
Latest version: v1.1.0

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Bug fixes:

- Fix missing dependency for package building.


*Warning:* Upgrading from version 0.7.x or earlier will require that you clean
and re-sync your existing search index. Use the following commands, then restart
the application:

flask kerko clean index
flask kerko sync


- Allow full-text search of PDF attachments. This can be disabled by setting
`KERKO_FULLTEXT_SEARCH` to `False`. Since this feature relies on Zotero's
full-text indexing, you must make sure that it works in Zotero first; see
- Add new search scopes "Everywhere" (to search both metadata fields and the
text content of attached documents) and "In documents" (to search the text
content of attached documents). The scope "In all fields" allows to search all
metadata fields, but not the text content of attached documents.
- Display "View on {hostname}" links under search result items, for quick access
to the items' URLs. These can be disabled by setting `KERKO_RESULTS_URL_LINKS`
to `False`.
- Move the "Read" buttons under search result items, as "Read document" links.
These can now be disabled by setting `KERKO_RESULTS_ATTACHMENT_LINKS` to
- Display DOI field values as hyperlinks (both in DOI fields, and in the Extra
field when lines are prefixed with 'DOI:').
- Add support for imported file attachments, e.g., PDF files imported in your
Zotero library through the Zotero Connector. Previously, only "attached copies
of files" were supported.
- Standalone notes and file attachments are now allowed into the search index.
Kerko filters them out of search results, but custom applications could search
them. A new view, `standalone_attachment_download`, lets one retrieve a
standalone file attachment.
- Add configuration options for truncating long abstracts in search results
- Embed Highwire Press tags in item pages. This is enabled by default but can be
disabled by setting `KERKO_HIGHWIREPRESS_TAGS` to `False`.
- Allow tracking with Google Analytics (optional).
- Allow relations in child notes to be specified as HTML links, i.e., in the
`href` attribute of `<a>` elements.
- Allow inclusion or exclusion of items based on multiple tags (previously, only
a single pattern could be checked).

Bug fixes:

- Fix irrelevant sync warnings, from extractors running on attachment items.
- Fix empty prev/next links in search pages metadata.

Other changes:

- Make synchronization from Zotero much more efficient through incremental
updates. Instead of performing a full synchronization each time, Kerko now
retrieves just the newly added or updated items. This dramatically reduces the
number of Zotero API calls (and time) required to update Kerko's search index.
Note: **More work is planned** to eliminate some Zotero API calls that Kerko
still makes early in the synchronization process and that could be avoided
when its cache is already up-to-date.
- Add a `sync cache` command to the command line interface.
- On narrow screens, stack search form controls for better usability.
- Respond with an HTTP 503 (Service Unavailable) when the search index is empty
or unreadable.
- Make sorts more efficient by setting the `sortable` Whoosh flag on relevant
- Leading and trailing underscore characters (`_`) are now trimmed from facet
value labels. This happens _after_ sorting the values, which means that the
underscore can still be used as a prefix to alter the alphabetical order.
- Support more timezone names. Timezone names such as 'US/Eastern' or
'Europe/London' previously did not work, and times could not be converted
to daylight saving times.
- Change labels:
- "Print this citation" → "Print this record" (on item pages)
- "Download this citation" → "Download this record" (on item & search pages)
- Inject blocks in item Jinja2 template to facilitate theming.
- Slightly increase some top/bottom margins.
- Add the `type` HTML attribute to record download links.
- Add the `rel="alternate"` HTML attribute to record download links on item
pages. Also add a corresponding `link` element to the page `head`.
- Added utilities for running automated integration tests. This will allow
testing many areas of Kerko that previously could hardly be tested.

Backwards incompatible changes:

- Remove deprecated `kerko index` CLI command (use `kerko sync` instead).

Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):

- Upgrade many dependencies, including new major versions of Flask (2.x), Jinja2
(3.x), Werkzeug (2.x), Click (8.x).
- The default list for the `KERKO_RESULTS_FIELDS` setting now includes the
`'url'` field. If you have overridden that setting in your application and
`KERKO_RESULTS_URL_LINKS` is enabled, you'll probably have to add `'url'` too.
- The schema field `item_type` has been renamed to `item_type_label`. If you
have custom templates, please review any use of `item.item_type`.
- The structure of the `kerko/_search-result.html.jinja2` template has changed
somewhat. If you have overridden it, you'll need to review the changes.
- The `ItemContext` class has been eliminated. The `Extractor.extract()` method
now receives an item's dictionary instead of an `ItemContext` object, and if
an item has children these are now available directly in the item (with the
`children` key). If you have created custom extractor classes, their
`extract()` method will need to be adapted accordingly.
- Some extractor classes have been renamed:
- `BaseAttachmentsExtractor` → `BaseChildAttachmentsExtractor`
- `BaseNotesExtractor` → `BaseChildNotesExtractor`
- `LinkedURIAttachmentsExtractor` → `ChildLinkedURIAttachmentsExtractor`
- `NotesTextExtractor` → `ChildNotesTextExtractor`
- `RawNotesExtractor` → `RawChildNotesExtractor`
- `RelationsInNotesExtractor` → `RelationsInChildNotesExtractor`
- `StoredFileAttachmentsExtractor` → `ChildFileAttachmentsExtractor`
- A view has been renamed:
- `item_attachment_download` → `child_attachment_download`
- A default field has been renamed:
- `alternateId` → `alternate_id`


Security fixes:

- Fix unescaped date fields, causing a vulnerability to XSS attacks. This
vulnerability was introduced in version 0.7.

Bug fixes:

- Fix wrong locale separator in the HTML lang attribute.

Other changes:

- Remove unwanted spacing after dropdown labels.

Documentation changes:

- Fix missing info about library groupID in configuration docs. Thanks
[drmikeuk]( for reporting the issue.


Not secure
*Warning:* Upgrading from version 0.6 or earlier will require that you clean and
re-sync your existing search index. Use the following commands, then restart the

flask kerko clean index
flask kerko sync


- Allow users to toggle the display of abstracts on search results pages.
- Allow inclusion or exclusion of items based on their tags
- Show attached links to URIs on item pages.
- Show relations on item pages. The relation types provided by default are:
- _Related_, based on Zotero's _Related_ field.
- _Cites_, managed through child notes containing Zotero URIs and tagged with
the `_cites` tag.
- _Cited by_, automatically inferred from _Cites_ relations.
- The Extra field is now searched when searching "in any fields".
- Items that have a DOI, ISBN or ISSN identifier can be referenced by appending
their identifier to your Kerko site's base URL.
- Requests for the older URL of an item whose ID has changed are now
automatically redirected to the item's current URL. This relies on the
`dc.replaces` relation that's managed internally by Zotero on some operations
such as item merges.
- Help users who might mistakenly bookmark a search result's URL rather than the
item's permanent URL: Add an `id` parameter to the search result URLs, and
redirect the user to that item's permanent URL if the search result no longer
matches because of database changes.
- Redirect to the parent item's page when the user tries to request an
attachment that no longer exists.
- Improve accessibility based on WCAG recommendations and WAI-ARIA standards:
- Add labels to search form elements.
- Add landmark role `search` to the search form.
- Make the purpose of various links more obvious through improved or added
- Add the `aria-label` attribute to many elements.
- Add text to indicate the current value of widgets.
- Add the `aria-current` attribute to indicate the current value of widgets.
- Remove useless link to the current page from the pagination widget.

Bug fixes:

- Fix crash when trying to sync a link attachment
- Fix unhandled exception during sync when an attachment cannot be downloaded.
- Fix page numbers greater than the page count in search URLs generating wrong
page numbers for search result item URLs.
- Fix secondary keys getting sorted in reverse order with some sort options,
e.g., when sorting by newest first, results having the same date were then
sorted by creator name in reverse alphabetical order instead of alphabetical
- Fix empty HTML element taking up horizontal space when there are no badges.

Other changes:

- Display ISO 8601 calendar dates in a more readable format, using the
formatting style of the locale.
- Show a timezone abbreviation along with time of last update from Zotero.
- Add German translation. Thanks to [mmoole](
- Fix broken "Getting started" example in README.
- Migrate most package distribution options and metadata from `` to
- Migrate project to a `src` layout.
- Use Flask-Babel instead of its fork Flask-BabelEx, now that is has merged the
translation domain features from Flask-BabelEx.

Backwards incompatible changes:

- Drop support for Python 3.6. Kerko is no longer being tested under Python 3.6.
Known issue with 3.6 at this point: some ISO 8601 dates cannot be parsed and
reformatted; instead of being displayed in a locale-sensitive manner, these
get displayed as is. More issues might arise in the future with Python 3.6 as
Kerko continues to evolve.
- All values of the `pager` dict passed to the `_pager.html.jinja2` template are
now lists. Previously, only the values at keys `'before'` and `'after'` were
lists; now the values at keys `'previous'`, `'first'`, `'current'`, `'last'`,
and `'next'` are lists as well.
- The words `'blacklist'` and `'whitelist'` in variable names are replaced with
`'exclude'` and `'include'`.
- The `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACT` configuration variable is replaced by two
variables, `KERKO_RESULTS_ABSTRACTS` (note the now plural form) and
- Citation download URLs now have the form
`{url_prefix}/{itemID}/export/{format}` for individual items (`'export'` has
been inserted), and `{url_prefix}/export/{format}/` for search result pages
(`'download'` has been replaced by `'export'`).
- The `Extractor` class' interface has changed, improving consistency and
separation of concerns:
- All arguments to `__init__()` must now be specified as keyword arguments.
- The `extract()` method no longer have a `document` argument, and the `spec`
argument is now the last one. The method now returns a value instead of
assigning it to the document.
- The new `extract_and_store()` method handles extraction, encoding, and
assignment to the document, assigning the value only when it is not `None`.
- The `AttachmentsExtractor` class has been renamed to
- `InCollectionExtractor` now extends collection membership to subcollections.
To preserve the previous behavior, set the `check_subcollections` parameter to
`False` when initializing the extractor.

Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):

- The `search_results` variable passed to the `search.html.jinja2` template is
now an iterator of tuples, where the first element of each tuple is a result,
and the second element the URL of the result.


Security fixes:

- Fix multiple vulnerabilities to XSS attacks. **All previous versions of Kerko
were vulnerable, thus an upgrade is highly recommended.**

Backwards incompatible changes:

- Remove default value for the `KERKO_DATA_DIR` configuration variable. KerkoApp
users don't need to worry about this as KerkoApp takes care of it, but custom
apps that did not already set this variable now have to.


- Open PDF documents in the browser's built-in PDF viewer (instead of opening
the browser's file download popup).
- Add buttons for opening documents directly from search result pages (these
replace the previous paperclip badges).
- Add button at the top of item pages for opening documents (makes the
availability of such documents much more obvious).
- Add the `KERKO_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT_NEW_WINDOW` configuration variable to
control whether to open documents in a new window or in the same window.
- Display the date and time of the last successful synchronization from Zotero
at the bottom of search results.

Bug fixes:

- Preserve newlines when displaying the value of the Extra field.
- Preserve newlines when displaying abstracts in search result pages.
- Fix filters missing on search pages that have no results.
- Avoid empty box in print media when there is no search criteria.
- Avoid empty box when the search index is missing.
- Fix pluralization in CLI time elapsed messages.

Other changes:

- Refer to attachments as "documents" in the interface, and replace the
paperclip icon with a file icon.
- Remove CSRF token from search form. Token expiration can impede legitimate
users, and the token is unnecessary as the form does not change the
application's state.
- Add a proper message when none of the filters provided in the URL are
- Improve documentation.
- Add INFO-level log message to report successful synchronization from Zotero.
- Add blocks in templates to facilitate theming.

Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):

- Rename the `content_with_badges` template macro as `badges`, and leave it to
the caller to display content.
- Remove badges that are related to attachments.


Not secure
*Warning:* Upgrading from version 0.4 or earlier will require that you clean and
re-sync your existing search index. Use the following commands:

flask kerko clean index
flask kerko sync


- Add support for Zotero attachments.
- Allow configuration of badges on items. The 'attachment' badge is provided by
default, displaying an icon on items that have one or more attachments.
- Add help modal.
- Improve customizability:
- Add `KERKO_TEMPLATE_*` configuration variables for page template names.
- Use configurable, separate templates to render facets and badges (see the
`renderer` argument to `kerko.specs.FacetSpec`, `kerko.specs.BadgeSpec`).
- Add the `KERKO_RESULTS_FIELDS` configuration variable to specify which
fields to retrieve with search queries.
- Add building blocks for creating boolean facets based on collection membership
(new class `kerko.extractors.InCollectionExtractor`, new parameters for

Bug fixes:

- Fix facets not ordered by weight on item page.
- Preserve newlines in abstract display.
- Fix incorrect use of bookmark link on item pages, set canonical link instead.
- Prevent text overflow in some browsers on citations containing long URLs.

Other changes:

- Deprecate CLI command `kerko index` in favor of new command `kerko sync`.
- Change title of the "Refine" panel to "Explore".
- Change labels of the "Print" and "Download" buttons to "Print this citation"
and "Download this citation", to prevent any confusion with attachment
- Show the facets in a more robust and accessible Bootstrap modal, on small
screens, instead of the home-built drawer.
- Use compact pagination widget on small screens.
- Tweak sizing, positioning, and spacing of various UI elements.
- Improve accessibility of various UI elements.
- Make citation stand out more in item page.
- Hide some elements and decorations in print media.
- Make search query more efficient on item page.

Possibly backwards incompatible changes (more or less internal API changes):

- Force keyword arguments with `kerko.composer.Composer.__init__()`.
- Rename `kerko.composer.Composer.__init__()` arguments
`default_note_whitelist_re` as `default_child_whitelist_re`,
`default_note_blacklist_re` as `default_child_blacklist_re`.
- Rename method `kerko.views.item()` as `kerko.views.item_view()`.
- Rename template file `_facet.html.jinja2` as `_facets.html.jinja2`.
- Replace argument `checkboxes` in template macro `field()` with `add_link_icon`
and `remove_link_icon`.

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