
Latest version: v0.2.0

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- Support for tags:

- new ``Tag`` class with methods for acting on all droplets with a given tag
at once
- new ``doapi.fetch_tag()``, ``doapi.fetch_all_tags()``, and
``doapi.create_tag()`` methods
- new ``Droplet.tag()`` and ``Droplet.untag()`` methods
- The ``doapi.fetch_all_droplets()`` method can now optionally take a
``tag_name`` argument
- new ``doapi-tag`` command
- Applicable subcommands of ``doapi-droplet`` now accept a ``--tag <TAG>``
option in order to specify what droplets to operate on

- **Breaking**: "Wait" methods now raise a ``WaitTimeoutError`` if
``wait_time`` is exceeded
- **Breaking**: ``doapi.wait_droplets()`` and ``Droplet.wait()`` no longer have
the option to wait for droplets' most recent actions to complete; that
functionality has been split into ``doapi.wait_actions_on_objects()`` and
``Droplet.wait_for_action()``, respectively
- **Breaking**: Renamed the ``wait`` methods of ``Image`` and ``FloatingIP`` to
- **Breaking**: ``--multiple`` now also matches by ID, slug, & fingerprint
- **Breaking**: Removed the ``droplet`` attribute and ``fetch_droplet`` method
from ``BackupWindow``, ``Image``, ``Kernel``, ``Networks``, and
- **Breaking**: ``doapi-droplet snapshot`` can now operate on multiple droplets
at once, and its syntax has changed to require the snapshot name before the
droplet names.

- New methods:

- ``doapi.wait_actions_on_objects()``
- ``Action.raise_for_error()`` (raises a new ``ActionError`` exception)
- ``FloatingIP.__int__()``
- ``Resource.for_json()``

- Gave ``doapi.wait_droplets()`` and ``Droplet.wait()`` a ``locked`` parameter
for waiting for droplets to become locked/unlocked
- Gave ``doapi-droplet wait`` ``--locked`` and ``--unlocked`` options
- Removed droplet upgrade code, as the API no longer supports it
- Gave ``Droplet`` ``ipv4_address`` and ``ipv6_address`` attributes
- Decreased the default wait interval to 2 seconds
- Handle fetching the last action on a resource that has never been acted on
- The ``wait_for_action`` methods now return ``None`` if the resource no longer
exists by the time the action completes
- Gave the ``--wait`` option a ``-w`` short form
- The ``private`` argument to ``doapi.fetch_all_images()`` now defaults to
``None``; if set to ``False``, the value will be passed through to the API
(not that this currently has any effect).


- **Bugfix**: Fixed a bug with creating droplets with SSH keys from the command


Initial release



Has known vulnerabilities

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