokenize foo,bar** Now fixed (

- **Arabic model would not tokenize `asdf .`** Now fixed (

- **Various tokenization models would split URLs and/or emails** Now URLs and emails are robustly handled with regexes. (

- **Various parser and pos models would deterministically label "punct" for the final word** Resolved via data augmentation (

- **Norwegian tokenizers retrained to separate final punct** The fix is an upstream data fix (

- **Bugfix for conll eval** Fix the error in data conversion from python object of Document to CoNLL format. (, thanks m0re4u )

- **Less randomness in sentiment results** Fixes prediction fluctuation in sentiment prediction. (

- **Bugfix which should make it easier to use in jupyter / colab** This fixes the issue where jupyter notebooks (and by extension colab) don't like it when you use sys.stderr as the stderr of popen (

- **Misc fixes for training, concurrency, and edge cases in basic Pipeline usage**
- **Fix for mwt training** (
- **Fix for race condition in seq2seq models** (
- **Fix for race condition in CRF** (
- **Fix for empty text in pipeline** (
- **Fix for resources not freed when downloading** (
- **Fix for vietnamese pipeline not working** (


- **Renamed `stanza.models.tokenize` -> `stanza.models.tokenization`** This stops the tokenize directory shadowing a built in library


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This release features support for extending the capability of the Stanza pipeline with customized processors, a new sentiment analysis tool, improvements to the `CoreNLPClient` functionality, new models for a few languages (including Thai, which is supported for the first time in Stanza), new biomedical and clinical English packages, alternative servers for downloading resource files, and various improvements and bugfixes.

New Features and Enhancements

- **New Sentiment Analysis Models for English, German, Chinese**: The default Stanza pipelines for English, German and Chinese now include sentiment analysis models. The released models are based on a convolutional neural network architecture, and predict three-way sentiment labels (negative/neutral/positive). For more information and details on the datasets used to train these models and their performance, please visit the Stanza website.

- **New Biomedical and Clinical English Model Packages**: Stanza now features syntactic analysis and named entity recognition functionality for English biomedical literature text and clinical notes. These newly introduced packages include: 2 individual biomedical syntactic analysis pipelines, 8 biomedical NER models, 1 clinical syntactic pipelines and 2 clinical NER models. For detailed information on how to download and use these pipelines, please visit [Stanza's biomedical models page](

- **Support for Adding User Customized Processors via Python Decorators**: Stanza now supports adding customized processors or processor variants (i.e., an alternative of existing processors) into existing pipelines. The name and implementation of the added customized processors or processor variants can be specified via `register_processor` or `register_processor_variant` decorators. See Stanza website for more information and examples (see [custom Processors]( and [Processor variants]( (PR

- **Support for Editable Properties For Data Objects**: We have made it easier to extend the functionality of the Stanza neural pipeline by adding new annotations to Stanza's data objects (e.g., `Document`, `Sentence`, `Token`, etc). Aside from the annotation they already support, additional annotation can be easily attached through `data_object.add_property()`. See [our documentation]( for more information and examples. (PR

- **Support for Automated CoreNLP Installation and CoreNLP Model Download**: CoreNLP can now be easily downloaded in Stanza with `stanza.install_corenlp(dir='path/to/corenlp/installation')`; CoreNLP models can now be downloaded with `stanza.download_corenlp_models(model='english', version='4.1.0', dir='path/to/corenlp/installation')`. For more details please see the Stanza website. (PR

- **Japanese Pipeline Supports SudachiPy as External Tokenizer**: You can now use the [SudachiPy library]( as tokenizer in a Stanza Japanese pipeline. Turn on this when building a pipeline with `nlp = stanza.Pipeline('ja', processors={'tokenize': 'sudachipy'}`. Note that this will require a separate installation of the SudachiPy library via pip. (PR

- **New Alternative Server for Stable Download of Resource Files**: Users in certain areas of the world that do not have stable access to GitHub servers can now download models from alternative Stanford server by specifying a new `resources_url` argument. For example, `'en', resources_url='stanford')` will now download the resource file and English pipeline from Stanford servers. (Issue, PR

- **`CoreNLPClient` Supports New Multiprocessing-friendly Mechanism to Start the CoreNLP Server**: The `CoreNLPClient` now supports a new `Enum` values with better semantics for its `start_server` argument for finer-grained control over how the server is launched, including a new option called `StartServer.TRY_START` that launches the CoreNLP Server if one isn't running already, but doesn't fail if one has already been launched. This option makes it easier for `CoreNLPClient` to be used in a multiprocessing environment. Boolean values are still supported for backward compatibility, but we recommend `StartServer.FORCE_START` and `StartSerer.DONT_START` for better readability. (PR

- **New Semgrex Interface in CoreNLP Client for Dependency Parses of Arbitrary Languages**: Stanford CoreNLP has a module which allows searches over dependency graphs using a regex-like language. Previously, this was only usable for languages which CoreNLP already supported dependency trees. This release expands it to dependency graphs for any language. (Issue, PR

- **New Tokenizer for Thai Language**: The available UD data for Thai is quite small. The authors of [pythainlp]( helped provide us two tokenization datasets, Orchid and Inter-BEST. Future work will include POS, NER, and Sentiment. (Issue

- **Support for Serialization of Document Objects**: Now you can serialize and deserialize the entire document by running `serialized_string = doc.to_serialized()` and `doc = Document.from_serialized(serialized_string)`. The serialized string can be decoded into Python objects by running `objs = pickle.loads(serialized_string)`. (Issue, PR

- **Improved Tokenization Speed**: Previously, the tokenizer was the slowest member of the neural pipeline, several times slower than any of the other processors. This release brings it in line with the others. The speedup is from improving the text processing before the data is passed to the GPU. (Relevant commits:,,, etc.)

- **User provided Ukrainian NER model**: We now have a [model]( built from the [lang-uk NER dataset](, provided by a user for redistribution.

Breaking Interface Changes

- ** is Tuple and is Integer**: The `id` attribute for a token will now return a tuple of integers to represent the indices of the token (or a singleton tuple in the case of a single-word token), and the `id` for a word will now return an integer to represent the word index. Previously both attributes are encoded as strings and requires manual conversion for downstream processing. This change brings more convenient handling of these attributes. (Issue:, PR:

- **Changed Default Pipeline Packages for Several Languages for Improved Robustness**: Languages that have changed default packages include: Polish (default is now `PDB` model, from previous `LFG`,, Korean (default is now `GSD`, from previous `Kaist`,, Lithuanian (default is now `ALKSNIS`, from previous `HSE`,

- **CoreNLP 4.1.0 is required**: `CoreNLPClient` requires CoreNLP 4.1.0 or a later version. The client expects recent modifications that were made to the CoreNLP server.

- **Properties Cache removed from CoreNLP client**: The properties_cache has been removed from `CoreNLPClient` and the `CoreNLPClient's` `annotate()` method no longer has a `properties_key` argument. Python dictionaries with custom request properties should be directly supplied to `annotate()` via the `properties` argument.

Bugfixes and Other Improvements

- **Fixed Logging Behavior**: This is mainly for fixing the issue that Stanza will override the global logging setting in Python and influence downstream logging behaviors. (Issue, PR

- **Compatibility Fix for PyTorch v1.6.0**: We've updated several processors to adapt to new API changes in PyTorch v1.6.0. (Issues, PR

- **Improved Batching for Long Sentences in Dependency Parser**: This is mainly for fixing an issue where long sentences will cause an out of GPU memory issue in the dependency parser. (Issue

- **Improved neural tokenizer robustness to whitespaces**: the neural tokenizer is now more robust to the presence of multiple consecutive whitespace characters (PR

- **Resolved properties issue when switching languages with requests to CoreNLP server**: An issue with default properties has been resolved. Users can now switch between CoreNLP supported languages with and get expected properties for each language by default.

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