
Latest version: v0.5.88

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- fix timeuntil on aefollowup "description" template


- add missing action_identifier to extra kwargs coming from popover
- fix issue where runner fails if no fieldset defined in ModelAdmin.
Check get_related_visit_model_attr has value before calling.
- check creatinine has value before attempting to calculate eGFR drop
- fix signature on get_next_related_visit to include
`include_interim=True` (edc-pharmacy, edc-visit-tracking)
- change form validation error to use message from
ScheduledVisitWindowError when date is outside window period
- skip some form validation until report_datetime has value
- get ConsentDefinition from Screening model if not enough
data to get from schedule.get_consent_definition


- add `is_required_by_date` method to allow a metadata_rule user to
hardcode a date before which the rule always returns not_required
- fix issue where the action item popover template incorrectly gets
the color style from the Action instance instead of the Action
class (edc-action-item)


- minor changes to system checks
- update pre-commit config
- force metadata_handler to create missing metadata,
allow_create=True (edc-metadata)
- fix regression where visit_code and visit_code sequence are
incorrectly saved as booleans on the Issues model
- fix timezone setting on to_local, to_utc (edc-utils)
- check value of creatinine before calculating drop (edc-egfr)
- fix how refill_end_datetime is set (edc-pharmacy)


- remove fields reference_model and related_reference_model from ActionItem.
Fields already appear on ActionType. (edc-action_item)
- display window period boundaries on changelist (edc-appointment)
- skip system check if migrating (edc-sites)
- fix run_form_runners command incorrectly including skipped models
- bump to Django 4.2.10


- remove redundant check from Holiday model (edc-facility)
- fix render TmgButton when reference_obj is None by passing
subject_identifier (edc-adverse-event)
- remove edc-model-wrapper, edc-subject-model-wrapper from
- fix issue where missing CRF/Requisition metadata is not
created using subject dashboard's refresh button
- rework TMG dashboard, add navigation for TMG Role members
to navigate to new, open, closed TMG summaries from subject
dashboard and subject review dashboard (edc-adverse-event,
edc-subject-dashboard, edc-review-dashboard)
- add Choices class and custom fields to accept standardized field
names and standardized categorical field values in choices as
metadata when building model classes for standardized forms.

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