
Latest version: v0.1.1

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* `markdown2pdf`: Removed some debugging lines accidentally included
in the 1.8.1 release. With those lines, the temp directory is created
in the working directory, and it is not deleted. This fix restores
the original behavior.


* Added `--ascii` option. Currently supported only in HTML writer,
which it causes to use numerical entities instead of UTF-8.

* EPUB writer: `--toc` now works to provide a table of contents
at the beginning of each chapter.

* LaTeX writer: Change figure defaults to `htbp`.
This prevents "too many unprocessed floats." Resolves
Issue 285.

* `Text.Pandoc.UTF8`: Encode filenames even when using recent

* `markdown2pdf`: Fixed filename encoding issues. With help from Paulo
Tanimoto. Resolves Issue 286.

* HTML writer: Put line breaks in section divs.

* `Text.Pandoc.Shared`: Make `writerSectionDivs` default to False.

* Fixed Source-repository stanza in cabal file.

* HTML writer:

+ Stringify alt text instead of converting to HTML.
+ Break lines after block elements, not inside tags.
HTML output now closely resembles that of tidy. Resolves Issue 134.

* Markdown reader: Fixed bug in footnote block parser (pointed out
by Jesse Rosenthal). The problem arose when the blank line
at the end of a footnote block contained indenting spaces.

* Shared: Improved 'normalize' function so it normalizes Spaces too.
In normal form, Space elements only occur to separate two non-Space
elements. So, we never have [Space], or [, ..., Space].

* Tests:

+ Improved Arbitrary instance.
+ Added timeout for test instances.


+ Added section on four-space rule for lists. Resolves Issue 283.
+ Clarified optional arguments on math options.

* markdown2pdf: Fixed bug with output file extensions.
Previously `markdown2pdf test.txt -o test.en.pdf` would produce
`test.pdf`, not `test.en.pdf`. Thanks to Paolo Tanimoto for the fix.

* Revised Interact.hs so that it works with the CPP macros
in the UTF8 module.

* Revised Setup.hs so that we don't call MakeManPage.hs unless
the man pages are out of date.


[new features]

* Support for citations using Andrea Rossato's `citeproc-hs` 0.3.
You can now write, for example,

Water is wet [see doe99, pp. 33-35; also smith04, ch. 1].

and, when you process your document using `pandoc`, specifying
a citation style using `--csl` and a bibliography using `--bibliography`,
the citation will be replaced by an appropriately formatted
citation, and a list of works cited will be added to the end
of the document.

This means that you can switch effortlessly between different citation
and bibliography styles, including footnote, numerical, and author-date
formats. The bibliography can be in any of the following formats: MODS,
BibTeX, BibLaTeX, RIS, EndNote, EndNote XML, ISI, MEDLINE, Copac, or JSON.
See the README for further details.

Citations are supported in the markdown reader, using a special
syntax, and in the LaTeX reader, using natbib or biblatex syntax.
(Thanks to Nathan Gass for the natbib and biblatex support.)

* New `textile` reader and writer. Thanks to Paul Rivier for contributing
the `textile` reader, an almost complete implementation of the textile
syntax used by the ruby [RedCloth library](
Resolves Issue 51.

* New `org` writer, for Emacs Org-mode, contributed by Puneeth Chaganti.

* New `json` reader and writer, for reading and writing a JSON
representation of the native Pandoc AST. These are much faster
than the `native` reader and writer, and should be used for
serializing Pandoc to text. To convert between the JSON representation
and native Pandoc, use `encodeJSON` and `decodeJSON` from

* A new `jsonFilter` function in `Text.Pandoc` makes it easy
to write scripts that transform a JSON-encoded pandoc document.
For example:

-- removelinks.hs - removes links from document
import Text.Pandoc
main = interact $ jsonFilter $ bottomUp removeLink
where removeLink (Link xs _) = Emph xs
removeLink x = x

To use this to remove links while translating markdown to LaTeX:

pandoc -t json | runghc removelinks.hs | pandoc -f json -t latex

* Attributes are now allowed in inline `Code` elements, for example:

In this code, `ulist ! [theclass "special"] << elts`{.haskell} is...

The attribute syntax is the same as for delimited code blocks.
`Code` inline has an extra argument place for attributes, just like
`CodeBlock`. Inline code will be highlighted in HTML output, if pandoc
is compiled with highlighting support. Resolves Issue 119.

* New `RawBlock` and `RawInline` elements (replacing `RawHtml`,
`HtmlInline`, and `TeX`) provide lots of flexibility in writing
scripts to transform Pandoc documents. Scripts can now change
how each element is rendered in each output format.

* You can now define LaTeX macros in markdown documents, and pandoc
will apply them to TeX math. For example,

\newcommand{\plus}[2]{1 + 2}

yields `3+4`. Since the macros are applied in the reader, they
will work in every output format, not just LaTeX.

* LaTeX macros can also be used in LaTeX documents (both in math
and in non-math contexts).

* A new `--mathjax` option has been added for displaying
math in HTML using MathJax. Resolves issue 259.

* Footnotes are now supported in the RST reader. (Note, however,
that unlike docutils, pandoc ignores the numeral or symbol used in
the note; footnotes are put in an auto-numbered ordered list.)
Resolves Issue 258.

* A new `--normalize` option causes pandoc to normalize the AST
before writing the document. This means that, for example,
`*hi**there*` will be rendered as `<em>hithere</em>`
instead of `<em>hi</em><em>there</em>`. This is not the default,
because there is a significant performance penalty.

* A new `--chapters` command-line option causes headers
in DocBook, LaTeX, and ConTeXt to start with "chapter" (level one).
Resolves Issue 265.

* In DocBook output, `<chapter>` is now used for top-level
headers if the template contains `<book>`. Resolves Issue 265.

* A new `--listings` option in `pandoc` and `markdown2pdf` causes
the LaTeX writer to use the listings package for code blocks.
(Thanks to Josef Svennigsson for the pandoc patch, and Etienne
Millon for the markdown2pdf patch.)

* `markdown2pdf` now supports `--data-dir`.

* URLs in autolinks now have class "url" so they can be styled.

* Improved prettyprinting in most formats. Lines will be wrapped
more evenly and duplicate blank lines avoided.

* New `--columns` command-line option sets the column width for
line wrapping and relative width calculations for tables.

* Made `--smart` work in HTML, RST, and Textile readers, as well
as markdown.

* Added `--html5` option for HTML5 output.

* Added support for listings package in LaTeX reader
(Puneeth Chaganti).

* Added support for simple tables in the LaTeX reader.

* Added support for simple tables in the HTML reader.

* Significant performance improvements in many readers and writers.

[API and program changes]

* Moved `Text.Pandoc.Definition` from the `pandoc` package to a new
auxiliary package, `pandoc-types`. This will make it possible for other
programs to supply output in Pandoc format, without depending on the whole
pandoc package.

* Added `Attr` field to `Code`.

* Removed `RawHtml`, `HtmlInline`, and `TeX` elements; added generic
`RawBlock` and `RawInline`.

* Moved generic functions to `Text.Pandoc.Generic`. Deprecated
`processWith`, replacing it with two functions, `bottomUp` and `topDown`.
Removed previously deprecated functions `processPandoc` and `queryPandoc`.

* Added `Text.Pandoc.Builder`, for building `Pandoc` structures.

* `Text.Pandoc` now exports association lists `readers` and `writers`.

* Added `Text.Pandoc.Readers.Native`, which exports `readNative`.
`readNative` can now read full pandoc documents, block lists, blocks,
inline lists, or inlines. It will interpret `Str "hi"`
as if it were `Pandoc (Meta [] [] []) [Plain [Str "hi"]]`.
This should make testing easier.

* Removed deprecated `-C/--custom-header` option.
Use `--template` instead.

* `--biblio-file` has been replaced by `--bibliography`.
`--biblio-format` has been removed; pandoc now guesses the format
from the file extension (see README).

* pandoc will treat an argument as a URI only if it has an
`http(s)` scheme. Previously pandoc would treat some
Windows pathnames beginning with `C:/` as URIs.

* The `--sanitize-html` option and the `stateSanitize` field in
`ParserState` have been removed. Sanitization is better done in the
resulting HTML using `xss-sanitize`, which is based on pandoc's
sanitization, but improved.

* pandoc now adds a newline to the end of its output in fragment
mode (= not `--standalone`).

* Added support for `lang` in `html` tag in the HTML template,
so you can do `pandoc -s -V lang=es`, for example.

* `highlightHtml` in `Text.Pandoc.Highlighting` now takes
a boolean argument that selects between "inline" and
"block" HTML.

* `Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF` now exports `rtfEmbedImage`.
Images are embedded in RTF output when possible (png, jpeg).
Resolves Issue 275.

* Added `Text.Pandoc.Pretty`. This is better suited for pandoc than the
`pretty` package. Changed all writers that used
`Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ` to use `Text.Pandoc.Pretty` instead.

* Rewrote `writeNative` using the new prettyprinting module. It is
now much faster. The output has been made more consistent and compressed.
`writeNative` is also now sensitive to writerStandalone`, and will simply
`print a block list if writerStandalone` is False.

* Removed `Text.Pandoc.Blocks`. `Text.Pandoc.Pretty` allows you to define
blocks and concatenate them, so a separate module is no longer needed.

* `Text.Pandoc.Shared`:

+ Added `writerColumns`, `writerChapters`, and `writerHtml5` to
+ Added `normalize`.
+ Removed unneeded prettyprinting functions:
`wrapped`, `wrapIfNeeded`, `wrappedTeX`, `wrapTeXIfNeeded`, `hang'`,
`BlockWrapper`, `wrappedBlocksToDoc`.
+ Made `splitBy` take a test instead of an element.
+ Added `findDataFile`, refactored `readDataFile`.
+ Added `stringify`. Rewrote `inlineListToIdentifier` using `stringify`.
+ Fixed `inlineListToIdentifier` to treat '\160' as ' '.

* `Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML`:

+ Removed `rawHtmlBlock`, `anyHtmlBlockTag`, `anyHtmlInlineTag`,
`anyHtmlTag`, `anyHtmlEndTag`, `htmlEndTag`, `extractTagType`,
`htmlBlockElement`, `htmlComment`
+ Added `htmlTag`, `htmlInBalanced`, `isInlineTag`, `isBlockTag`,

* Moved `smartPunctuation` from `Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown`
to `Text.Pandoc.Readers.Parsing`, and parameterized it with
an inline parser.

* Added `nonspaceChar` to `Text.Pandoc.Parsing`.

* Ellipses are no longer allowed to contain spaces.
Previously we allowed '. . .', ' . . . ', etc. This caused
too many complications, and removed author's flexibility in
combining ellipses with spaces and periods.

* Allow linebreaks in URLs (treat as spaces). Also, a string of
consecutive spaces or tabs is now parsed as a single space. If you have
multiple spaces in your URL, use `%20%20`.

* `Text.Pandoc.Parsing`:

+ Removed `refsMatch`.
+ Hid `Key` constructor.
+ Removed custom `Ord` and `Eq` instances for `Key`.
+ Added `toKey` and `fromKey` to convert between `Key` and `[Inline]`.
+ Generalized type on `readWith`.

* Small change in calculation of relative widths of table columns.
If the size of the header > the specified column width, use
the header size as 100% for purposes of calculating
relative widths of columns.

* Markdown writer now uses some pandoc-specific features when `--strict`
is not specified: `\` newline is used for a hard linebreak instead of
two spaces then a newline. And delimited code blocks are used when
there are attributes.

* HTML writer: improved gladTeX output by setting ENV appropriately
for display or inline math (Jonathan Daugherty).

* LaTeX writer: Use `\paragraph`, `\subparagraph` for level 4,5 headers.

* LaTeX reader:

+ `\label{foo}` and `\ref{foo}` now become `{foo}` instead of `(foo)`.
+ `\index{}` commands are skipped.

* Added `fontsize` variable to default LaTeX template.
This makes it easy to set the font size using `markdown2pdf`:
`markdown2pdf -V fontsize=12pt input.txt`.

* Fixed problem with strikeout in LaTeX headers when using
hyperref, by adding a command to the default LaTeX template
that disables `\sout` inside pdf strings. Thanks to Joost Kremers
for the fix.

* The `COLUMNS` environment variable no longer has any effect.

[under-the-hood improvements]

* Pandoc now compiles with GHC 7. (This alone leads to a
significant performance improvement, 15-20%.)

* Completely rewrote HTML reader using tagsoup as a lexer. The
new reader is faster and more accurate. Unlike the
old reader, it does not get bogged down on some input
(Issues 277, 255). And it handles namespaces in tags
(Issue 274).

* Replaced `escapeStringAsXML` with a faster version.

* Rewrote `spaceChar` and some other parsers in Text.Pandoc.Parsing
for a significant performance boost.

* Improved performance of all readers by rewriting parsers.

* Simplified Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences by using
entity lookup functions from TagSoup.

* `Text.Pandoc.UTF8` now uses the unicode-aware IO functions
from `System.IO` if base >= 4.2. This gives support for
windows line endings on windows.

* Remove duplications in documentation by generating the
pandoc man page from README, using `MakeManPage.hs`.

* README now includes a full description of markdown syntax,
including non-pandoc-specific parts. A new `pandoc_markdown`
man page is extracted from this, so you can look up markdown
syntax by doing `man pandoc_markdown`.

* Completely revised test framework (with help from Nathan Gass).
The new test framework is built when the `tests` Cabal flag is set. It
includes the old integration tests, but also some new unit and quickcheck
tests. Test output has been much improved, and you can now specify a glob
pattern after `cabal test` to indicate which tests should be run;
for example `cabal test citations` will run all the citation tests.

* Added a shell script, ``, for filtering ANSI control
sequences from test output: `cabal test | ./ > test.log`.

* Added `Interact.hs` to make it easier to use ghci while developing.
`Interact.hs` loads `ghci` from the `src` directory, specifying
all the options needed to load pandoc modules (including
specific package dependencies, which it gets by parsing

* Added `Benchmark.hs`, testing all readers + writers using criterion.

* Added ``, to make it easier to collect and archive
benchmark and lines-of-code stats.

* Added upper bounds to all cabal dependencies.

* Include man pages in extra-source-files. This allows users to
install pandoc from the tarball without needing to build the man

[bug fixes]

* Filenames are encoded as UTF8. Resolves Issue 252.

* Handle curly quotes better in `--smart` mode. Previously, curly quotes
were just parsed literally, leading to problems in some output formats.
Now they are parsed as `Quoted` inlines, if `--smart` is specified.
Resolves Issue 270.

* Text.Pandoc.Parsing: Fixed bug in grid table parser.
Spaces at end of line were not being stripped properly,
resulting in unintended LineBreaks.

* Markdown reader:

+ Allow HTML comments as inline elements in markdown.
So, `aaa <!-- comment --> bbb` can be a single paragraph.
+ Fixed superscripts with links: `^[link](/foo)^` gets
recognized as a superscripted link, not an inline note followed by
+ Fixed regression, making markdown reference keys case-insensitive again.
Resolves Issue 272.
+ Properly handle abbreviations (like `Mr.`) at the end of a line.
+ Better handling of intraword underscores, avoiding exponential
slowdowns in some cases. Resolves Issue 182.
+ Fixed bug in alignments in tables with blank rows in the header.

* RST reader:

+ Field lists now allow spaces in field names, and
block content in field values. (Thanks to Lachlan Musicman
for pointing out the bug.)
+ Definition list items are now always `Para` instead of
`Plain`, matching behavior of ``.
+ In image blocks, the description is parsed properly and
used for the alt attribute, not also the title.
+ Skip blank lines at beginning of file. Resolves
Debian 611328.

* LaTeX reader:

+ Improved parsing of preamble.
Previously you'd get unexpected behavior on a document that
contained `\begin{document}` in, say, a verbatim block.
+ Allow spaces between `\begin` or `\end` and `{`.
+ Support `\L` and `\l`.
+ Skip comments inside paragraphs.

* LaTeX writer:

+ Escape strings in `\href{..}`.
+ In nonsimple tables, put cells in `\parbox`.

* OpenDocument writer: don't print raw TeX.

* Markdown writer:

+ Fixed bug in `Image`. URI was getting unescaped twice!
+ Avoid printing extra blank lines at the end if there are
no notes or references.

* LaTeX and ConTeXt: Escape `[` and `]` as `{[}` and `{]}`.
This avoids unwanted interpretation as an optional argument.

* ConTeXt writer: Fixed problem with inline code. Previously
`}` would be rendered `\type{}}`. Now we check the string for '}' and '{'.
If it contains neither, use `\type{}`; otherwise use `\mono{}`
with an escaped version of the string.

* `:` now allowed in HTML tags. Resolves Issue 274.

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