
Latest version: v0.5.88

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- fix regression that dropped linked to jQuery in edc base template
- update rel.to to related_model for inlines (edc-crf)


- add migration for help_text changes (edc-appointment)


- change TabularInlineMixin to insert an inline before a fieldset
instead of after a field. Revert to using Django original
fieldset.html. Default to insert inlines before the audit
fieldset. (edc-model-admin)
- move edc_protocol vars used in template context to middleware
(edc_protocol, edc-auth, edc-dashboard)
- fix appointment radio widget missing class-radiolist
- use new 4.1 template block to disable dark mode, update all
local admin templates (edc-model-admin)
- set logout view to use default template. (edc-auth)
- changes require you to run collectstatic and to clear
the cache on the browser to ensure jquery 3.6.0 loads.


- drop mixin in favor of directly accessing func
`estimated_date_from_ago` (edc-dx-review)
- fix signal attempting to delete unrleated action items
- remove code in AppConfig that auto creates export folders
(edc-export, edc-pdutils)
- slight refactor (edc-timepoint)
- clarify in exception message that edc-appointment has a reverse
relation to the related visit model (edc-appointment)
- change blood result question prompt for field assay_datetime to
"Assay date and time" (edc-lab)
- move save code to model method for consistency (edc-offstudy)
- add additional unique_together constraint plus migration
- fix tests, test on py3.10 / DJ 4.1.1 primarily


- add missing migration (edc-appointment)
- fix import path (edc-glucose)


- tighten up date validations across model/form/validators.
- handle a number of regressions

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