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- add edc-egfr, update imports
- add treatment arm/summary to subject dashboard
- add (via edc-auth 0.3.45) 'last_login' and 'is_active' (account enabled) status to user admin list
- make Subject Identifier, and Action Identifier fields read only, in:
- AE Initial Form, AE Follow-up Form, AE TMG Form
- Death Report Form, Death Report TMG (2nd), Death Report TMG Form
- End of Study Form
- Hospitalisation Form
- Loss to Follow-up
- Protocol Deviation/Violation Form
- fix Subject Screening Admin server error on load, reasons not displayed, typo (332)
- fix (via bump to edc>=0.4.1) permissions error when attempting to add an unscheduled appointment (466)
- bump to edc 0.4.12
- bump to edc-csf 0.1.10


- updates to Health Economics Event CRF (451):
- add 'admitted' question
- move 'routine_activities_disrupted_days' into "Loss of productivity and earnings" section
- add "Not applicable" option, and updated choice text to be less ambiguous
to 'lost_income', 'admitted_time_off', and 'admitted_kith_kin_time_off' questions
- updated Forms Reference documentation: https://github.com/effect-trial/effect-edc/blob/develop/docs/forms_reference.md
- bump to edc 0.4.0


- updates to End of Study CRF:
- update 'offschedule_reason' list to reflect (404note-3, 380)
- add link to End of Study form to "Add Action linked PRN" pop-up (388)
- reword from "Patient" to "Participant" (442, 446)
- update validation to validate against Death Report and LTFU
- add 'consent_withdrawal_reason', 'late_exclusion_reasons', 'transferred_consent' and 'invalid_enrol_reason' questions
- add Health Economics CRF for review
- add Health Economics Event CRF for review
- changes to Visit Schedule:
- Study Medication (Baseline/Follow Up) CRF only required: Baseline, Day 14, Week 10. Also available as PRN (448)
- Health Economics CRF only required: Baseline, Week 24
- Health Economics Event CRF only required: Unscheduled visits. Also available as PRN
- remove sentry and sauce from settings (449)
- bump to edc 0.3.98
- bump to effect-form-validators 0.1.18
- bump to edc-microbiology 0.1.5
- bump to edc-csf 0.1.9


- remove visit_code, visit_code_sequence from rxrefill model
- add and require refill_end_datetime
- add utils to update refill_end_datetime if auto-calculating based on
time intervals between visits
- keep rxrefill in-sync with study medication form if study med form
is the source of refill data
- PreviousNextModelMixin
- update modeladmin, add duration column
- update form_validator to enforce refill_end_datetime after start
- fix issue with auths not populating pharmacy codemanes
- refactor to use utils for next/previous appt from edc-appointment
- update / expand tests




- updates to Mental Status CRF:
- fix unable to specify "Not applicable" if no symptoms to report on D3 (402, 370)
- add "Coamoxiclav (amoxicillin/clavulanate)" to antibiotics list on Patient Treatment CRF (431)
- fix typo (split "LamotriginePyridoxine" into two entries) in 'specify_medication' list in Patient History CRF
- merge contents of Medical History CRF into Patient History CRF (334, 360)
- updates to ARV History CRF:
- remove 'has_cd4_result' question (359)
- rename 'cd4_result' to 'cd4_value' and set max value to 105 (381)
- add 'calculated_headache_duration' to Signs and Symptoms CRF
- bump to edc 0.3.89
- bump to effect-form-validators 0.1.15

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