
Latest version: v0.5.88

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- update auths for changes in edc-auth


- separate Phase 2 and Phase 3 screening: inclusion
criteria, randomizer, table, etc (meta_screening)
- add table randomizationlist (accessible in Phase 3) (meta_rando)
- rename fields in model SubjectScreening` -- `stay_nearby`
to `stay_nearby_6` (meta_screening)
- add fields to model SubjectScreening -- `has_dm`, `on_dm_medication`, `severe_htn`
(accessible in Phase 3) (meta_screening)
- add fields to model SubjectScreening for BP 2X readings/avg
(accessible in Phase 3) (meta_screening)
- add separate Phase 3 visit schedule / data collection schedule
- add bloodresult utest_ids for MCH, MCHC, MCV. Migrate fields
into existing BloodResultsFbc (meta_subject)
- add bloodresult utestids for CHOL. Migrate fields
into existing BloodResultsLipids (meta_subject)
- add HepatitisTest model, add dyslipidaemia_rx to PatientHistory
model (accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- require `edc_vitals` for field classes used in models PhysicalExam
and FollowupVitals (meta_subject)
- add model StudyDrugRefill, AdditionalScreening
(accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- add ComplicationsGlycemia (accessible for Phase 3 / pending)
- require `edc-mnsi`. MNSI / (accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- add OtherArvRegimens model (accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- add nullable fields to PatientHistory:
concomitant_medications, other_dyslipidaemia_rx
(accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- add inline model OtherArvRegimensDetail to capture history of ARVs
(accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- add fields to model FollowupVitals for BP 2X readings/avg
(accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- leave 1X BP reading fields in FollowupVitals for Phase 2, make
nullable but required if in Admin (meta_subject)
- create model BloodResultsIns (accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- rename fields in model PatientHistory (0075):
- add model HealthEconomicsSimple. Require on or after W2
(accessible in Phase 3) (meta_subject)
- move Unblinding models from meta_prn to edc_unblinding (meta_prn)
- rename field in model ProtocolDeviationViolation `violation_type` to `violation`.
Also change datatype from CharField to ForeignKey. Update data to match existing.
- rename field in model ProtocolDeviationViolation `violation_type_other`
to `violation_other` (meta_prn)
- Change datatype of field in model ProtocolDeviationViolation `actions_required`
from CharField to ForeignKey. Update data to match existing (meta_prn)


- bump to edc 0.3.27
- bump to respond-africa 0.1.12 (last version supporting Python 3.8)
- fix
- missing form mixins import
- viral load PRN error (on save)
- unable to set visit report reason to "Missed visit"
- update clinical baseline review to allow patients from clinic without
a diagnosis of condition treated by that clinic
(providing they have a related test, a diagnosis result and >=1 conditions overall)
- Testing environment
- drop Python 3.8 tests against bleeding edge/development codebase (`edcdev`)
- bump Python version for tox lint tests (run under GH actions) from 3.8 to 3.9


- fix drug refill forms autocomplete field not using proxy model
- fix initial review forms not updating estimated dx date
if dx ago is provided
- add data migration to update existing initial review instances
- fix order of urls paths and routes for custom admin sites
- bump respond-africa to 0.1.11
- add additional hypertension treatments
- bump edc to 0.3.22


- bump to edc 0.3.21


- bump to edc 0.3.18
- revised daily closing log (gh-4)
- add integrated care review CRF (Form 26), required at 6m and 12m visits
- add support for DJ 3.2

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