
Latest version: v0.5.88

Safety actively analyzes 622043 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- fix ethinicty factor from 0.1.50 to 0.1.59 in 2009 CKI-GFR calculator (edc-reportable)
- check permissions before creating unscheduled appointment (edc-appointment)
- add quantifier as default field in result factory (edc-lab-panel
- fix perms param not iterable in listboard (edc-dashboard)


- add egfr_drop to rft panel (edc-lab-panel)
- add egfr and egfr_drop to DAIDS and normal range;
fix egfr_percent func to return percents
- add subject_identifier attrs to modelform Meta
- add custom appt_datetime listfilter to appointment modeladmin
- add custom sites listfilter to user modeladmin (edc-auth,
- remove support for sentry
- move custom modelform fields to attrs on Meta (edc-adverse-event)


- add fields `missing`, `missing_count` to blood result models to
be viewed in admin to track missing results within an instance.
Will trigger a schema migration for your project. You will need
to write a data migration to update existing records.
See also: meta_edc.meta_subject migration 0124.


- add refresh button to subject dashboard, refreshes metadata for
the current visit (edc-subject-dashbaord)
- fix date validation against report_datetime failing on inlines
- add method for persistant singletons to predicate collection


- minor fixes to urls from admin changelist to subject dashboard
(edc-prn, edc-metadata)
- add DATA MANAGER models to AUDITOR role
- fix dashboard url from admin (edc-dashboard)
- fix verbose name (edc-adherence)


- bump django-simple-history add migrations
- add BP funcs (edc-vitals)
- improve refill/dispense calculations, rename stock/product
models (edc-pharmacy)

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