
Latest version: v0.48.0

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Issues Closed

* [Issue 2326]( - satpy installation failed with pip
* [Issue 2325]( - VIIRS SDR DNB units and file_units are conflicting
* [Issue 2323]( - use area def raise value different when process himawari datasets
* [Issue 2311]( - scatsat1_l2b and caliop_l2_cloud readers fail to initialise due to failed `Dataset` import
* [Issue 2289]( - Resampling from MSG Satellite projection to Dutch weather radar projection, area_extent missing
* [Issue 2273]( - Add support for HRFI imagery in the FCI L1c reader ([PR2287]( by [ameraner](
* [Issue 2270]( - Missing SEVIRI service mode for new IODC sub-satellite longitude of MET09
* [Issue 2269]( - Occasional errors when closing FCI L2 NetCDF file
* [Issue 2264]( - Can't load static image composite multiple times ([PR2292]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 2248]( - Test_scene failure on debian sid
* [Issue 2245]( - `native` resampler fails for some chunk sizes ([PR2291]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 2213]( - Update `li_l2`-reader to read MTG LI L2 test data ([PR2271]( by [seenno](
* [Issue 2186]( - FCI L1c reader is single threaded ([PR2237]( by [ameraner](
* [Issue 1595]( - Native resampler to coarsest_area fails for HRV channel due to indivisible chunk sizes
* [Issue 1482]( - Add option to turn off masking in seviri_l1b_hrit ([PR1693]( by [BENR0](
* [Issue 1381]( - fails to load all composites for abi_l1b
* [Issue 658]( - MTG LI reader is not Python 3 compatible
* [Issue 650]( - MTG LI reader fails
* [Issue 499]( - Graceful handling of saturated values in MODIS data
* [Issue 370]( - Make hdfeos_l1b geo interpolation use dask arrays

In this release 20 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR2335]( - Fix Scene modifying user-provided reader_kwargs
* [PR 2318]( - Remove pylibtiff dependencies
* [PR 2317]( - Fix for bug regarding masking of good scan lines with seviri hrit reader introduced by #1693
* [PR 2297]( - Replace np.bool by np.bool_
* [PR 2292]( - Fix Scene not handling DataArrays with 'sensor' set to None ([2264](
* [PR 2291]( - Fix native resampler not working for some chunk sizes ([2245](
* [PR 2276]( - Update AGRI for fill values and cailbration LUTs.

Features added

* [PR 2315]( - Port mitiff writer to use pillow
* [PR 2287]( - Feature: add support for HRFI imagery in the FCI L1c reader ([2273](
* [PR 2280]( - Add NDVI-scaled hybrid green correction
* [PR 2271]( - Add LI L2 reader ([2213](
* [PR 2265]( - Add a reader for insat 3d imager data (`insat3d_img_l1b_h5`)
* [PR 2237]( - Optimise the FCI L1c/netcdf_utils by introducing on-demand variables collection and caching ([2186](
* [PR 1693]( - Add masking of data with line quality flags to seviri nc reader ([1482](
* [PR 1678]( - Add a reader for Meris L2 data

Documentation changes

* [PR 2306]( - fix description for 500m resolution
* [PR 2295]( - Fix documentation reference links to EUMeTrain webpages
* [PR 2274]( - Documentation correction: Not all built-in compositors derive from GenericCompositor

In this release 18 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2258]( - VIIRS day_microphysics array broadcast error ([PR 2260]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 2250]( - Is reader modis_l1b available?
* [Issue 2249]( - ahi-hsd raise keyerror when load B08 in dataquery
* [Issue 2241]( - Slow loading speed of TROPOMI L2 product
* [Issue 2234]( - Scene `modifiers` keyword argument has no effect ([PR 2235]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 2233]( - 'cached_property' from 'functools' - seems incompatible with python3.7
* [Issue 2228]( - Question: Why the ellipsoid of a geostationary satellite image is not typical WGS84?
* [Issue 2227]( - CF writer output wrong for area with geographic CRS ([PR 2236]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 2215]( - Abi l2 nc reader can't handle AOD product ([PR 2216]( by [mraspaud](
* [Issue 2208]( - hy2_scat_l2b_h5 reader does not work any more due to space in `valid range` attribute ([PR 2268]( by [TAlonglong](
* [Issue 2206]( - If you do `python -c "import scipy.sparse"` do you get a similar error?
* [Issue 2202]( - AttributeError: 'AreaDefinition' object has no attribute 'crs'
* [Issue 2192]( - Available Readers Problem
* [Issue 2189]( - Supported readers page does not include many readers ([PR 2191]( by [BENR0](
* [Issue 2183]( - Reading bzipped Seviri HRIT segment crashes when reading the data from disk ([PR 2185]( by [mraspaud](
* [Issue 2170]( - satpy_cf_nc Reader Fails to Read Data Written by cf Writer ([PR 2176]( by [mraspaud](
* [Issue 2154]( - module 'ntpath' has no attribute 'sep'"
* [Issue 2111]( - Archived GOES datasets not loading. AttributeError: 'area' object has no attribute 'crs'
* [Issue 1929]( - Two test failures in with Python 3.10
* [Issue 1672]( - Add AreaDefinition support to the 'satpy_cf_nc' reader ([PR 1695]( by [BENR0](

In this release 20 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2262]( - Fix ratio sharpening not sharing invalid mask between bands ([556](
* [PR 2260]( - Fix VIIRS L1B I-band angle names being inconsistent with VIIRS SDR ([2258](
* [PR 2257]( - Fix failure creating directory if it already exists.
* [PR 2246]( - Fix MODIS reader tests failing with new geotiepoints
* [PR 2239]( - Fix incorrect rows_per_scan in 'acspo' reader ([498](
* [PR 2236]( - CF-compliant storage for lon/lat case ([2227](
* [PR 2235]( - Fix Scene.load modifiers keyword argument having no effect ([2234](
* [PR 2232]( - Make longitude masker & filler single band
* [PR 2221]( - Fix ici after mws merge
* [PR 2220]( - Fix CLAVR-x configuration in 'awips_tiled' writer to be backwards compatible
* [PR 2216]( - Fix coord renaming for AOD product in 'abi_l2_nc' reader ([2215](
* [PR 2210]( - Fix VIIRS EDR Active Fires reader for new format and fix fine/coarse 1D swath handling ([458](
* [PR 2190]( - Fix some enhancements producing dask arrays wrapped in dask arrays
* [PR 2185]( - Refactor HRIT readers to be smarter about compression and reading data ([2183](
* [PR 2177]( - Fix plugins not working with new versions of setuptools
* [PR 2176]( - Fix cf write-read roundtrip ([2170](
* [PR 2166]( - Correct the sun azimuth angle range within satpy.

Features added

* [PR 2230]( - Add support for compressed FSFiles to HRIT readers
* [PR 2209]( - Update seadas_l2 reader to handle alternative NetCDF file format ([457](
* [PR 2207]( - Add SEVIRI level 2 AMV BUFR
* [PR 2203]( - Fix experimental dependency stdlibc++ issues in CI
* [PR 2198]( - Add warning for SEVIRI native reader in case of bad data
* [PR 2187]( - adding a reader for ATMS level1b data
* [PR 2185]( - Refactor HRIT readers to be smarter about compression and reading data ([2183](
* [PR 2175]( - Add utility function to compute the relative azimuth angle.
* [PR 2164]( - Add low level moisture composite
* [PR 2125]( - Add reader for FY-4B / GHI data
* [PR 2120]( - Add reader for MWS onboard EPS-SG-A
* [PR 2118]( - Add a reader for EPS-SG Ice Cloud Imager
* [PR 1695]( - Add `get_area_def` to cf reader ([1672](

Documentation changes

* [PR 2247]( - Document behaviour on default enhancement
* [PR 2225]( - Update writer table docs
* [PR 2200]( - Remove mention of fallback to GDAL in geotiff writer
* [PR 2195]( - Add additional logging information about enhancements being used
* [PR 2191]( - Fix automatic reader table not listing readers with missing dependencies ([2189](

Clean ups

* [PR 2268]( - Cleanup hy2 reader ([2208](
* [PR 2252]( - Create dependabot.yml
* [PR 2240]( - Refactor RGB ratio sharpening again for better performance
* [PR 2205]( - Update URL to rasterio repository in CI

In this release 39 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2173]( - MetopC script fails after update to SatPy 0.37 ([PR 2174]( by [mraspaud](

In this release 1 issue was closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2174]( - Fix 3d effect enhancement ([2173](

In this release 1 pull request was closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2163]( - ValueError: time data '2022-07-11T00:30:01Z' does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ' ([PR 2165]( by [simonrp84](
* [Issue 2161]( - Plotting Scene with Cartopy gives correct borders but red background
* [Issue 2155]( - AVHRR CLASS Filename prefix prevents reading with Scene. ([PR 2157]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 2145]( - Could not calculate destination definition resolution
* [Issue 2143]( - Save geotiff with keep_palette still add an alpha band
* [Issue 2139]( - Hostname not reachable anymore
* [Issue 2135]( - Images are slightly different between scn.crop() and original one
* [Issue 2134]( - scene.coarsest_area and scene.resample not working on MSG1/MSG2 in satpy 0.29
* [Issue 2130]( - Can't install satpy with pip
* [Issue 2127]( - Raised RuntimeError when trying to make HIMAWARI-8 true color image ([PR 2128]( by [mherbertson](
* [Issue 2112]( - Trying to run scn.load(['true_color']) on GOES-16 ABI_L1b causes ValueError
* [Issue 2093]( - Multiscene blend does not work well.
* [Issue 2089]( - doesn't work for differing identifier properties ([PR 2099]( by [sfinkens](
* [Issue 1996]( - FCI dataset attributes are missing orbital parameters ([PR 2110]( by [ameraner](
* [Issue 1949]( - keep `delta_time` instead of renaming to `offset_time`
* [Issue 1865]( - navigation available for all L1b readers
* [Issue 1845]( - Add parallax correction ([PR 1904]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 1699]( - Remove `compression` argument from CF writer `save_datasets`
* [Issue 1638]( - satpy_cf_nc reader not working with files written from seviri_l1b readers
* [Issue 1348]( - 'AHIHSDFileHandler' object has no attribute 'area'
* [Issue 1308]( - Error with yaml files during tutorial need example file I think
* [Issue 1015]( - Add compute method to Scene ([PR 1017]( by [BENR0](

In this release 22 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2165]( - Update AGRI reader to deal with invalid `valid_range` HDF attribute ([2163](
* [PR 2151]( - Change default type of AWIPS tiled writer to int16 + _Unsigned
* [PR 2150]( - Fix typos in reader table
* [PR 2142]( - Fix MODIS readers applying add_offset incorrectly
* [PR 2141]( - Fix expected test results for pyorbital 1.7.2
* [PR 2137]( - Fix GPM IMERG reader.
* [PR 2128]( - Fix AHI source file segment order after decompressing. ([2127](
* [PR 2123]( - Fix negative channel 3A slope calibration coefficient in AVHRR reader
* [PR 2122]( - Fix yaml files for some seviri/abi/ahi BlackMarble background composites
* [PR 2115]( - Update 'viirs_edr_active_fires' to work with newer Active Fires output
* [PR 2114]( - Fix ACSPO 'sensor' attribute not being lowercase
* [PR 2107]( - Fix 'ahi_hsd' reader crashing when 'observation_timeline' was invalid
* [PR 2103]( - Update SEVIRI ICARE reader to properly use dask.
* [PR 2100]( - Fix handling of non-existent reflectance bands in 'viirs_l1b' reader
* [PR 2099]( - Fix in case of differing identifier properties ([2089](
* [PR 2098]( - Fix Scene.coarsest/finest_area not returning consistent results
* [PR 1877]( - Update SEVIRI native reader with 'time_parameters' metadata

Features added

* [PR 2160]( - Add reader for ESA's Ocean Color CCI data
* [PR 2157]( - Add filename pattern for CLASS subscription files ([2155](
* [PR 2156]( - Added filename pattern for CLASS subscription files.
* [PR 2147]( - added the CRR-Ph files to the nwcsaf geo yaml file
* [PR 2146]( - Update Metimage reader for L2 test data
* [PR 2140]( - Add Natural Color / IR composites
* [PR 2133]( - Rewrite 'apply_enhancement' as individual decorators to allow for easier dask map_blocks usage
* [PR 2110]( - Add orbital_parameters to fci_l1c_nc reader ([1996](
* [PR 2105]( - Enable solar zenith angle caching for the DayNightCompositor
* [PR 2102]( - Add more products to fci_l2_nc reader
* [PR 2097]( - [] pre-commit autoupdate
* [PR 2096]( - Convert remote files to FSFile objects automatically
* [PR 1919]( - Implement adaptive FCI chunks padding and create a new GEOVariableSegmentYAMLReader class
* [PR 1904]( - Add parallax correction via new `ParallaxCorrectionModifier` ([1845](, []([bug](
* [PR 1769]( - Add new composite (true_color_with_night_fires) to GOES/ABI: True color (day) with fires (night)
* [PR 1547]( - Add support for fsspec files to seviri_l1b_nc reader
* [PR 1017]( - Add pass through of xr compute, persist and chunk to Scene ([1015](

Documentation changes

* [PR 2153]( - Document alternative for deprecated get_min/max_area
* [PR 2138]( - Add plugin functionality for readers, writers, and enhancements
* [PR 2108]( - Functions to automatically generate reader table for documentation
* [PR 2104]( - Improvements in custom reader documentation
* [PR 2091]( - Fix link to rad2refl document in SEVIRI base reader
* [PR 1886]( - Update quickstart documentation so that HRV channel is not loaded

In this release 40 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2082]( - Some composite are produced with the wrong colors
* [Issue 2073]( - Creating scene with SEVIRI HRIT reader fails with UnicodeDecodeError ([PR 2077]( by [pdebuyl](
* [Issue 2066]( - RGBs should never have units, but some do ([PR 2068]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 2062]( - Can make Trollimage colorbar in scene
* [Issue 1975]( - bunzip regular seviri hrit segments ([PR 2060]( by [pdebuyl](
* [Issue 1954]( - Cloud Phase/Type/Phase Distinction RGBs for VIIRS and FCI ([PR 1957]( by [gerritholl](
* [Issue 1702]( - Resampling not working with SLSTR ancillary datasets

In this release 7 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2084]( - Fix CREFL using incorrect coefficients for MODIS
* [PR 2083]( - Fix VIIRS L1B reader sensor not matching VIIRS SDR reader
* [PR 2080]( - Ignore alpha when adding luminance in Sandwich compositor
* [PR 2079]( - Remove marine_clean_aerosol from default AHI rayleigh_corrected modifier
* [PR 2077]( - Fix missing 'rb' mode for opening files ([2073](
* [PR 2070]( - Fix lru_cache memory leaks and other linting errors
* [PR 2048]( - Fix CMIC CRE product in nwcsaf yaml reader
* [PR 2016]( - Fix the sensor name for msu_gsa_l1b reader
* [PR 1410]( - Fix osisaf SST reader

Features added

* [PR 2086]( - Update FCI reader for new test data release and add patches for IDPF data
* [PR 2078]( - Add possibility to define the dataset rectification longitude in seviri_l2_bufr reader
* [PR 2076]( - Support reading FSFiles in SEVIRI HRIT reader.
* [PR 2068]( - Make sure RGBs do not have units attributes. ([2066](
* [PR 2065]( - Add filename to YAML for NASA NRT VIIRS files with creation date/time.
* [PR 2060]( - Allow reading Bz2 hrit segments ([1975](
* [PR 2057]( - Add option to replace saturated MODIS L1b values with max valid value
* [PR 1980]( - Adapt AAPP reader for generic chunk size
* [PR 1957]( - Add RGBs for cloud phase (distinction) and type ([1954](
* [PR 1410]( - Fix osisaf SST reader

Documentation changes

* [PR 2075]( - Add documentation on how the colorize enhancement can be used
* [PR 2071]( - Add example to the documentation using multiple readers


* [PR 2087]( - Refactor HRIT/LRIT format reader.

In this release 22 pull requests were closed.


Issues Closed

* [Issue 2063]( - Unable to commit changes due to bandit (use of subprocess module)
* [Issue 2037]( - Why the lon/lat is interpolated to 1km while data are still 5km for MOD06 product
* [Issue 2012]( - Define time metadata options and usage ([PR 2031]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1973]( - Using cached geolocation and angles results in an error if chunk size not appropriately set. ([PR 2041]( by [djhoese](
* [Issue 1842]( - Update needed for vii_l1b_nc reader to match a change to the Test Data and processor ([PR 1979]( by [pepephillips](
* [Issue 1110]( - NWCSAF reader does not support GOES or HIMAWARI
* [Issue 1022]( - Factorize area def computation in goes_imager_hrit ([PR 1934]( by [sfinkens](
* [Issue 956]( - UnboundLocalError when passing "empty" generator as filenames
* [Issue 723]( - Passing multiple readers fails if `generic_image` is among them
* [Issue 684]( - Gracefully handle pykdtree's use of OpenMP (OMP_NUM_THREADS) with dask

In this release 10 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

Bugs fixed

* [PR 2054]( - Fix DifferenceCompositor not using metadata from YAML
* [PR 2049]( - Fix dataset attribute typo and reduce amount of categorical dataset filtering in fci_l2_nc reader
* [PR 2044]( - Fix unit handling in ERF DNB normalization's saturation correction
* [PR 2041]( - Fix angle generation caching not working with irregular chunks ([1973](
* [PR 2032]( - Fix various metadata bugs in 'awips_tiled' writer ([417](
* [PR 1933]( - Change tested Python versions to 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10

Features added

* [PR 2056]( - Update SLSTR calibration coefficients
* [PR 2055]( - Skip dataset flipping in GEOFlippableFileYAMLReader in case of SwathDefinition data
* [PR 2047]( - Add missing GOES-18 support to glm_l2 reader
* [PR 2034]( - Update angle generation to prefer "actual" satellite position
* [PR 2033]( - Remove use of legacy satellite position attributes
* [PR 2031]( - Update AHI HSD reader with observation/scheduled times and nominal satellite position ([2012](
* [PR 2030]( - Add 'preference' option to 'get_satpos' utility
* [PR 2028]( - Add 'colormap_tag' keyword argument to geotiff writer
* [PR 1993]( - Add 'l2_flags' quality filtering to 'seadas_l2' reader
* [PR 1979]( - Update VII reader for test data v2 ([1842](
* [PR 1933]( - Change tested Python versions to 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10
* [PR 1927]( - Add support for more FCI L2 products and datasets


* [PR 2040]( - Refactor composite generation to avoid unneeded warnings
* [PR 1934]( - Factorize area computation in goes_imager_hrit ([1022](

In this release 20 pull requests were closed.

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