
Latest version: v0.5.88

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- change default order of model managers
- always get `site` FK from related visit model instance


- add and update auths config for edc modules. Move app specific objects
from edc_auth to edc_***.auths and edc_***.auth_objects (edc_auth)


- minor fixes


- allow opt out of requisition if POC (edc-blood-results)
- add extra fields as a separate model mixin for the death report
- add site_auth global to discover auths configurations in modules
instead of defining all permissions in edc-auth (edc-auth)
- update edc modules to use new site_auth, auths.py (edc_xxx)
- add edc-unblinding of models for managing blinding/unblinding
in RCTs (edc-unblinding)


- add role for statistician (edc-auth)
- add new module to handle vitals, BP, weight, height (edc-vitals)
- refactor BMI/EGFR. fix syntax in uric acid string (edc-reportable)
- get_by_model defaults to model randomizationlist (edc_randomization)
- util to detect inline models (edc-model)
- add grade and grade description field to capture result of realtime
assessment against reference list (edc-blood-results)
- move APPT_REASON_CHOICES to form class to avoid triggering a
migration when using a custom set of CHOICES (edc-appointment)


- model form mixin for inline CRFs (edc-crf)
- bypass query updates for inline models (edc-data-manager)
- allow required_if to access inline fields (edc-form-validators)
- add util to detect inline models (edc-model)
- model form mixin for parent form or inlines (edc-model-form)
- move crf model mixin to edc-crf (edc-visit-tracking)

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