
Latest version: v0.5.88

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- (edc-consent)
- enforce consent definitions must be in UTC
- convert report_datetime to utc when getting consents
- always add consents to dashboard


- fix issue to prevent appointment creator from resetting appointment
datetime for appointments that are not NEW. (edc-appointment)


- refresh medata on each render of subject dashboard is current.
Performance penalty is negligible (edc-metadata)
- catch ObjectDoesNotExist and pass when validating ae_initial
outcome date if AeInitial relation does not exist.


- fix regression in site_consents where consent definitions were not
filtered by site before querying for consent model instances. This
resulted in irrelevant links to consents showing on the subject
dashboard. (edc-consent)
- fix syntax error in popover templates.
(edc-prn, edc-subject-dashboard)
- fix regression where action item button was not passing parent
reference model instance id to new form. For example, given the
sequence aeinitial->aefolllowup->aefollowup, the last aefollowup
action item pop over list item link was not passing the aeinitial
id to the add form for AeFollowup. (edc-action-item)


- add gettext wrappers to field validator messages. (edc-model)
- minor, allow import of show_urls from root __init__. (edc-utils)
- remove edc-next-appointment as a default module


- improve consent definition validity period comparisons (edc-consent)

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