
Latest version: v0.50.2

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- [1355]( update solc version to 0.5.16
- allow unlimited number of TokenNetworks in testnet deployment


- No code changes, just different parameters for testnet deployments than in
0.34. Settings are the same as in the 0.33 deployments, again.


- [1318]( add `make install-dev`.
- [1350]( remove support for deploying unlimited contracts

[0.33.3]( - 2019-10-24

- [1313]( fix deployment using --contracts-version CONTRACT_VERSION, even when ``data`` and ``data_CONTRACTS_VERSION`` contain different sources
- [1299]( fix consistency of data_0.25.2
- [1306]( move data_0.25.2 to data_0.33.0

[0.33.2]( - 2019-10-17

- [1296]( re-deploy service contracts
- [1296]( removed Kovan deployment files (perhaps people don't use them)

[0.33.1]( - 2019-10-15

- [1288]( fix
- More keyword arguments in Python scripts

[0.33.0]( - 2019-10-12

- [1260]( Simplify the usage of ContractSourceManager. Users don't need to call compute_checksums() to initialize the object.
- Some refactoring and typo fixes.

[0.32.0]( - 2019-09-25

- The minimum settlement window is now shorter (20 blocks) on test networks.
- [1213]( now fails when a source imports a nonexistent file.
- Add many tests
- [1205]( When ServiceRegistry creates a new Deposit, ServiceRegistry asserts that the deadline is in the future.
- [1238]( Reward Proof now contains ``non_closing_address`` that goes together with ``non_closing_signature``.

[0.31.0]( - 2019-08-20

- [1163]( MonitoringService.monitor() no longer works for service providers that are not registered in ServiceRegistry
- [1177]( When ServiceRegistry is deprecated, deposits can be immediately be withdrawn.

[0.30.0]( - 2019-08-15

- [1150]( Use different message ID for chnanelClose() and updateNonClosingBalanceProof()
- [1148]( Add TokenNetworkRegistry's address to MonitoringService's constructor arguments
- [1160]( Revert the upgrade and other dependencies
- [1151]( OneToN doesn't work for service providers not registered in ServiceRegistry

[0.29.1]( - 2019-08-13

- [1153]( Upgrade and other dependencies

[0.29.0]( - 2019-07-26

- [1143]( Add ServiceRegistry.hasValidRegistration() function that returns whether a given address has a valid registration.

[0.28.0]( - 2019-07-26

- [1140]( ServiceRegistry exposes the list of addresses that have made deposits

[0.27.0]( - 2019-07-23

- [1136]( ServiceRegistry has a deprecation switch.
- [1132]( ServiceRegistry has a controller that can change parameters.
- [1116]( ServiceRegistry's required deposit changes dynamically.
- [1124]( TokenNetwork's closeChannel() can be called by anybody on behalf of the closing participant.
- [1118]( TokenNetwork's ChannelClosed and NonClosingBalanceProofUpdated events contain balance_hash from the submitted balance proofs.
- [1126]( TokenNetwork's ChannelSettled event contains locksroots of the two sets of pending transfers.

[0.26.0]( - 2019-07-11

- [1119]( Changed the signature construction of monitoring reward proof so that a signature covers the whole reward proof
- [1108]( Added a new event DeprecationSwitch to TokenNetwork

[0.25.1]( - 2019-07-03

- [1101]( Add more gas measurements about CustomToken calls

[0.25.0]( - 2019-07-03

- [1103]( Add `expiration_block` argument to `TokenNetwork.setTotalWithdraw()`.
- [1099]( Remove `raiden_contracts.constants.GAS_REQUIRED_FOR*` constants. Use instead `raiden_contracts.contract_manager.gas_measurements()`.
- [1079]( Measure gas consumption of
- [1050]( MonitoringService.claimReward() returns a boolean as the signature says

[0.24.0]( - 2019-06-19

- [1023]( Remove `contract_version` variable from the contracts
- [1070]( Type-annotate `ChainID`s

[0.23.0]( - 2019-06-07

- [1013]( Remove EndpointRegistry contract
- [1024]( When OneToN checks the signature of an IOU, it considers MessageTypeId.IOU
- [1062]( Stopped using Merkle trees; instead the concatenation of all submitted locks is hashed
- [1043]( This Changelog is supposed to appear in the package

[0.22.0]( - 2019-06-03

- [1034]( Add gas.json in the package so `gas_measurements(contracts_version)` works.
- [1025]( MonitoringService.monitor() takes a signature that takes in the message ID.

[0.21.0]( - 2019-05-28

- [1027]( Add `gas_measurements(contracts_version)` that shows the gas measurements as a dictionary.
- [988]( Unlock-related functions' and events' arguments are renamed into `sender` and `receiver`

[0.20.0]( - 2019-05-17

- [979]( Start using SHA256 for the hashlock.
- [979]( Start accepting zero as the secret.

[0.19.1]( - 2019-05-14

- [973]( Stop forcing a development-time dependency during the usual installation

[0.19.0]( - 2019-05-09

- [909]( MonitoringService prioritizes services
- [853]( add chain_id in the IOU claims for OneToN
- [928]( [#956]( black formatter is enabled
- [896]( [#941]( Some Python code cleanup
- [867]( get_contracts_deployment_info() returns None instead of raising a ValueError when no deployment file is found.
- [863]( Deploy 0.4.0 version on Goerli

[0.18.0]( - 2019-04-12

- [831]( Add contracts_version=0.11.1 that includes Görli deployment

[0.17.2]( - 2019-04-06

- [813]( expose mypy type checking results to the other packages.

[0.17.1]( - 2019-04-02

- [809]( fix a bug in `get_contracts_deployment_info()`.

[0.17.0]( - 2019-03-27

- [711]( Re-enable setTotalWithdraw() function of TokenNetwork contract.
- [788]( Fix a bug that prevented deploying 0.3._ TokenNetworks
- [785]( Require click>=7.0

[0.16.0]( - 2019-03-26

- [775]( Added contract_manager.get_contracts_deployed_info() that takes a module (`SERVICES`, `RAIDEN` or `ALL`) instead of `services:bool`
- [775]( Deprecated get_contracts_deployed() whose name sounded wrong and that had to be called twice.
- [755]( deploy script does not take --registry option anymore. Use --token-network-registry instead.

[0.15.0]( - 2019-03-19

- [749]( Fixed the problem where Monitoring Services were rewarded too late
- [741]( Removed raiden_contracts/contracts. Instead, please edit raiden_contracts/data/source directly.

[0.14.0]( - 2019-03-11

- [720]( Removed checks in MonitoringService.canMonitor() until the design is determined.
- [696]( ContractManager created with version=None has contracts_version == None
- [678]( Add a deployment-time configurable limit on the whole balance of UserDeposit
- [678]( Deployment script's `service` command takes an additional option `--user-deposit-whole-limit`

[0.13.0]( - 2019-03-04

- [655]( Deployment script's `register` command takes two additional options --channel-participant-deposit-limit and --token-network-deposit-limit
- [655]( TokenNetworkRegistry's createERC20TokenNetwork() function takes two additional arguments `_channel_participant_deposit_limit` and `_token_network_deposit_limit`.
- [655]( TokenNetwork's constructor takes two additional arguments `_channel_participant_deposit_limit` and `_token_network_deposit_limit`
- [652]( TokenNetworkRegistry's constructor takes an additional argument `max_number_of_token_networks`
- [651]( Removed flavors

[0.12.0]( - 2019-02-28

- Add data/gas.json that contains gas measurements on the development version.
- Move Raiden contracts to "raiden" subdir, so that the imports match the directory layout.
- `contracts_data_path`, `contracts_precompiled_path` and `contracts_gas_path` require an additional `flavor` argument (either `Flavor.Limited` or `Flavor.Unlimited`).
- Started providing Solidity sources next to the deployment data in `raiden_contracts/data`

[0.11.0]( - 2019-02-14

- Deployed on testnets with a new fake token for service payments.

[0.10.1]( - 2019-02-13

- [557]( Revert the new gas measurements

[0.10.0]( - 2019-02-13

- rename RaidenServiceBundle contract to ServiceRegistry
- [485]( Add OneToN contract
- [468]( Remove `raiden-libs` dependency
- [448]( Add UserDepositContract

[0.9.0]( - 2019-01-23

- various changes in the smart contract comments
- various documentation updates
- internal tests structure updates
- addition of docstrings in the existing tests
- [426]( Add support for deploying the testnet `0.3._` version (not to be used in production)
- [407]( Fix bug in deployment that recompiled the contracts
- [396]( Introducing mypy in Travis builds
- [379]( [#404]( Removing `raiden-libs` dependency
- [372]( MSC - Prefix reward hash with "Ethereum Signed Message"
- [366]( Additional `MonitoringService` `require` check
- [363]( Refactor equals() function
- [360]( Update monitoring service to core contracts changes

[0.8.0]( - 2018-11-12


- [345]( Script for verifying contracts with etherscan
- [348]( Add required gas for creating a `TokenNetwork` in ``

[0.7.0]( - 2018-10-25


- Red Eyes Bug Bounty Release on Mainnet

[0.6.0]( - 2018-10-17


[0.5.1]( - 2018-10-12


[0.5.0]( - 2018-10-11


[0.4.1]( - 2018-10-05


[0.4.0]( - 2018-09-21


[0.3.1]( - 2018-09-17


[0.3.0]( - 2018-09-07


[0.2.0]( - 2018-08-10


- First python package release

Release Process Document

Package Deliverables

For each contract version ``x.y.z``, deliverables are located in ``raiden_contracts/data_x.y.z``. For the version currently under development, deliverables are located in ``raiden_contracts/data``


- smart contracts source code from ``raiden_contracts/data*/source``
- compiled contracts data from ``raiden_contracts/data*/contracts.json``
- deployment information from ``raiden_contracts/data*/deployment_*.json``, with Ethereum addresses, transaction data (transaction hash, block number, constructor arguments, gas cost)
- gas costs information from ``raiden_contracts/data*/gas.json``
- scripts for deployment & contract verification on Etherscan from ``raiden_contracts/deploy``
- source code tests from ``raiden_contracts/tests``

Package Release Process

When we want to release another version of the ``raiden-contracts`` package, we need to:

. `Check if any source code changes have been done <check-source-changes>`_. If no, skip this step. If yes:

. `Bump the version on the smart contracts <bump-contracts>`_
. `Deploy smart contracts <_deploy-contracts>`_ on all the supported chains and overwrite ``deployment_*,json`` files with the new deployment data.
. `Verify the deployed smart contracts on Etherscan <verify-contracts>`_
. `Measure Gas Costs <measure-gas>`_
. `Create a new data directory <create-new-dir>`_

. `Update Changelog <change-changelog>`_
. `Bump the package version <bump-package>`_
. `Release the new package version <_release-package>`_

.. _check-source-changes:

Check Source Code Changes

First, identify the last release in `the GitHub page <>`__ and find the corresponding tag in Git.

For a package release, source code changes imply changes in:

**Compiled Data**

The compiled data for all the contracts resides in the ``data/contracts.json`` file.

Now, we do not manually need to check if the compiled data is correct, because this check is included in our Continuous Integration testing. Any source code change forces us to recompile the contracts with ``make compile_contracts``, otherwise our CI tests will fail: These tests check:

* if the ``contracts_version`` from ``contracts.json`` matches the current ``CONTRACTS_VERSION``
* if the ``contracts_checksums`` and ``overall_checksum`` from ``contracts.json`` matches the source code checksums, calculated in the test.

**Deployment Data**

Deployment data is kept in the ``data/deployment_[CHAIN_NAME].json`` files.

We **DO** need to manually check whether source code changes have been done since the last release. We should add an automatic check here before releasing (e.g. checking that the ``contracts_version`` here matches the one from ``data/contracts.json``)

.. _bump-contracts:

Bump Smart Contracts Version

* Edit the version located here:
* We are currently at a ``0.*`` version. Our first ``major`` bump will be made when a stable, not-limited version will be released on the main net.
* ``minor`` bumps are made for any contract changes. A modified comment counts as a contract change. The new version should match the next package version.
* ``patch`` bumps are never used.

.. _deploy-contracts:

Deploy Smart Contracts

Instructions for deploying the contracts can be found at, using the ``python -m raiden_contracts.deploy`` script.
We currently deploy on:

* Ropsten - for all releases
* Rinkeby - for all releases
* Kovan - for all releases
* Görli - for all releases
* Mainnet - only for pre-major or major releases

**Checking Validity of deployment_*.json Data**

We have checks for:

* ``contracts_version``:
* ``chain_id``:
* deployment addresses & transaction data for each contract, checked against the chain we are running the script on

These checks are performed at the end of the deployment script. They can also be run independently with ``python -m raiden_contracts.deploy verify``, as described in the above link.

We also have CI tests that check whether the deployment data returned by the deployment script contains all necessary information, for all the contracts we need to deploy:

.. _verify-contracts:

Etherscan Verification

Etherscan verification is documented here:

.. _measure-gas:

Measure Gas Costs

``raiden_contracts`` package provides ``data/gas.json`` showing the amount of gas that each operation requires. A ``pytest`` execution updates the JSON file:


make update_gas_costs

.. _create-new-dir

Create a New Data Directory

Copy ``data`` directory into ``data_x.y.z`` where ``x.y.z`` is the contract version. Also, edit ``data_x.y.z/contracts.json`` to change ``contracts_version`` from ``null`` to ``x.y.z``.

.. _change-changelog:

Change the Versions of

* Make sure all significant changes from the last release are listed.
* Turn the existing ``Unreleased`` section into a new release section.

.. _bump-package:

Bump Package Version

Before bumping the package version, ``git add`` the deployment data at ``data/deployment_[CHAIN_NAME].json``. Also make sure ```` contains all the deployment JSON files. Then run


bump2version --config-file ./.bumpversion.cfg [PART]

``[PART]`` can be ``major``, ``minor``, ``patch``.

* The script changes the version located here:
* We are currently at a ``0.*`` version. Our first ``major`` bump will be made when a stable, not-limited version will be released on the main net.
* for now, ``minor`` bumps are done if contracts_version changes.
* ``patch`` bumps are made for any other fix

This command triggers a commit and a local tag is created. A PR must be made with the commit changes.

.. _release-package:

Upload Package to PyPI

Use `make upload-pypi` to build the python packages and upload them to PyPI. You will need access to the project at

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